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[Facts] Here's my stitch...plz help out
I really want to become and actor. My problem is my name...There's already an Amanda (Bynes), Amanda (Peet), Mandy (Moore), etc.
This is What I'm Like:-My last name is Price (like Vincent Price)
-I have light brown hair with lots golden blonde highlights and currently is between chin and shoulder length
-My eyes are big and blue-ish, green-ish/ gray-ish
-I have full lips
-I have tons of freckles on my face and some on my arms and shoulders
-I am 5 feet 4.5 inches tall
-Average weighing (110lbs)
-live in Vancouver,BC
-Upper Middle Class
-Going into grade 9 (14 years old since March 2003)
-I take dance lessons, acting (duh!), league volleyball, swimming, diving (off boards), snowboarding, soccer, clothes/shopping/designing, all water sports (skiing,wakeboarding,tubing,surfing,etc.), and tons more stuff like that!From the info you have please list some fn's, nn's, and mn's(optional) that you think would fit me well. I am going to keep my last name of 'Price'.Thank-you so much,
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ALLENE-Attractive, Peaceful Celtic/Gaelic (a-lean-nah). I think Allene Price is very pretty and would fit you well. Mn Maria or Ann.
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just so you know....i know ppl who's names are amanda, and prefer to be called andie for short....but i do agree with anneza....wait for a while..until you have actually started the career
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Andie Price
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I agree with Anneza, and if you are fortunate enough to reach your goal, your manager will decide whether or not you need a stage name. It's better to wait until then, because otherwise you may spend too much cash changing your name a second time if the one you choose isn't right.
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Hoo boyName fashions change. By the time you enter the acting profession, if you ever do, the trendy names of today will be the has-been names of yesterday and the actors you mention named Amanda will quite likely be forgotten.Sit tight and wait. Be Amanda for now. When you get an agent will be time enough to think further; then you can work it out together.
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I think Amanda fits you well. Acting isn't about your name, it's about talent and love.
Good luck, anyway!Caprice
(once a wannabe-operasinger, now a wannabe-museum curator :))
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