[Games] CAF with Options
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
N-T: Group 4
S-Z: Group 3
Your age:
10-15: Group 2
16-20: Group 1
21-31: Group 4
32+: Group 3
Favorite Sport:
Baseball/Softball: Group 1
Basketball: Group 3
Football: Group 2
Soccer: Group 4
Tennis: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Purple: fn Group 4 mn Group 3
Blue: Group 1
Black: Group 2
Red: fn Group 1 mn Group 3
Green: Group 4
Favorite Animal:
Pig: Group 1
Dog: Group 3
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Cow: Group 2
Bird: Group 4
Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Fall: Group 2
Winter: Group 3
Spring: Group 4
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Demi Moore: Group 4
Kate Hudson: Group 3
Dakota Fanning: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
Drew Barrymore: fn Group 3 mn Group 1
Favorite Actor:
Christian Bale: Group 1
Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Gerry Butler: Group 2
Ben Stiller: Group 4
Owen Wilson: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1
Unusual: Group 2
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Invented/Original: Group 4
Hyphenated: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Group 1: Ari, Baldric, Baldwin, Basil, Bernard, Conrad, Everard, Gerard, Harding, Kenelm, Leonard, Leopold, Richard, Willard, Wyatt
Group 2: Alton, Conway, Douglas, Dylan, Kelvin, Kendall, Kenton, Lake, Lincoln, Marlowe, Morgan, River, Wilton, Windsor, Fishel, Ronan
Group 3: Adam, Clancy, Edom, Flann, Gilroy, Ormond, Phoenix, Radcliff, Raleigh, Rowan, Roy, Rudyard, Russell
Group 4: Abraham, Davis, George, Jefferson, Kennedy, Madison, Monroe, Quincy, Ronald, Roosevelt, Theodore, Thomas, Ulysses, Wilson, Woodrow
Group 1: Alyssa, Amaryllis, April, Azalea, Camellia, Clover, Dahlia, Daisy, Flora, Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Ivy, Jasmine, Laelia, Linnea, Marigold, May, Poppy, Primrose, Rose, Tansy, Violet, Zinnia
Group 2: Anwen, Belinda, Bella, Belphoebe, Branwen, Calanthe, Eirian, Ingrid, Isolde, Kalliope, Lawan, Linda, Mabelle, Mackenzie, Rosabella, Rosalind, Zala, Zuri
Group 3: Cinderella, Devika, Femke, Logan, Nina, Paget, Reagan, Rochelle, Rowan, Ryan, Sayuri, Talitha, Zita, Almas, Diamantina, Diamond, Esmeralda, Rubena, Ruby, Sapphira
Group 4: Mary, Helen, Margaret, Anna, Ruth, Dorothy, Marie, Mildred, ALice, Florence, Ethel, Lillian, Rose, Gladys, Frances, Edna, Grace, Catherine, Hazel, Irene, Gertrude, Clara, Louise, Edith, Bertha
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
N-T: Group 4
S-Z: Group 3
Your age:
10-15: Group 2
16-20: Group 1
21-31: Group 4
32+: Group 3
Favorite Sport:
Baseball/Softball: Group 1
Basketball: Group 3
Football: Group 2
Soccer: Group 4
Tennis: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Purple: fn Group 4 mn Group 3
Blue: Group 1
Black: Group 2
Red: fn Group 1 mn Group 3
Green: Group 4
Favorite Animal:
Pig: Group 1
Dog: Group 3
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Cow: Group 2
Bird: Group 4
Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Fall: Group 2
Winter: Group 3
Spring: Group 4
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Demi Moore: Group 4
Kate Hudson: Group 3
Dakota Fanning: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
Drew Barrymore: fn Group 3 mn Group 1
Favorite Actor:
Christian Bale: Group 1
Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Gerry Butler: Group 2
Ben Stiller: Group 4
Owen Wilson: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1
Unusual: Group 2
