[Facts] What in the heck does my name mean?
Well my name is Jau'Nita, my mother says its french but when she spelled it for the birth certificate people she was hopped up on pain meds and spelled it wrong. It's pronounced Jean-eeta. It's a girls name. A lot of people mix it up with the Spanish name Juanita...but that's not my name!!! Hoping you know..Thanks!
Jannique/Janique is a rather rare French name and of course there's Janette, Janinne, Janinna also but I've never heard of 'JEAN-eeta'. It would be Jeanette (ZHAHN-et in French) perhaps pronounced JEAN-et-a along the lines of Mariette being turned into Marietta. At any rate, in meaning it's still based on John in English, Jean in French, Juan in Spanish, and thus is just a French version of Juanita - 'Yah is gracious' or 'God is gracious' if you like.
"Jau'Nita" is most likely derived from "You a Nitwit?"
thats a good one
thats a good one
get a life