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[Surname] Russian Surname?
Hello. I am curious to know if the surname "Roscovich" could have Russian heritage. I know my grandfather was Polish and possibly Russian. I dont know much about my family history so anything could help.On the other side of the family (mothers side) her madien name was "Tkachuk". So any information on that would also be very helpful.
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Russian surnames don't usually end with -ovich, only the male patronymics (middle names based on father's name) do. This is undoubtedly of Slavic origin (Tkachuk and names ending with -chuk are also popular in Ukraine and Russia) but I'm not sure just where it comes from. The -ch on the end looks like an anglicization, since in some Slavic languages (not Russian though) a "ch" is pronounced like an H, and often a c with an upside-down ^ accent over it is used to make the "ch" sound.

This message was edited 5/29/2007, 8:40 AM

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I was thinking Roscovich might be Polish, Roskowicz or Roœkowicz. This might mean "son of [diminutive] Roœcis³aw", an old Slavic name.Alternatively it might be from the Serbian Raškoviæ, "son of Rasko", whatever that means.
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Tkachuk is most likely a Ukrainian surname (surnames ending in -uk are very common in Western Ukraine)And Roscovich could be Belorussian
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The family name Tkachuk (Ткачук) could be from Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus. "Tkach" (ткач) means "weaver" in most Slavonic languages."Roscovich" also seams to be Slavonic but is probably misspelled.
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