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Invented/Original: Group 4
Hyphenated: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Group 1: Ari, Baldric, Baldwin, Basil, Bernard, Conrad, Everard, Gerard, Harding, Kenelm, Leonard, Leopold, Richard, Willard, Wyatt
Group 2: Alton, Conway, Douglas, Dylan, Kelvin, Kendall, Kenton, Lake, Lincoln, Marlowe, Morgan, River, Wilton, Windsor, Fishel, Ronan
Group 3: Adam, Clancy, Edom, Flann, Gilroy, Ormond, Phoenix, Radcliff, Raleigh, Rowan, Roy, Rudyard, Russell
Group 4: Abraham, Davis, George, Jefferson, Kennedy, Madison, Monroe, Quincy, Ronald, Roosevelt, Theodore, Thomas, Ulysses, Wilson, Woodrow
Group 1: Alyssa, Amaryllis, April, Azalea, Camellia, Clover, Dahlia, Daisy, Flora, Heather, Hyacinth, Iris, Ivy, Jasmine, Laelia, Linnea, Marigold, May, Poppy, Primrose, Rose, Tansy, Violet, Zinnia
Group 2: Anwen, Belinda, Bella, Belphoebe, Branwen, Calanthe, Eirian, Ingrid, Isolde, Kalliope, Lawan, Linda, Mabelle, Mackenzie, Rosabella, Rosalind, Zala, Zuri
Group 3: Cinderella, Devika, Femke, Logan, Nina, Paget, Reagan, Rochelle, Rowan, Ryan, Sayuri, Talitha, Zita, Almas, Diamantina, Diamond, Esmeralda, Rubena, Ruby, Sapphira
Group 4: Mary, Helen, Margaret, Anna, Ruth, Dorothy, Marie, Mildred, ALice, Florence, Ethel, Lillian, Rose, Gladys, Frances, Edna, Grace, Catherine, Hazel, Irene, Gertrude, Clara, Louise, Edith, Bertha
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1-Conrad Leonard
Your age:
10-15: Group 2-Ingrid Bella
Favorite Sport:
Soccer: Group 4-Anna Lillian
Favorite Color:
Purple: fn Group 4 mn Group 3-Thomas Adam
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3-Dylan Roy/Isolde Ruby
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1-Iris Jasmine
Favorite Actress:
None of the above. I pick group 4-Clara Grace
Favorite Actor:
None of the above. I pick group 1-Leonard Ari "Leo"
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1-Alyssa Ivy/Linnea Rose
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1-Conrad Leonard
Your age:
10-15: Group 2-Ingrid Bella
Favorite Sport:
Soccer: Group 4-Anna Lillian
Favorite Color:
Purple: fn Group 4 mn Group 3-Thomas Adam
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3-Dylan Roy/Isolde Ruby
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1-Iris Jasmine
Favorite Actress:
None of the above. I pick group 4-Clara Grace
Favorite Actor:
None of the above. I pick group 1-Leonard Ari "Leo"
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1-Alyssa Ivy/Linnea Rose
Leo & Heather,
Cate, Theo, River + Rosa, Alyssa, Ivy, Adam, Sapphira + Esme
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Leopold Richard "Leo"
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
Heather April
Soccer: Group 4
Catherine Rose "Cate"
Favorite Color:
Green: Group 4
Theodore Thomas "Theo"
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
River Russell / Rosalind Ruby "Rosa"
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Alyssa Violet
Favorite Actress:
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Ivy Belinda
Favorite Actor:
Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
Adam Raleigh
Favorite style of name:
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Sapphira Calanthe / Esmeralda Zala "Esme"
Cate, Theo, River + Rosa, Alyssa, Ivy, Adam, Sapphira + Esme
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Leopold Richard "Leo"
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
Heather April
Soccer: Group 4
Catherine Rose "Cate"
Favorite Color:
Green: Group 4
Theodore Thomas "Theo"
