[Opinions] Trent
What's your opinion on the name Trent?
Surname Bennett, middle name Thomas:
Trent Thomas Bennett
Trent Bennett
Anyone think that Trent Robert Bennett is better for any reason?
opinions? thoughts? impressions?
Surname Bennett, middle name Thomas:
Trent Thomas Bennett
Trent Bennett
Anyone think that Trent Robert Bennett is better for any reason?
opinions? thoughts? impressions?
I don't care for Trent at all, but I don't think it sounds good at all with Bennett. And the initials T.T. aren't flattering (even if they're just the fn and mn initials).
I'm not a big fan of the name Trent. It always makes me think of Trout, like the fish! hehe, sorry! I don't like Trent Thomas Bennett at all, there are just way too many t's in there! I also don't like that Trent ends in t and Thomas starts with one, they run into each other. I don't think Trent Bennett has a very nice sound, sorry again! Trent Robert Bennett is slightly better, but still too many t's and it still doesn't flow, in my opinion.
I like it. I also like Trenton with the nickname Trent.
I love the name Trent. I like Trent Robert Bennett although it is a little rhymey. I've known people named Richard Richards,Partick Kirkpartrick, and Christopher Fern which sound way worse.(and more noticable)Plus he would rarely be called Trent Bennett probably.
It's a guilty pleasure.
If I ever used Trent, I would first have to eradicate the memory of the show Daria from my family's minds. Unfortunately, I think the name is cool--but they'd all assume I used it in honour of this dude: http://img62.photobucket.com/albums/v190/markus01/daria.jpg
(It doesn't help that Trent Lane is my favourite character from the show, of course.)
Trent Bennett sounds like a tongue-twister to me, personally. In your case, I think it'd work better as a middle name. I can understand its appeal, though, and I think I like Trent Robert Bennett a little more.
"What are these parents thinking?...Let's name her Madison--she'll live in her own world: 16 square miles surrounded by reality." -- Susan Lampert Smith
If I ever used Trent, I would first have to eradicate the memory of the show Daria from my family's minds. Unfortunately, I think the name is cool--but they'd all assume I used it in honour of this dude: http://img62.photobucket.com/albums/v190/markus01/daria.jpg
(It doesn't help that Trent Lane is my favourite character from the show, of course.)
Trent Bennett sounds like a tongue-twister to me, personally. In your case, I think it'd work better as a middle name. I can understand its appeal, though, and I think I like Trent Robert Bennett a little more.
I like that name.
I think Trent Robert Bennett is a little better .. I guess because the T in Robert is less prominent than in Thomas (lots of T in the name), and because the sound of the whole name said aloud just has more gravity to my ears. I mean, it sounds more substantial somehow. Not that TTB sounds insubstantial.. TRB is just better, imo.
- chazda
I think Trent Robert Bennett is a little better .. I guess because the T in Robert is less prominent than in Thomas (lots of T in the name), and because the sound of the whole name said aloud just has more gravity to my ears. I mean, it sounds more substantial somehow. Not that TTB sounds insubstantial.. TRB is just better, imo.
- chazda
This message was edited 6/24/2005, 3:18 PM
I've always liked Trent. I know a really cool, cute guy named Trent in his 30's. I like Trent Thomas Bennett.
I love Trenton Robert Bennett!
"Dance like no one's watching."
This is a favorite quote of mine
"Dance like no one's watching."
This is a favorite quote of mine
I really prefer Trenton with Trent as a nn. Trent Bennett is choppy to me and Trenton Bennett seems more complete, imo.
I would prefer Robert to Thomas for the simple fact that Thomas means "twin". I like Thomas on a twin only because only then can the child live up to his name. It's mean to name your child something he can never live up to. Robert has a nice meaning anyway.
Trenton Robert sounds nice and Trent Robert is okay.

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
I would prefer Robert to Thomas for the simple fact that Thomas means "twin". I like Thomas on a twin only because only then can the child live up to his name. It's mean to name your child something he can never live up to. Robert has a nice meaning anyway.
Trenton Robert sounds nice and Trent Robert is okay.

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
This message was edited 6/24/2005, 2:04 PM
Seriously? You only like the name Thomas for a twin?? I don't think the majority of people even know name meanings and certainly not the millions of Thomases out there.
I agree with Seda.
I really like the name Thomas with the nn Tommy, but even if my son was a twin, I don't think I could use it because I think it's an insubstantial meaning.
I actually read something, and I don't know how acurate it is, but it said that in Biblical times Thomas wasn't actually a name. It was just a nickname for a twin, just calling your sister "Sis" or your brother "bro" or a man's son "Junior", or, as it was, your twin "Thomas". Ever since I read that, Thomas has lost it's appeal.
I really like the name Thomas with the nn Tommy, but even if my son was a twin, I don't think I could use it because I think it's an insubstantial meaning.
I actually read something, and I don't know how acurate it is, but it said that in Biblical times Thomas wasn't actually a name. It was just a nickname for a twin, just calling your sister "Sis" or your brother "bro" or a man's son "Junior", or, as it was, your twin "Thomas". Ever since I read that, Thomas has lost it's appeal.
Really? If you come across something saying that again, please call my attention to it. I'm going to call my twin sister that and see what she says. That's funny(accurate or not)!
Also, if you did like Thomas for a child, would it bother you that there was only one name that meant twin? It bothers me because if I named one twin a name that meant "twin", I'd want to the other child's name to mean "twin" too.

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
Also, if you did like Thomas for a child, would it bother you that there was only one name that meant twin? It bothers me because if I named one twin a name that meant "twin", I'd want to the other child's name to mean "twin" too.

I met Kelly Clarkson! She's awesome!
This message was edited 6/24/2005, 8:45 PM
I prefer Trenton to Trent. I really dislike alliterated names (John Jacob, Claire Catherine, etc), so I like Trent Robert better. Besides, with Trent ending in a 't,' and w/Thomas as a mn, I hear "Tren Thomas" or "Trent Ammas." Trent Bennett has a nice, crisp, masculine sound that I like a lot, though Trent Robert Bennett may be a little too snappy with all of the 't' sounds.
If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother, whom he has seen, how can he love God, whom he has not seen?
1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hates his brother, he is a liar: for he that loves not his brother, whom he has seen, how can he love God, whom he has not seen?
1 John 4:20
I don't care for it. It sounds awkward and harsh to me, and the Tr isn't flowing, I think. I like Thomas, but I dislike same initial names in the first name and middle name. Trent Robert would be even more awkward sounding, and I do not think Trent Bennett flows - too many of the same elements.
-Lissa Hannah-
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-Lissa Hannah-