[Opinions] Rosie
What do you think about the name Rosie? I really like it, im not keen on Rose but i know a Rosie who's real name is just Rosie.
Her family is: Alice (18) Jack (16) & Rose (13)
What do you think of this sibling set?
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget
Rosie Bronwen
Grace Edith
Lila Maeve
Eamon Alasdair
Duncan Hamish
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
Her family is: Alice (18) Jack (16) & Rose (13)
What do you think of this sibling set?
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget
Rosie Bronwen
Grace Edith
Lila Maeve
Eamon Alasdair
Duncan Hamish
~~~~~~~~~~ Bex ~~~~~~~~~~~
Professor Snape: Read it.
Harry: "Messrs. Mooney, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and..."
Professor Snape: Go on.
Harry: "... and request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
It sounds quite childish to me, but I think it'd still work, since lots of names have that feel to them (Daisy, Lily, Mollie etc.)
I prefer the spelling Rosy though.
"There are few more distressing sights than that
Of an Englishman in a baseball cap
Yeah we'll die in the class we were born
That's a class of our own my love"
I prefer the spelling Rosy though.
"There are few more distressing sights than that
Of an Englishman in a baseball cap
Yeah we'll die in the class we were born
That's a class of our own my love"
What about Rosa?
Alice, Jack, & Rose - really nice, love Jack and Rose.
Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget - nice, I like Joseph and Lydia.
Rosie Bronwen - They are nice together, even if I don't like Bronwen.
Grace Edith - prefer Edith Grace
Lila Maeve - lovely
Eamon Alasdair - like Alasdair, Eamon sounds like moaning to me
Duncan Hamish - love Duncan, not sure about combo though
- - - Katja - - -
Rosie-cute name
James calls Treasure Rosie because he calls me Roses because my middle name is Rose and Treasure looks like me. hehe. Got that?
Alice and Jack are nms. Too plain. Rose is my favourite of my middle names, but not my favourite flower name by far.
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget -neither name is my style.
Rosie Bronwen -like
Grace Edith -like Grace..especially as a first name
Lila Maeve -love Lila. Not too keenon Maeve.
Eamon Alasdair -Like Alasdair only.
Duncan Hamish -My nephew's mn is Laedon Hamish. That makes it okay for me, but neither name is really my style.

Alice and Jack are nms. Too plain. Rose is my favourite of my middle names, but not my favourite flower name by far.
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget -neither name is my style.
Rosie Bronwen -like
Grace Edith -like Grace..especially as a first name
Lila Maeve -love Lila. Not too keenon Maeve.
Eamon Alasdair -Like Alasdair only.
Duncan Hamish -My nephew's mn is Laedon Hamish. That makes it okay for me, but neither name is really my style.

This message was edited 7/17/2005, 9:41 PM
It's too nickname-y for me. I love it as a nn, though. I like Rose on its own, moreso as a fn than a mn, but I also love Rosanna, Rosalind, Rosemary, and Rosalie--all of which could have Rosie as a nn.
BTW, I have a friend named Rose Ann (her fn and mn) who goes by Rosie, but I also have a friend with a dog named Rosie. :b So since I haven't seen my friend Rosie in a while, but I hear my friend Veronica talking about her DOG Rosie all the time now, I'm starting to see it as more of a pet's name. :(
Alice, Jack and Rose are wonderful together imo.
Rosie Bronwen - doesn't flow imo
Grace Edith - ok
Lila Maeve - very pretty
Eamon Alasdair - great!
Duncan Hamish - great!
(Edited to add to message)

BTW, I have a friend named Rose Ann (her fn and mn) who goes by Rosie, but I also have a friend with a dog named Rosie. :b So since I haven't seen my friend Rosie in a while, but I hear my friend Veronica talking about her DOG Rosie all the time now, I'm starting to see it as more of a pet's name. :(
Alice, Jack and Rose are wonderful together imo.
Rosie Bronwen - doesn't flow imo
Grace Edith - ok
Lila Maeve - very pretty
Eamon Alasdair - great!
Duncan Hamish - great!