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
River Russell / Rosalind Ruby "Rosa"
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Alyssa Violet
Favorite Actress:
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Ivy Belinda
Favorite Actor:
Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
Adam Raleigh
Favorite style of name:
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Sapphira Calanthe / Esmeralda Zala "Esme"
S-Z: Phoenix Ormond
DW: 21-31: Rose Marie
DD: Alyssa Rose
Favorite Sport:
DS: Harding Rowan
Favorite Color:
DS/DD: River Clancy/ Bella Nina
Favorite Animal:
DD: Mackenzie Eirian
Favorite Season:
DD: Grace Anna
Favorite Actress:
Demi Moore:
DS: Davis Abraham
Favorite Actor:
Ben Stiller:
DD/DD:Linnea Ivy/ Heather Amaryllis
Favorite style of name:
DH: Gerard Baldwin
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
DW: Primrose May
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
DD: Heather Lillian
Favorite Sport:
Tennis: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DS: Conrad Wyatt
Favorite Color:
Blue: Group 1
DS/DD: Thomas Monroe/ Clara Helen
Favorite Animal:
Bird: Group 4
DD: Anwen Isolde
Favorite Season:
Fall: Group 2
DD: Branwen Rosabella
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
DS: Ronan Windsor
Favorite Actor:
Gerry Butler: Group 2
DD/DD: Violet Grace/ Rose Irene
Favorite style of name:
Hyphenated: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
DW: Primrose May
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
DD: Heather Lillian
Favorite Sport:
Tennis: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DS: Conrad Wyatt
Favorite Color:
Blue: Group 1
DS/DD: Thomas Monroe/ Clara Helen
Favorite Animal:
Bird: Group 4
DD: Anwen Isolde
Favorite Season:
Fall: Group 2
DD: Branwen Rosabella
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
DS: Ronan Windsor
Favorite Actor:
Gerry Butler: Group 2
DD/DD: Violet Grace/ Rose Irene
Favorite style of name:
Hyphenated: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Richard Conrad "Rich"
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
April Linnea
Favorite Sport:
Baseball/Softball: Group 1 (I hate sports!)
Jasmine Daisy
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Adam Raleigh
Favorite Animal:
Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4 (Aardvark!)
Willard Davis "Will / Heather Rose
Favorite Season:
Winter: Group 3
Cinderella Talitha (Finally! Someone recognized Cinderella! Yay!)
Favorite Actress:
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Dahlia Mackenzie
Favorite Actor:
Ben Stiller: Group 4
George Jefferson :P
Favorite style of name:
Invented/Original: Group 4
Mary Dorothy / Catherine Grace "Cat"
Iy ahm nohtt stoopihdd! I beleav in publik edjumacashun!
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Richard Conrad "Rich"
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
April Linnea
Favorite Sport:
Baseball/Softball: Group 1 (I hate sports!)
Jasmine Daisy
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Adam Raleigh
Favorite Animal:
Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4 (Aardvark!)
Willard Davis "Will / Heather Rose
Favorite Season:
Winter: Group 3
Cinderella Talitha (Finally! Someone recognized Cinderella! Yay!)
Favorite Actress:
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Dahlia Mackenzie
Favorite Actor:
Ben Stiller: Group 4
George Jefferson :P
Favorite style of name:
Invented/Original: Group 4
Mary Dorothy / Catherine Grace "Cat"
Iy ahm nohtt stoopihdd! I beleav in publik edjumacashun!
