[Facts] thought...twin names
I've always liked the names "Thomas" and "Tamsen/in" for twins myself. "Tamsen" actually derives from "Thomas", but its not too obvious (Joe and Josephine), and so both names mean "twin." Cool...no?
Any response. I'd love to know if anyone knows other "twin names."
Any response. I'd love to know if anyone knows other "twin names."
I also like the name Tavish which is derived from Thomas and means twin as well. The latin version Tomas (TOE-mahs) is kind of nice too.
Didymus/Didyma (greek), Geminus/Gemina or Gemellus/Gemella (latin) mean "twin" or Germain/Germaine meaning "brother/sister".
The following african names mean elder twin: Akwate (f) Taiwo (m)
And following mean younger twin: Akuako (f) Akwete (m) Namono (f)
The following african names mean elder twin: Akwate (f) Taiwo (m)
And following mean younger twin: Akuako (f) Akwete (m) Namono (f)
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