(Edited to add to message)

This message was edited 7/17/2005, 9:18 PM
I like it
Other names I like
Rosie Bronwen-very nice
Grace Edith-Edith is nmsaa
Lila Maeve-cute
Eamon Alasdair-Love, Love, Love
Duncan Hamish-really nice
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
My favorite girl names Kathleen,Anastasia,Irina,Lydia,Marissa
My favorite boy names
Gabriel,Elias, Nicolae,Evan,Lachlan, James,Andrei
Other names I like
Rosie Bronwen-very nice
Grace Edith-Edith is nmsaa
Lila Maeve-cute
Eamon Alasdair-Love, Love, Love
Duncan Hamish-really nice
Allison Meghan Elizabeth
My favorite girl names Kathleen,Anastasia,Irina,Lydia,Marissa
My favorite boy names
Gabriel,Elias, Nicolae,Evan,Lachlan, James,Andrei
I like Rose (also Rosemary, Rosemarie) but not Rosie. I picture a freckled faced preteen with frizzy red hair. I don't think it captures the sweetness and feminity of Rose.
Alice, Jack and Rose go very well together.
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget - Like Alec Joseph. Lydia is so pretty and exotic sounding while Bridget is much more plain. I don't like them together.
Rosie Bronwen - names go together
Grace Edith - love Grace; Edith is so dated and unpretty (and ungraceful)
Lila Maeve - very pretty, gorgeous
Eamon Alasdair - very Gaelic, I like it
Duncan Hamish - I like it as well
Alice, Jack and Rose go very well together.
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget - Like Alec Joseph. Lydia is so pretty and exotic sounding while Bridget is much more plain. I don't like them together.
Rosie Bronwen - names go together
Grace Edith - love Grace; Edith is so dated and unpretty (and ungraceful)
Lila Maeve - very pretty, gorgeous
Eamon Alasdair - very Gaelic, I like it
Duncan Hamish - I like it as well
I think Rosie is adorable! I understand what people are saying about naming her Rose and calling her Rosie though, only because I liked Annie as a first name, and I got the same about naming her Anne or Anna instead. It irritated me at first, but then I thought about it and figured there was a point, like if she was an attorney or something she may not be taken as seriously as if she had a more mature name. So, we skipped it all together and went with Laura. Rosie is cute though.... Good luck.
Rosie was the name of my first doll, so it has sentimental value for me. If I were to actually use it I would name my daughter Rose and just call her Rosie so that she has a more substantial name when she's older.
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget: Alec is very nice, Joseph is nms, Lydia Bridget is pretty.
Rosie Bronwen: Bronwen Rose would flow a bit better
Grace Edith: Both names are nms
Lila Maeve: Very pretty
Eamon Alasdair: Very nice, although I prefer Alistair
Duncan Hamish: Both names are nms
CIARDA“In the real dark night of the soul it is always three o’clock in the morning.”
– F. Scott Fitzgerald –
Parents: Alec Joseph & Lydia Bridget: Alec is very nice, Joseph is nms, Lydia Bridget is pretty.
Rosie Bronwen: Bronwen Rose would flow a bit better
Grace Edith: Both names are nms
Lila Maeve: Very pretty
Eamon Alasdair: Very nice, although I prefer Alistair
Duncan Hamish: Both names are nms
– F. Scott Fitzgerald –
This message was edited 7/17/2005, 6:22 PM
I REALLY dislike Rosie as a full name. It makes me cringe. Rosalia is a favorite name of mine. Do you like Rosalia or Rosalie?
Rosalia/Rosalie Bronwen sounds nice, but NOT Rosie!
The parents names are good too, except I only like Alec as a nickname for Aleksander.
Edith Grace flows better imo.
I really don't like Maeve because of its meaning. Lila is nice, though
Really don't like Eamon and Alasdair.
Same w/Duncan Hamish.
"Dance like no one's watching."
This is a favorite quote of mine
Rosalia/Rosalie Bronwen sounds nice, but NOT Rosie!
The parents names are good too, except I only like Alec as a nickname for Aleksander.
Edith Grace flows better imo.
I really don't like Maeve because of its meaning. Lila is nice, though
Really don't like Eamon and Alasdair.
Same w/Duncan Hamish.
"Dance like no one's watching."
This is a favorite quote of mine