[Opinions] Selwyn???
How would you pronounce the name Selwyn? A friend of a relative named her baby that. I'm also unsure of the sex of the baby. I have never heard that name before.
This message was edited 7/17/2005, 3:18 PM
It's pronounced SELL-win and it's a guys name. I heard the name on a singer once.
Its Sell - win and its a male name I have heard it before but only on an elderly man
Its quite nice but not one of my favorites
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
Its quite nice but not one of my favorites
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
This message was edited 7/12/2005, 4:13 PM
I like this name a lot. I'm happy someone used it! Cambria is right about the pronunciation and gender.


I'd prn it SELL-win and consider it masculine. I've never heard it before, either, but I do rather like it.
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