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[Opinions] Re: Graham
in reply to a message by Andie
I've always kind of liked it. For some reason it sounds really Grandpa-ish to me. Not that that's a bad thing, but that's my perception. Some surnames just give me that old perception, Graham is one of them. I like Graham Joseph, sounds nice.Odd tid-bit, it's actually my street name too.

"Sookie: What kind of name is 'Igby'?
Igby: The kind of name that someone named 'Sookie' is in no position to question."
Igby Goes Down.

This message was edited 7/1/2005, 1:27 AM

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I think it is grandpa-ish too, maybe it's the gra- part?
- - - Katja - - -
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That's very well possible, that could influence it. But I think even without that connection, it still sounds like an older surname-as-firstname. Not like a lot of surnames that sound rather "new" even if they aren't. Well in my opinion anyway.
"Sookie: What kind of name is 'Igby'?
Igby: The kind of name that someone named 'Sookie' is in no position to question."
Igby Goes Down.
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Despite the fact that I like the name, I actually find it grand-MA-ish, since we call my grandmother "Gram". haha.
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