[Opinions] Keziah
What do you think of this name?
I *love* the name Keziah. It's been lurking around in my faves list for a long time. I like the nn Kez. Maybe it's just my family, but a lot of people have "ez" nns. ex. Gerald - Gez. Kerry - Kez. Caitlin - Caz. Caroline is also Caz.
Not all that is gold glitters, not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Not all that is gold glitters, not all those who wander are lost.
J.R.R. Tolkien
I'm not sure how it's pronouced, but I would guess KEZZ-ee-ah or keh-ZEE-ah or keh-ZYE-ah. Either way, it doesn't seem very attractive imo.


I quite like it. You certainly don't hear or see it all the time, so it makes a nice change.
I don't care for it. The K and z make it sound harsh to me.

The greatest single human gift - the ability to chase down our dreams. - "Artificial Intelligence: AI"

The greatest single human gift - the ability to chase down our dreams. - "Artificial Intelligence: AI"
pretty name
How is it pronounced?
I personally like it, but I really don't know many other people who do in RL. I also like the nns Kez & Kezzie, if you're into nns. :o)
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"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing." -Jessamyn West (1903-1984)
Proud adopter of eight PPs! See my profile for their names.
"A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing." -Jessamyn West (1903-1984)
Don't like it sorry
I like it,it's been on my favourites list for a while now.