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[Surname] Aguilera, Andujar, Bustamante, Olivares, Quinta, Quintanilla, Quiroga, Quiroz, Sosa...What do these Spanish surnames mean ?
I'd like to know whast these names mean: Aguilera, Andujar, Bustamante, Olivares, Quinta, Quintanilla, Quiroga, Quiroz, & Sosa. They are Spanish.
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Aguilera means one who came from Aguilas, "eagles" in Spain.

Bustamante means one who cme from Bustamante "covered sepulcher" in Spain.

Quintana means one who came from Quinta, "country estate" in Spain. It also designated the dweller in a country mansion, or one who came from Quinta "village" in Spain.

Quintanilla means one who came from Quintanilla "land held at a rental of 1/5 of the produce therefrom in Spain. It also designated the dweller in or near a small country mansion.

Quiroz means one who came from Quiros "rock or mountain" in Spain. It also designated the dweller near where heather grows.
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Hi, I am a Bustamante decesdent. Although I am not to familiar with my family members, I do know that the surname Bustamante is from spain.I also know that there is a code of arms for us. I also know that there is a good possibility that there are lands that were taken away from our ancestors. I am sorry i don't have much info. But I have just started my research. If I find anything, I will let you know. summer.
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My daughter's father's name is Quiroz. I did some research to find that there is a people (in Ecuador)who still live in thatch roofed houses. This tribe is called the Quiro tribe. I think that may from where his name derives.
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