[Games] Bash These - Theres only a few
Aiden Matthew- I like aiden but matthew is way to popular for me
Ethan Sean- Ethan is great but Sean i don't like
Justin Kyle - I don't like it and its really popular
Berke William- This name sounds like a name that a really stuck-up person has.
Caleb Samuel- I like the name Caleb but Samuel is old-fashioned and over-used
Hannah Elizabeth- Both names over-used i don't like them.
Emma Danielle- I like emma but not danielle
Katherine Sarah- katherine is old and sarah is really popular
Jordyn Nicole- i like the way you have spelt Jordynbut i dont like nicole
Abigail Grace- i like this name it is really pretty (i think i might steal it! sorry) its really nice.
Ethan Sean- Ethan is great but Sean i don't like
Justin Kyle - I don't like it and its really popular
Berke William- This name sounds like a name that a really stuck-up person has.
Caleb Samuel- I like the name Caleb but Samuel is old-fashioned and over-used
Hannah Elizabeth- Both names over-used i don't like them.
Emma Danielle- I like emma but not danielle
Katherine Sarah- katherine is old and sarah is really popular
Jordyn Nicole- i like the way you have spelt Jordynbut i dont like nicole
Abigail Grace- i like this name it is really pretty (i think i might steal it! sorry) its really nice.
Aiden Matthew- Nothing wrong with it; I just wouldn't use it. Also, I prefer Aidan.
Ethan Sean- The double -an ending...not good.
Justin Kyle- Justin is too bubblegum popstar-esque. Kyle is one of the worst possible names administered.
Berke William- I like William. I've never heard of Berke.
Caleb Samuel- Nice Jewish name.
Hannah Elizabeth- I prefer Anna to Hannah, and Elizabeth is not the best possible name. Try a variant of it, but NOT one starting with "B." B-names related to Elizabeth are disgusting.
Emma Danielle- Nice. Very pretty.
Katherine Sarah- Nice. Very pretty.
Jordyn Nicole- Nice. Very pretty. I would use Jordan instead.
Abigail Grace- Grace is O.K. Abigail is BAD.
Sirius and **********, you will be in my heart forever.
Ethan Sean- The double -an ending...not good.
Justin Kyle- Justin is too bubblegum popstar-esque. Kyle is one of the worst possible names administered.
Berke William- I like William. I've never heard of Berke.
Caleb Samuel- Nice Jewish name.
Hannah Elizabeth- I prefer Anna to Hannah, and Elizabeth is not the best possible name. Try a variant of it, but NOT one starting with "B." B-names related to Elizabeth are disgusting.
Emma Danielle- Nice. Very pretty.
Katherine Sarah- Nice. Very pretty.
Jordyn Nicole- Nice. Very pretty. I would use Jordan instead.
Abigail Grace- Grace is O.K. Abigail is BAD.
Sirius and **********, you will be in my heart forever.
Aiden Matthew- Nothing wrong with it; I just wouldn't use it. Also, I prefer Aidan.
Ethan Sean- The double -an ending...not good.
Justin Kyle- Justin is too bubblegum popstar-esque. Kyle is one of the worst possible names administered.
Berke William- I like William. I've never heard of Berke.
Caleb Samuel- Nice Jewish name.
Hannah Elizabeth- I prefer Anna to Hannah, and Elizabeth is not the best possible name. Try a variant of it, but NOT one starting with "B." B-names related to Elizabeth are disgusting.
Emma Danielle- Nice. Very pretty.
Katherine Sarah- Nice. Very pretty.
Jordyn Nicole- Nice. Very pretty. I would use Jordan instead.
Abigail Grace- Grace is O.K. Abigail is BAD.
Sirius and **********, you will be in my heart forever.
Ethan Sean- The double -an ending...not good.
Justin Kyle- Justin is too bubblegum popstar-esque. Kyle is one of the worst possible names administered.
Berke William- I like William. I've never heard of Berke.
Caleb Samuel- Nice Jewish name.
Hannah Elizabeth- I prefer Anna to Hannah, and Elizabeth is not the best possible name. Try a variant of it, but NOT one starting with "B." B-names related to Elizabeth are disgusting.
Emma Danielle- Nice. Very pretty.
Katherine Sarah- Nice. Very pretty.
Jordyn Nicole- Nice. Very pretty. I would use Jordan instead.
Abigail Grace- Grace is O.K. Abigail is BAD.
Sirius and **********, you will be in my heart forever.
I haven't done one of these yet, but I'll give it a shot. No hard feelings!! :b And keep in mind I like some of these names (though most are way too popular for my tastes). :)
Aiden Matthew - If you're going to use a trendy name, at least spell it right (Aidan). Matthew is just terribly overused and almost a filler mn.
Ethan Sean - EEEE-thin. Sounds like a snobby fat kid picking him nose. And Ethan Sean doesn't flow at all.
Justin Kyle - Justin is so 1980s or 1990s at best. Kyle is wimpy and also outdated.
Berke William - WTF is a Berke?
Caleb Samuel - Very Biblical and now trendy.
Hannah Elizabeth - I know at least 3 Hannah Elizabeths. Next.
Emma Danielle - Emma? Are you that into "Friends"? Danielle is a stripper's name.
Katherine Sarah - Katherine is the most overused name ever! Katherine Sarah doesn't flow at all.
Jordyn Nicole - Jordan is a masculine name, and substituting the "a" with a "y" doesn't feminize it at all. Nicole is a filler mn.
Abigail Grace - Abigail is very unattractive sounding, and also sounds like it should be a character on Little House on the Prairie. Grace is the new overused filler mn.

Aiden Matthew - If you're going to use a trendy name, at least spell it right (Aidan). Matthew is just terribly overused and almost a filler mn.
Ethan Sean - EEEE-thin. Sounds like a snobby fat kid picking him nose. And Ethan Sean doesn't flow at all.
Justin Kyle - Justin is so 1980s or 1990s at best. Kyle is wimpy and also outdated.
Berke William - WTF is a Berke?
Caleb Samuel - Very Biblical and now trendy.
Hannah Elizabeth - I know at least 3 Hannah Elizabeths. Next.
Emma Danielle - Emma? Are you that into "Friends"? Danielle is a stripper's name.
Katherine Sarah - Katherine is the most overused name ever! Katherine Sarah doesn't flow at all.
Jordyn Nicole - Jordan is a masculine name, and substituting the "a" with a "y" doesn't feminize it at all. Nicole is a filler mn.
Abigail Grace - Abigail is very unattractive sounding, and also sounds like it should be a character on Little House on the Prairie. Grace is the new overused filler mn.