DH: S-Z: Group 3
Adam Radcliff
DW: 16-20: Group 1
Jasmine April
DD: Football: Group 2
Belinda Anwen
DS: Pink: Group 3
Rowan Russell
DS/DD: Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Wyatt Kennedy/ Alyssa Grace
DD: Summer: Group 1
Dahlia Violet
DD: Dakota Fanning: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
Mackenzie Lillian
DS: Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Harding Dylan
DD/DD: Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Talitha Bella/ Ruby Ingrid
Adam Radcliff
DW: 16-20: Group 1
Jasmine April
DD: Football: Group 2
Belinda Anwen
DS: Pink: Group 3
Rowan Russell
DS/DD: Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
Wyatt Kennedy/ Alyssa Grace
DD: Summer: Group 1
Dahlia Violet
DD: Dakota Fanning: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
Mackenzie Lillian
DS: Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Harding Dylan
DD/DD: Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Talitha Bella/ Ruby Ingrid
DH: Basil Richard
DW: Helen Margaret
DD: Anna Catherine
DS: Ari Leopold
DS/DD: Douglas Rowan and Kalliope Sapphira
DD: Alyssa Violet
DD: Ingrid Rosabella
DS: Adam Ormond
DD/DD: Iris Camellia and Jasmine Dahlia
DW: Helen Margaret
DD: Anna Catherine
DS: Ari Leopold
DS/DD: Douglas Rowan and Kalliope Sapphira
DD: Alyssa Violet
DD: Ingrid Rosabella
DS: Adam Ormond
DD/DD: Iris Camellia and Jasmine Dahlia
DH: Conrad Basil
DW: Rose Laelia
DD: Helen Grace
DS: George Adam
DS/DD: Willard Quincy / Poppy Louise
DD: Nina Rochelle
DD: Ingrid Frances
DS: Russell Abraham
DD/DD: Branwen Zala / Mabelle Rosalind
Condrad and Rose
with Helen, George, Willard, Poppy, Nina, Ingrid, Russell, Branwen, and Mabelle.
·•·Eliza·•·(See PPs in profile)
William Carlos Williams -- "This Is Just to Say"
I have eaten / the plums / that were in / the icebox
and which / you were probably / saving / for breakfast
Forgive me / they were delicious / so sweet / and so cold
DW: Rose Laelia
DD: Helen Grace
DS: George Adam
DS/DD: Willard Quincy / Poppy Louise
DD: Nina Rochelle
DD: Ingrid Frances
DS: Russell Abraham
DD/DD: Branwen Zala / Mabelle Rosalind
Condrad and Rose
with Helen, George, Willard, Poppy, Nina, Ingrid, Russell, Branwen, and Mabelle.
William Carlos Williams -- "This Is Just to Say"
I have eaten / the plums / that were in / the icebox
and which / you were probably / saving / for breakfast
Forgive me / they were delicious / so sweet / and so cold
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Wyatt Conrad
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
Alyssa Rose
Favorite Sport:
Football: Group 2
Bella Mackenzie
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Rowan Adam
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Morgan Russell / Calanthe Mabelle "Cala"
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Ivy May
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
Linda Zuri "Linnie"
Favorite Actor:
Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Leonard Alton "Leo"
Favorite style of name:
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Logan Rosabella / Reagan Lawan
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Wyatt Conrad
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
Alyssa Rose
Favorite Sport:
Football: Group 2
Bella Mackenzie
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Rowan Adam
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Morgan Russell / Calanthe Mabelle "Cala"
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Ivy May
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
Linda Zuri "Linnie"
Favorite Actor:
Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Leonard Alton "Leo"
Favorite style of name:
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Logan Rosabella / Reagan Lawan
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Wyatt Conrad
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
Alyssa Rose
Favorite Sport:
Football: Group 2
Bella Mackenzie
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Rowan Adam
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Morgan Russell / Calanthe Mabelle "Cala"
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Ivy May
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
Linda Zuri "Linnie"
Favorite Actor:
Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Leonard Alton "Leo"
Favorite style of name:
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Logan Rosabella / Reagan Lawan
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Wyatt Conrad
Your age:
16-20: Group 1
Alyssa Rose
Favorite Sport:
Football: Group 2
Bella Mackenzie
Favorite Color:
Pink: Group 3
Rowan Adam
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Morgan Russell / Calanthe Mabelle "Cala"
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Ivy May
Favorite Actress:
Angelina Jolie: Group 2
Linda Zuri "Linnie"
Favorite Actor:
Tom Cruise: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
Leonard Alton "Leo"
Favorite style of name:
Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Logan Rosabella / Reagan Lawan
DH: Ari Leonard "Leo"
DW: Amaryllis May "Amy"
DD: Reagan Rochelle
DS: Quincy Rowan "Rowan"
DS/DD: Dylan Roy / Mackenzie Ryan
DD: Margaret Rose "Maggie"
DD: Alyssa Rosalind / Daisy Rosabella
DS: Adam Russell
DD/DD: Logan Calanthe / Ruby Mabelle
Leo & Amy
Reagan, Rowan, Dylan, Mackenzie, Maggie, Alyssa, Daisy, Adam, Logan, & Ruby.
