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[Surname] Where would this name come from?
My mother in-law just past away, and we now would like to trace back where her name came from....Some family members claim it orginanted from Italy....but some, and well as me think it came from Greece. She looked more Greek, than Itailan. Any opinoins? Does anyone know what the name "Pendola" came from?
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All the PENDOLA are italians.

At thr moment the most part of them live near AGRIGENTO, western Sicily. And some near GENOA, Northern Italy.
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Does anyone know what Penadola means? also
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"Pendola" is Italian. It mean pendulum clock. My great-grandfather's family came from Sicily. However, the surname originates from the Genoa area (northern Italy) where the surname dates back to 1164.
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From where does my name i.e KRUNAL came from and also my surname i.e PATEL?
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For Karunal see
Patel means 'record-keeper' (from 'pat': a plot of land). See for details
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