[Opinions] Charity
I was talking to my Nana today about names and she said she always wanted a daughter named Charity- she has never told me this before. I love my Nana very very very much and my first daughter will have the mn Annette after her, but now I am thinking my first daughter will be Charity.So:
Opinions on Charity?
Nns for Charity? I really need a nn for it!
And a second mn? So she will be Charity Annette *something* or Charity *something* AnnetteThank you so much
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I've never been a fan of names for values (Charity, Prudence, Truth, etc). However, Cheri or Rita could be pretty nicknames for it.
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Charity is my sisters best mate. I call her Chaz, my sister and her dancing teacher call her Chit-Chat, if you knew her you'd know why.Charity Annette Julie?
Charity Julie Annette?Or Julia instead of Julie?
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Charity Annette is pretty
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How about Char? That's what we call my grandmother Charlotte. Or, you could always just call her Charity. I like Charity. Always has the "Sweet Charity" association but that's not so bad if you don't mention it. It's cute. And I really like Charity Annette.
For a second mn, how about Charity Annette and then a name you really love, or the name of another relative (maybe your mother, or a feminized form of your dad's name, or your bf/husband's name or even your own name!)? Good luck!
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Charity doesn't do much for me, but I can definitely see the sentiment it has for you (though I might be inclined to use Caritas in your situation :D).As for nicknames, I don't think it needs one, but I suppose Chary?Charity Patricia Annette came to mind. Charity Annette Mathilde also. :)
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I love Charity. It's a favourite of mine I don't think I'd ever use--there are simply too many other names I like an eensy bit better--but it's one I've long had a soft spot for.NNs: Charty, Chitty, Chatty, Cherry, Rita, Kitty, Cara, Chara, Sherri?Charity Annette Lenore comes to mind.Array
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Charity Annette Lenore is lovely! I really love the nn Kitty! It is a bit of stretch but it a nn I have always wanted to use but I don't like Katherine so it never seemed an option. Thanks so much Array!
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