[Games] Re: CAF with questions
in reply to a message by avalon
DH: Benjamin "Ben" Archer (fn is in 2004's Top 100 for NSW, Australia (go to http://www.behindthename.com/top/lists/100au2004.
html), mn is an occupation)
DW: Juanita Shirley (your mother's fn and mn switched)
DS: Rory Duncan (fn and mn are two syllables)
DD: Lily Hermione (names are from Harry Potter)
DD: Sadie Jenny-Rebecca (fn is more commonly used as a nickname, mn is a character from your favorite TV show)
DS/DS/DD: Simon Rhys / Malcolm Jonas / Philippa Rosemary
(1st DS initials are SR, 2nd DS initials are MJ, DD initials are PR)
DS: Robin Alexis
DD/DD: Sloane Kendall / Wallis Dale

html), mn is an occupation)
DW: Juanita Shirley (your mother's fn and mn switched)
DS: Rory Duncan (fn and mn are two syllables)
DD: Lily Hermione (names are from Harry Potter)
DD: Sadie Jenny-Rebecca (fn is more commonly used as a nickname, mn is a character from your favorite TV show)
DS/DS/DD: Simon Rhys / Malcolm Jonas / Philippa Rosemary
(1st DS initials are SR, 2nd DS initials are MJ, DD initials are PR)
DS: Robin Alexis
DD/DD: Sloane Kendall / Wallis Dale