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[Surname] Elusive italian surnames...
Good english, better Spanish and ridiculous but a li'l of Italian stops me from getting these etymologies;Rolla (Might be akin to Rollo, thus it would be "Famous wolf")
Daelle (Might be akin to Van Daele, thus to Van Dalen, thus to Dahl and meaning Dale or Valley)
Tanzi (is related to Lactans, or Lactanus, a god who made crops prosper, and specifically promoted the growth of young corn. It sounds to me to be a cognate with "to lactate" or, if in English the word doesn't exist, to Spanish "lactar" which means "to suck breast-milk")
Chiappori (might be akin to Chiappo)
Tubino (Might it be an italianization of a jewish surname meaning "tu bi shevat"? "Fifteen day of arbour-month?)
2nd edit; Cevana (another Italian surname, or maybe non-italian, but I doubt so)1st; EDIT: (Yes I'm back and must add this; I've asked about the Tubino surname thousands of times before, one of the answers I got went along these lines;
It is a very local surname in Genoa and nearby. The origin is not clear. And does this surname come from Sicily?
I cant say if it comes from Sicily or not... But... If anyone knows how could this easen finding its etymology tell me and explain the consequent probable meanings... Probable meaning are enough for me, with an appropiate rankign in how probable they are as matching meaning...I also found a message saying "Could you please email me? Use the "contact information" link at the bottom of the page. If you could use the subject "surnames" that would be helpful. You don't need to say anything in the email (except your name so I know who is who), but I will email you back shortly. Thanks!" Dated 2:56:37 PM of the 27th of June of 2005... I think I missed it, I'm not sure but many reasons made me stop coming here and that's probable so... Any update 'bout that?)

This message was edited 5/11/2007, 8:49 PM

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In Italy the surnameDoes anybody here remember Danni Sutherland off Home and Away?
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No i Can't tell you that Tubino is sicilian. Tobia of course is a sicilain surname.
Tubino has always beee very genoese. a diminutive dialect form of
Tobia that also exists in Genoa area, like Zunino is a genoese form derived from Giovannino (given name John.I am not so sure.
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No i Can't tell you that Tubino is sicilian. Tobia of course is a sicilain surname.
Tubino has always beee very genoese. a diminutive dialect form of
Tobia that also exists in Genoa area, like Zunino is a genoese form derived from Giovannino (given name John.I am not so sure.
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Daelle in Italian doesn't exist. You can find DAELLI, typical if Milan area. It could be "coming fro ELLO, the surname ELLI exosts as well.
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ELLO is a town near MILAN.
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The distribution map for Tubino at indicates a strong presence in Genoa and the surrounding area; an apparent complete absence of Tubinos in Sicily.
A couple of thoughts on meaning: Tubino, "little tube" or "pipe"; in Kashmir there is a surname Naroo, said to mean "pipe", and, according to R.M.Koul, indicating a very thin person.
An English surname, Twyer, is from the Fench Tuyere, meaning "pipe" or "tube"; according to Paul Reaney this name identified a worker at a blast furnace.Chiappori - there is a place called Chiappari a little to the north of Genoa. The above-mentioned site has maps showing that Chiappori and Chiappari are surnames that are well represented in Liguria. Could they be two versions of the same name? One definition of Chiappa given by Jean Toti ( is a stony place, which could be a basis of place names. He also gives the name Chiappo as another form of Giacomo.Rigacci - A surname from the forename Arrigo with the pejorative ending? Arrigaccio -> Rigaccio -> surname Rigacci?
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Tanzi is mainly a variant of Costanzi. See the given name Costanzo.
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Thanks... This pretty much rounds up the most difficult surnames I think, leaving only Cevana in cluelessness...
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Well, there is a place called Ceva, Cuneo Province, c.25 km. east of Mondovi. What would a person from there be called - Cevano/a, Cevese?
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Sounds plausible... Now it becomes topology, on ocassions topological etymologies are harder than onomastical ones but... At least that's somewhere to start with... Thanks, really...
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