[Opinions] Opinions on Hugh?
This name seems to be on the rise here and I really like it. It seems a very handsome, distinguished name for a boy. :) So, what do you think of Hugh? Ready for a comeback or still too old-fashioned?
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I adore Hugh!! Go for it! Old-fashioned and totally ready for a comeback!
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I guess I'm weird because I don't like it at all. To me it sounds like the noise someone makes when you force air out of their lungs. It's sounds like a bodily noise, not a name to me.
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I love the name Hugh, one of my favorites, short, sweet, great meaning.I think that it's ready for a comeback, I just don't want it to get too popular.Personally I don't care for Hugo at all though and I dislike the nickname Hughie / Huey.
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I love Hugh, though I'd use it as a mn, because it's so simply and elegant. (Plus, Hugh Grant's a cute man to be reminded of :) ) It seems to be dropping in popularity, so I don't know if it's ready for a comeback soon. Maybe when a new famous Hugh comes on the scene it'll rise again. I don't really care if it does though, since I think names to be a bit more uncommon
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It seems to be rising in popularity. It's not as dated as Hubert. I like it for sentimental reasons - it was my father's name.

This message was edited 7/22/2007, 6:36 AM

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I love it, and I think it's definitely ready to return. It's kind of in the second tier in my favorites list, so I might use it as a mn myself.
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Yep, I think it's coming back round here too, along with Alfie, Archie and the like. I like it this way and also the Welsh way: Huw.
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I know a little 2-year-old named Hugh, he goes by his nn Hughie all the time, it is very cute. I think it is ready for a comeback, personally I prefer Hugo.
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