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
DW: Amaryllis May "Amy"
DD: Reagan Rochelle
DS: Quincy Rowan "Rowan"
DS/DD: Dylan Roy / Mackenzie Ryan
DD: Margaret Rose "Maggie"
DD: Alyssa Rosalind / Daisy Rosabella
DS: Adam Russell
DD/DD: Logan Calanthe / Ruby Mabelle
Leo & Amy
Reagan, Rowan, Dylan, Mackenzie, Maggie, Alyssa, Daisy, Adam, Logan, & Ruby.
* Proud adopter of 15 exclamation marks and 5 tilde marks *
"Time marches on and sooner or later you realize it's marching right across your face!" ~ Truvy in Steel Magnolias
DH: Leopold Everard "Leo"
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
DW: Anwen Calanthe
Your age:
10-15: Group 2
DD: Rosalind Kallipoe "Rose"
Favorite Sport:
Football: Group 2
DS: Thomas Kennedy
Favorite Color:
Green: Group 4
DS/DD: Morgan Rowan and Branwen Talitha
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
DD: Bella Isolde
Favorite Season:
Fall: Group 2
DD: Nina Violet
Favorite Actress:
Drew Barrymore: fn Group 3 mn Group 1
DS: Douglas George
Favorite Actor:
Owen Wilson: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
DD/DD: Flora Ivy and Linnea Iris
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1

Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
DW: Anwen Calanthe
Your age:
10-15: Group 2
DD: Rosalind Kallipoe "Rose"
Favorite Sport:
Football: Group 2
DS: Thomas Kennedy
Favorite Color:
Green: Group 4
DS/DD: Morgan Rowan and Branwen Talitha
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
DD: Bella Isolde
Favorite Season:
Fall: Group 2
DD: Nina Violet
Favorite Actress:
Drew Barrymore: fn Group 3 mn Group 1
DS: Douglas George
Favorite Actor:
Owen Wilson: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
DD/DD: Flora Ivy and Linnea Iris
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1

DH: Basil "Bas" Harding (Group 1)
DW: Hazel Frances (Group 4)
DD: Flora Margaret (fn Group 1 mn Group 4)
DS: Theodore "Ted" Rowan (fn Group 4 mn Group 3)
DS/DD: Adam Russell / Nina Femke (Group 3)
DD: Ingrid Rosalind (Group 2)
DD: Ruby Linnea (fn Group 3 mn Group 1)
DS: Leopold "Leo" Richard (Group 1)
DD/DD: Iris May / Violet April (Group 1)
DW: Hazel Frances (Group 4)
DD: Flora Margaret (fn Group 1 mn Group 4)
DS: Theodore "Ted" Rowan (fn Group 4 mn Group 3)
DS/DD: Adam Russell / Nina Femke (Group 3)
DD: Ingrid Rosalind (Group 2)
DD: Ruby Linnea (fn Group 3 mn Group 1)
DS: Leopold "Leo" Richard (Group 1)
DD/DD: Iris May / Violet April (Group 1)
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Your age:
21-31: Group 4
Favorite Sport:
Soccer: Group 4
Favorite Color:
Red: fn Group 1 mn Group 3
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Favorite Actress:
Demi Moore: Group 4
Favorite Actor:
Christian Bale: Group 1
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1
DH: Richard Wyatt
DW: Anna Marie
DD: Grace Margaret
DS: Willard Rowan
DS/DD: Douglas Adam / Branwen Talitha
DD: Rose Linnea
DD: Frances Catherine
DS: Baldwin Leonard
DD/DD: Heather Daisy / Alyssa Jasmine
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
Your age:
21-31: Group 4
Favorite Sport:
Soccer: Group 4
Favorite Color:
Red: fn Group 1 mn Group 3
Favorite Animal:
Cat: fn Group 2 mn Group 3
Favorite Season:
Summer: Group 1
Favorite Actress:
Demi Moore: Group 4
Favorite Actor:
