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[Surname] Chiraptsakul, Ezzatallhkhan, Fatakdawala, Opacheskaya, Patega, Tourabelidze, Wyquitzsvv, Xayphengsy, Vemulakonda.... origins & meanings please
I need to know the origins & meanings of:
Chiraptsakul, Ezzatallhkhan, Fatakdawala, Opacheskaya, Patega, Tourabelidze, Wyquitzsvv, Xayphengsy, Vemulakonda.

Chiraptsakul looks like it would be Hindu or Muslim.
Ezzatallhkhan looks like it would be Hindu or Muslim.
Fatakdawala looks like it would be Hindu or Muslim.
Opacheskaya looks like it would be Japanese, Hindu, Muslim, or African.
Patega looks like it would be Hindu or Italian.
Tourabelidze looks like it would be Hungarian.
Wyquitzsvv looks like it would be Danish, Dutch, Flemish, Norwegian, Swedish or Swiss.
Xayphengsy looks like it would be Chinese, Vietnamese or Thai.
Vemulakonda looks like it would be Hindu, Italian, or Muslim.

Can anybody please tell me the origins & meanings of these names ?
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Fatakdawala is probably a corruption of Arabic Fatah 'conquest' plus dawla, dawlat, daula, daulat 'wealth/ state, nation'.
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Re:Izzatullah KhanIzzatullah is a first name that means 'honour/power of Allah' in Arabic. Khan comes from a Mongolian word for prince. Ezzatullahkhan may be from India/Pakistan.
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Vemulakonda, is a two part last name. It means from the city of Vemula. It would be more appropriate as from the "hill of Vemula".

There is a city called Vemulakonda in the state of Andhra Pradesh, India.
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