[Opinions] Random BA's [6/9/07]
Alizay Divine
Autumn Joy
Avonlea Patrice
Carson Amelia
Chaise Marie
Divine Eternity Marie
Emery Bennett
June Elaina
Kaidence Leeanna Rae
Larkyn Kenna
Linnea Maye
London Elle
Muriel Kathleen
Rylynn Ashlee
Xandra Aurora
Ariel Angel
August Benjamin
Broderick Gregory
Noah Gwynn
Romeo Luis
Shannon Roy
Springer Fenn
Alizay Divine
Autumn Joy
Avonlea Patrice
Carson Amelia
Chaise Marie
Divine Eternity Marie
Emery Bennett
June Elaina
Kaidence Leeanna Rae
Larkyn Kenna
Linnea Maye
London Elle
Muriel Kathleen
Rylynn Ashlee
Xandra Aurora
Ariel Angel
August Benjamin
Broderick Gregory
Noah Gwynn
Romeo Luis
Shannon Roy
Springer Fenn
Alizay Divine: liquor name?
Chaise Marie: I like Chaise Longue better. More French.
Divine Eternity Marie: sounds like she's already dead.
Emery Bennett: really wanted a boy... but damn those fates!
London Elle: If London had an elevated railway, this is what it would be called.
Ariel Angel: Yes, I know they're both masculine names too, but together they sound just like a little pwincess girl.
Noah Gwynn: Sounds like somebody talking with a harelip all those w's.
Springer Fenn: No, I'm not a Fenn of Jerry Springer.
Chaise Marie: I like Chaise Longue better. More French.
Divine Eternity Marie: sounds like she's already dead.
Emery Bennett: really wanted a boy... but damn those fates!
London Elle: If London had an elevated railway, this is what it would be called.
Ariel Angel: Yes, I know they're both masculine names too, but together they sound just like a little pwincess girl.
Noah Gwynn: Sounds like somebody talking with a harelip all those w's.
Springer Fenn: No, I'm not a Fenn of Jerry Springer.
I bet that
Springer Fenn's parents are Springer Fans.
Springer Fenn's parents are Springer Fans.
If so, we must fear for that child's life :-/
I like:
Marie - I like Chase for a boy, but not for a girl, and I definitely don't care for the spelling Chaise.
Eternity - This is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I wouldn't actually use it.
Bennett - I like this for a boy only.
June Elaina
Kaidence Leeanna Rae - I dislike the spelling Kaidence. Cadence Lianna Rae would have been much better.
Larkyn Kenna - Prefer Larkin.
Linnea Maye - I don't care for them together though.
London Elle
River - Prefer this for a boy.
Rylynn - I like this for a boy with the spelling Rylan.
Sky - Prefer Skye.
Xandra Aurora
Marie - I like Chase for a boy, but not for a girl, and I definitely don't care for the spelling Chaise.
Eternity - This is a guilty pleasure of mine, but I wouldn't actually use it.
Bennett - I like this for a boy only.
June Elaina
Kaidence Leeanna Rae - I dislike the spelling Kaidence. Cadence Lianna Rae would have been much better.
Larkyn Kenna - Prefer Larkin.
Linnea Maye - I don't care for them together though.
London Elle
River - Prefer this for a boy.
Rylynn - I like this for a boy with the spelling Rylan.
Sky - Prefer Skye.
Xandra Aurora
Alizay Divine -crazy.
Amaryllis -I like how this looks... and the sound is growing on me.
Autumn Joy -I love Autumn, but I don't think it goes well with Joy.
Avonlea Patrice -Avonlea is definitely mns; and frankly, neither is Patrice.
Carson Amelia -lovely :)
Chaise Marie -as if Chase wasn't bad enough for a girl, why not add a useless I in there?
Divine Eternity Marie -WAY over-the-top.
Emerald -nms
Emery -nice.
Emery Bennett -I really don't like Bennett on a girl. Or boy, for that matter.
Emerie -I think I like Emery better, for now.
June Elaina -nice, I suppose.
Kaidence Leeanna Rae -wow, they totally butchered Cadence and Leanna. But Rae is nice.
Larkyn Kenna -Larkyn is a GP of mine; I don't think it flows with Kenna though.
Linnea Maye -it's growing on me.
London Elle -I love London; The Elle makes it sound like a word... Like, "londonelle".
Muriel Kathleen -neither names are faves of mine.
River -nice... on a boy.
Rylynn Ashlee -so... trendy... can't bare to watch...
Sky -pretty.
Xanda Aurora -Aurora is gorgeous; Xandra... I dunno. It's better then Alexandra.
Ariel Angel -um... Did the parents want a girl, or something?
August Benjamin -I still don't like August.
Broderick Gregory -nms!
Noah Gwynn -it seems like these parents wanted a girl, too...
Romeo -my word, no!
Romeo Luis -I prefer Lewis; and again, with the Romeo!
Shannon Roy -Shannon for a boy has been growing on me... I love Roy :)
Sevyn -Is he like, the seventh child or something? Sorry, the "sevynth"?
Springer Fenn -Springer?? I know a girl with that as a middle name!
Amaryllis -I like how this looks... and the sound is growing on me.
Autumn Joy -I love Autumn, but I don't think it goes well with Joy.
Avonlea Patrice -Avonlea is definitely mns; and frankly, neither is Patrice.
Carson Amelia -lovely :)
Chaise Marie -as if Chase wasn't bad enough for a girl, why not add a useless I in there?
Divine Eternity Marie -WAY over-the-top.
Emerald -nms
Emery -nice.
Emery Bennett -I really don't like Bennett on a girl. Or boy, for that matter.
Emerie -I think I like Emery better, for now.
June Elaina -nice, I suppose.
Kaidence Leeanna Rae -wow, they totally butchered Cadence and Leanna. But Rae is nice.
Larkyn Kenna -Larkyn is a GP of mine; I don't think it flows with Kenna though.
Linnea Maye -it's growing on me.
London Elle -I love London; The Elle makes it sound like a word... Like, "londonelle".
Muriel Kathleen -neither names are faves of mine.
River -nice... on a boy.
Rylynn Ashlee -so... trendy... can't bare to watch...
Sky -pretty.
Xanda Aurora -Aurora is gorgeous; Xandra... I dunno. It's better then Alexandra.
Ariel Angel -um... Did the parents want a girl, or something?
August Benjamin -I still don't like August.
Broderick Gregory -nms!
Noah Gwynn -it seems like these parents wanted a girl, too...
Romeo -my word, no!
Romeo Luis -I prefer Lewis; and again, with the Romeo!
Shannon Roy -Shannon for a boy has been growing on me... I love Roy :)
Sevyn -Is he like, the seventh child or something? Sorry, the "sevynth"?
Springer Fenn -Springer?? I know a girl with that as a middle name!