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[Facts] How do you prononce Emi ...
Its Japanese and means blessed with beauty but i dont know how ot say it becuase im sure it would be a beautiful name if it sounds as good as i think it should. Is it the E prononced like it should be or like a kid who says "eh"" Some day your prince will come, mine just took a wrong turn got lost and is too stubborn to ask for directions"
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It is "eh", as you said, so the pronunciation is "Eh-mee". The "i" sounds like the "ee" in "free" or "keep", though a bit shorter.
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ditto that pronounciation.

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My friend takes Japanese in school, so I've kind of picked up on the pronunciation. The E, as you said, is pronounced like the "e" in "eh." The I is pronounced like the "y" in "my," except a little shorter.Sirius and **********, you will be in my heart forever.
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