[Games] Jassie's Congrats Round 1
Congratulations you just had a baby girl. She was born 5-29-07 and weighs 5 pounds, 4 ounces. You can name her whatever you like...you can have more than one middle name if you want so what will you name her?
* you can even post pictures if you want! If you dont have children or dont want to use their pictures you can use child models or celebrity babies...etc.
* you can even post pictures if you want! If you dont have children or dont want to use their pictures you can use child models or celebrity babies...etc.
This message was edited 5/30/2007, 3:20 PM
DD: Francesca Clare
DH: James "Jack"
DW: Jillian "Jill"
DD: Lorelei Rose [5/29/07]
DW: Jillian "Jill"
DD: Lorelei Rose [5/29/07]
Christopher Jacob and Summer Jeanna
Elisabeth Kay

This message was edited 5/31/2007, 9:26 AM
Addy and Michael welcome...
Lillian Belle
Lillian Belle
John Spencer & Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
...Thrilled To Announce The Arrival Of Our Beautiful Princess...
Ariella Jasmine
Sara Alexandra
Laurie Summer was born on May 29th 2007 weighing 5 pounds, 4 ounces, and was born with wisps on brown hair.
Daphne Ophelia O'Reilly

Rebekah Faith, but we call her Bekah.
Elizabeth Honor McAdams
Tessa Marie Baker (Baker is her last name, not my real one). Also, 5 pounds is kinda small for a baby.
Well you can be sure I was suprised when I had to hurry to the hospital from my own birthday party (May 28) because I was in labor. We didn't expect little Liberty Cecelia so soon, but after 11 hours of labor, she arrived healthy and screaming. It was her father, Brian's, idea to name her Liberty since it was Memorial Day, and Cecelia, my own middle name, after me. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present. I'll attach a link to her first picture, the little darling! She'll have to stay in the hospital for up to a week longer because she's on the small side, but her Papa and I can't wait to take her home!
This message was edited 5/30/2007, 2:06 PM

Ava Charlotte
* Really Brooke Shields and daughter Grier.
This message was edited 5/30/2007, 1:56 PM