[Surname] origins & meanings of my first & last name
Does anyone know the origins & meanings of my first & last name ? I was born in Barbados. My first name looks like it would be Greek, & my last name looks it would be French.
Both of your names are Greek.
Kyriacos derives from Greek 'Kyrios' (=Lord), another expression for
Christ or God. The Latin form of this Greek name is Dominic, Domenico,
Kyriacou is the genitive of Kyriacos in Greek. As a surname, it denotes the child of Kyriacos.
A real Greek name from Barbados!!! Very unusual. Try to trace the origins of your family.
Kyriacos derives from Greek 'Kyrios' (=Lord), another expression for
Christ or God. The Latin form of this Greek name is Dominic, Domenico,
Kyriacou is the genitive of Kyriacos in Greek. As a surname, it denotes the child of Kyriacos.
A real Greek name from Barbados!!! Very unusual. Try to trace the origins of your family.