Christian Bale: Group 1
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1
DH: Richard Wyatt
DW: Anna Marie
DD: Grace Margaret
DS: Willard Rowan
DS/DD: Douglas Adam / Branwen Talitha
DD: Rose Linnea
DD: Frances Catherine
DS: Baldwin Leonard
DD/DD: Heather Daisy / Alyssa Jasmine
DH: Leopold Everard
Your name begins with A-M: Group 1
DW: Margaret Rose
Your age 21-31: Group 4
DD: Clara Louise
Favorite Sport Soccer: Group 4
DS: Adam Radcliff
Favorite Color Pink: Group 3
DS/DD: Wyatt George / Poppy Catherine
Favorite Animal Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DD: Marigold Laelia
Favorite Season Summer: Group 1
DD: Ruby Zinnia
Favorite Actress Drew Barrymore: fn Group 3 mn Group 1
DS: Douglas Theodore
Owen Wilson: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
DD/DD: Iris Dahlia / Flora Primrose
Favorite style of name Classic: Group 1
Leo and Maggie with Clara, Adam, Wyatt, Poppy, Mari, Ruby, Doug, Iris and Flossie.
- - - Katja - - -
Your name begins with A-M: Group 1
DW: Margaret Rose
Your age 21-31: Group 4
DD: Clara Louise
Favorite Sport Soccer: Group 4
DS: Adam Radcliff
Favorite Color Pink: Group 3
DS/DD: Wyatt George / Poppy Catherine
Favorite Animal Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DD: Marigold Laelia
Favorite Season Summer: Group 1
DD: Ruby Zinnia
Favorite Actress Drew Barrymore: fn Group 3 mn Group 1
DS: Douglas Theodore
Owen Wilson: fn Group 2 mn Group 4
DD/DD: Iris Dahlia / Flora Primrose
Favorite style of name Classic: Group 1
Leo and Maggie with Clara, Adam, Wyatt, Poppy, Mari, Ruby, Doug, Iris and Flossie.
- - - Katja - - -
DH: Wilson Davis
N-T: Group 4
DW: Heather Rose
16-20: Group 1
DD: Amaryllis May
Baseball/Softball: Group 1
DS: Clancy Rudyard
Pink: Group 3
DS/DD: Basil Harding / Linnea Primrose
Pig: Group 1
DD: Alyssa Violet
Summer: Group 1
DD: Flora Rosabella
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
DS: Wyatt Baldwin
Christian Bale: Group 1
DD/DD: Ivy Heather / Tansy Hyacinth
Classic: Group 1
Wilson & Heather
Amaryllis "Lily", Clancy, Basil, Linnea "Lin", Alyssa, Flora, Wyatt, Ivy and Tansy
N-T: Group 4
DW: Heather Rose
16-20: Group 1
DD: Amaryllis May
Baseball/Softball: Group 1
DS: Clancy Rudyard
Pink: Group 3
DS/DD: Basil Harding / Linnea Primrose
Pig: Group 1
DD: Alyssa Violet
Summer: Group 1
DD: Flora Rosabella
Mary-Kate & Ashley Olsen: fn Group 1 mn Group 2
DS: Wyatt Baldwin
Christian Bale: Group 1
DD/DD: Ivy Heather / Tansy Hyacinth
Classic: Group 1
Wilson & Heather
Amaryllis "Lily", Clancy, Basil, Linnea "Lin", Alyssa, Flora, Wyatt, Ivy and Tansy
DH: Rowan Phoenix
Your name begins with: S-Z: Group 3
DW: Grace Catherine
Your age: 21-31: Group 4
DD: Bella Rosalind
Favorite Sport: Football: Group 2
DS: Adam Radcliff
Favorite Color: Pink: Group 3
DS/DD: Bernard Thomas / Daisy Margaret
Favorite Animal: Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DD: Zala Mabelle
Favorite Season: Fall: Group 2
DD: Ruby Talitha
Favorite Actress: Kate Hudson: Group 3
DS: Russell Edom
Favorite Actor: Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
DD/DD: Esmeralda Zuri / Sapphira Anwen
Favorite style of name: Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Rowan, Grace, Bella, Adam, Bernie, Daisy, Zala, Ruby, Russ, Esme and Sapphira.
