[Facts] This is a name.
I named my son Marciano. And we found it in a baby name book that said that it was the Italian form of Martin. So who is wrong here?? Thank you for your time.
Marciano is the spanish word for the one who comes from Mars. I'm completely serious, here we call the aliens Los Marcianos
Italian place/surname 'of St. Mark'
Italian place/surname, meaning 'of St. Mark' (the Evangelist).
St. Mark (San Marco) is the patron saint of Venice, and sometimes 'marciano' is used to mean 'person/thing from Venice'.
Pronounced 'marchano' ('cha' as in Charles), three syllables, stress on the second.
Never used as first name in Italy. The Italian version of Martin is Martino.
Italian place/surname, meaning 'of St. Mark' (the Evangelist).
St. Mark (San Marco) is the patron saint of Venice, and sometimes 'marciano' is used to mean 'person/thing from Venice'.
Pronounced 'marchano' ('cha' as in Charles), three syllables, stress on the second.
Never used as first name in Italy. The Italian version of Martin is Martino.
Hey, Mike C., shake a stick... you haven't authenticated, documented and catalogued every variant in every language of every name that has ever existed. I know you have a job and a life, but please... the people are crying out for validation!