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[Facts] Re: ISABEL once again / Thanx!
in reply to a message by Lumia
Again this is very interesting. I realise now, that I have little idea of naming traditions in Spain. Almost no Old Testament names before the 20th century – I guess this is due to the fact that Spain is a Catholic country. You won’t find many OT names in Germany either before the 19th cent., but a couple did come into use like Lea, Rebecca or Samuel in the 16th cent. The Reformers pushed them into the public as an opposition to Saints’ names.
I found this in an online dictionary:
isabelino,-a adjetivo Elizabethan, of the Spanish Renaissance
So ISABEL must have long been the Spanish form of Elizabeth/Elisabeth, and I don’t see, how ISEBEL should come in with this.Thank you also for the books you list.
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