[Facts] need some help with a name
hey i was hoping some one could help me. i have been during some research on my family and i found my great grandmother's name to be very interesting. so far i can't find it anyway. the name "Olar" only appears as a last name of scandanvey origins. this is interests becuase my great grandmother was a cheerokee. i have checked with the nation as well and no one has a clue there
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Denmark: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Norway: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Sweden: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Norway 1900 census: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Norway 1865 census: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Sweden 1890 census: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olars' in Sweden: 106
Number of people with lastname 'Olars' in Sweden 1890 census: 0
Number of persons with lastname 'Olars' emigrating from Sweden 1869–1950: 1 (in 1923)
Number of persons with lastname 'Olar' in USA 1880 census: 12. All US born, none with "scandanvey" (i.e. scandinavian) forename.
Number of persons with lastname 'Olar' in Spain telephone directory: 6
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Norway: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Sweden: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Norway 1900 census: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Norway 1865 census: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olar' in Sweden 1890 census: 0
Number of people with lastname 'Olars' in Sweden: 106
Number of people with lastname 'Olars' in Sweden 1890 census: 0
Number of persons with lastname 'Olars' emigrating from Sweden 1869–1950: 1 (in 1923)
Number of persons with lastname 'Olar' in USA 1880 census: 12. All US born, none with "scandanvey" (i.e. scandinavian) forename.
Number of persons with lastname 'Olar' in Spain telephone directory: 6
Okay i think there have been confusion, which is my fault. Sorry. Olar was my great grandmother's first name, not her last. I only put the part about finding it as a last name because I only found it used that way.