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[Facts] origin and meaning of name
I was born in Nottingham, England in 1957 of parents from the Caribbean Island of St Kitts. Now my first name (ELVETT) is unusual and the origin of which completely mystifies me. I've been told that it was a name my grandmother suggested. Unfortunately, she is no longer with us so I am unable to probe further. So, can you help?
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ElvettHi Elvett,I think, Elvett looks like a French diminutive form of names like Elva, Elfe, Elfie, Elvia etc. which mean "elf, fairy". So Elvett would be "little elf"... well, just a guess!Regards, Satu
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I like your response, thank you
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There is a...surname Elvet(t), which according to Reaney and Wilson derives either from the place Elvet Hall, or from an Old English word for a swan, ylfete. Perhaps the name has family connections for you which further genealogical research might turn up?
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Elvet, the place, means "swan", so it's redundant. the word is recorded as ilfette, aelbitu, Ilfatu, Ilfetu, Ylfete, Elfetu, and ylfette. there are other Germanic cognates of similar form, which for obvious reasons are suggested to be related to alb- 'white', but which are probably a variant of the root of auk and latin olor 'swan'.
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or...searching for Elvett brings up articles in what appear to be a Nordic language - perhaps you need to investigate that possibility further?
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hehe!!!Hi Merriment,this Nordic language is Norwegian, and elvett means something like "knowledge about electricity"..... I really doubt that Elvett's name is Norwegian ;-)Regards, Satu
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