[Opinions] Larissa
I've been searching for a middle name that I really like with Larissa for a really long time... I think I've found one I really like....
.... what do you think of Larissa Amour?
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I love Larissa, but I don't like Amour at all. Larissa has been my favorite name for about 14 years. I'm still searching for my perfect middle name (I want to use a family name).
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I quite like Larissa but not Amour. Firstly, it sounds like a surname and secondly it sounds like a bit strippery (sorry that sounds really harsh) but I think it sounds like a false name someone would use. Also, the A at the end of Larissa and the A in Amour run together, so it doesn't flow that well either.What about Larissa Sophie, Larissa Charlotte or Larissa Claire? Just a few suggestions.
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I don't like the two a's together (Larissa Amour).
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I agree
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