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[Surname] Origin of Surname "SANDANO"
Does anyone know or have an idea about the meaning of the surname Sandano? The ethnic background is Italian, and "San" means Saint in Italian, but that is all I could find out.
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A complete absence of information on this name, but abhorring a vacuum, I blunder on.
It might be of locative origin. A map of Turin shows an area (suburb?) on the southern margin of the city labelled "Sanda". Might a person from there be called a Sandano?
Still in a locative vein: there is a minor place name, San Dono, lying between Padua and Treviso, presumably called after some obscure saint. Could that have been corrupted over time to Sandano? We'll probably never know.
Even if these guesses were discounted I'd still lean towards a locative explanation.
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I agree with Jim Young "Sandano" could come from a place name.
The real italian regional origin is not sure. According to Ellis Island Site some Sandano came from Amalfi, an old city near Salerno, more or less 100 kilometres south from Naples. But in Southern Italy this surname have disappeared. In Piedmont this surname doesn't exist neither.
You can find a branch of this family in POZZONOVO, near Padua (Padova).
A spaish variant could exist as well: a variant of Sandin or Sanda?
difficult to give an answer.
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