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[Facts] Re: A whole whack of pro. questions
Native American names:
(g) Minya-MIN-yuh
(g/b) Pillan-PILL_anAfrican names:
(b) Bahari -buh-HAR-ee
(g) Chalondra-shu-LOHN-drahCeltic/Gaelic names:
(b) Cailean-KAH-len Arabic names:
(g) Khadija-kuh-DEE-zha (like the 's' in vision)Spanish names:
(b) Chavez-shu-VEZ or chu-VEZ
(g) Madrona -mah-DROHN-uh
(g) Zamora-zuh-MOR-uhGreek names:
(g) Drea-DREE-uh
(g/b) Solaris-soh-LAR-isHindi names:
(g) Sohalia-soh-HAH-lee-uh or soh-HAHL-yuh Egyptian names:
(g) Tahirah -tuh-HEER-uh
(g) Nailah-NYE-luh Swahili names:
(g) Raziya-ruh-ZEE-yuh Not sure:
Nalini -I would say nah-LEE-nee
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Spanish names
Chavez (correctely spelled Chávez) is not pronounced shu-VEZ or chu-VEZ, but CHAH-bes in American Spanish or CHAH-beth in Castilian Spanish. Madrona is not pronounced mah-DROHN-uh, but mah-DROH-nah.Zamora is not pronounced zuh-MOR-uh, but thah-MOH-rah in Castilian Spanish or sah-MOH-rah in American Spanish.
The CH has always the sound CH (as in church). The pronunciation with SH correspond to French, not to Spanish.
The Z has a sound S in America Spanish and TH in Castilian Spanish.
The V and the B have the same sound B.
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About Chavez...Chavez is usually spelled with an accent mark over the 'a', causing it to be pronounced CHAH-vez.
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ChávezChávez with an accent is the ONLY correct spelling in Spanish. The pronunciaton causes the mark, not the mark causes the pronunciation.Lumia
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