Your name begins with: S-Z: Group 3
DW: Grace Catherine
Your age: 21-31: Group 4
DD: Bella Rosalind
Favorite Sport: Football: Group 2
DS: Adam Radcliff
Favorite Color: Pink: Group 3
DS/DD: Bernard Thomas / Daisy Margaret
Favorite Animal: Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DD: Zala Mabelle
Favorite Season: Fall: Group 2
DD: Ruby Talitha
Favorite Actress: Kate Hudson: Group 3
DS: Russell Edom
Favorite Actor: Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
DD/DD: Esmeralda Zuri / Sapphira Anwen
Favorite style of name: Modern/Popular: fn Group 3 mn Group 2
Rowan, Grace, Bella, Adam, Bernie, Daisy, Zala, Ruby, Russ, Esme and Sapphira.
DH: Wyatt Richard (Rick)
DW: Mary Anna
DD: Anna Marie
DS: Raleigh Adam
DS/DD: Wyatt Kennedy and Alyssa Rose
DD: Catherine Grace (Catie)
DD: Mackenzie Margaret (Mack or Mackey)
DS: Kenton Douglas River (Kent)
DD/DD: Logan Bella and Reagan Mackenzie
Rick, Mary, Anna, Raleigh, Wyatt, Alyssa, Catie, Mackey, Kent, Logan and Reagan
DW: Mary Anna
DD: Anna Marie
DS: Raleigh Adam
DS/DD: Wyatt Kennedy and Alyssa Rose
DD: Catherine Grace (Catie)
DD: Mackenzie Margaret (Mack or Mackey)
DS: Kenton Douglas River (Kent)
DD/DD: Logan Bella and Reagan Mackenzie
Rick, Mary, Anna, Raleigh, Wyatt, Alyssa, Catie, Mackey, Kent, Logan and Reagan
DH: Wyatt Conrad
Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
DW: Margaret Louise
Your age:
21-31: Group 4
DD: Nina Esmeralda
Favorite Sport:
Basketball: Group 3
DS: Ari Leonard
Favorite Color:
Blue: Group 1
DS/DD: Bernard George / Primrose Helen
Favorite Animal:
Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DD: Mary Catherine
Favorite Season:
Spring: Group 4
DD: Anna Frances
Favorite Actress:
Demi Moore: Group 4
DS: Adam Russell
Favorite Actor:
Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
DD/DD: Daisy Jasmine / Azalea May
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1

Your name begins with:
A-M: Group 1
DW: Margaret Louise
Your age:
21-31: Group 4
DD: Nina Esmeralda
Favorite Sport:
Basketball: Group 3
DS: Ari Leonard
Favorite Color:
Blue: Group 1
DS/DD: Bernard George / Primrose Helen
Favorite Animal:
Other: fn Group 1 mn Group 4
DD: Mary Catherine
Favorite Season:
Spring: Group 4
DD: Anna Frances
Favorite Actress:
Demi Moore: Group 4
DS: Adam Russell
Favorite Actor:
Leonardo Dicaprio: Group 3
DD/DD: Daisy Jasmine / Azalea May
Favorite style of name:
Classic: Group 1