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[Facts] dauphenia or trinvilla
Trying to locate the orgin and or meanings of the above names to use in the Society of Creative Anachronism. The closest I can come to Dauphenia is that I cound it in a book and someone in a state used it in the early 1600's in Nevada I believe.Trinvilla is my great-great-grandmother's name and the name of one of my great aunts.Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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Looking for the origin of the name Cound. Surname or Given name
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Dauphenia looks like a version of Delphine along the lines of Dauphin (from dolphin).
Trinvilla - well, there's a place in Cornwall called Trevilla. Any connection? Or it could be from Trivia (Diana of the Crossroads/Three Ways).
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"Dauphin" is a term for prince in French. 1st heir to the king."The eldest son of the king of France from 1349 to 1830.
Used as a title for such a nobleman."
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