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[Games] Mar, Mashlover, Dot and Array
in reply to a message by Bex
There were more than one I liked from a few of these, but I've put asterisks by my favorites. I guess that makes Mar the overall winner. Dot- Philomel Orinthia*
Array- Cadeyrn Geoffrey, Tancred Percival*
Mashlover- Orinthia Eowyn*
Mar- Aramis Caspian, Hugo Victor* (Like Les Mis?), Ophelia Winter, Belphoebe Rosamund
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Yes, Les Mis :) I had Hugo in mind for Victor Hugo, and then while looking for a good mn, I tried Victor and it sounded quite good, I thought. Thanks for the honour of being the overall winner, I'm glad you like the combos!
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