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[Surname] Arabic and Indian Surnames
Can someone give me a few Arabic and Indian/Hindu surnames? With pronunciations would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
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Lots of Arabic surnames end with al-something. Al-Ghazi, al-Saud, al-Faisal...Arabs don't exactly have one set surname...they tack on bin xxx to the end of their name. Bin means "son of." For example, the royal family of Saudi Arabia are descendents of the kingdom's founder, Abdul Aziz bin Saud, therefore all the male names have bin Abdul Aziz on the end.
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I am Indian and my surname is Patankar. I also know that Mehta, Ramchandran and Bhardwaj are Indian surnames. These four names are definitely SURNAMES. I know Indian people that have them. Hope this helps.
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Thank you, that helps a lot. Though, could you give me the pronunciations of them? I have no idea where to start on how to say them.
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Mehta is pronounced like Mey-tuh. Ramchandran sounds like Rom-chon-drin. Patankar sounds like Puh-tonk-car.Bhardwaj sounds like Bard-wozh. And Patel is also another Indian surname that is very common. Here is a good pronunciation key I found from to help with some of the sounds.
Does this help?
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Yup, that helps. Thank you.
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As I speak arabic because my family is from the middle east I can assure you these names will be Arabic1:Nadia
6:Datev (pronounced Dot.Ev)
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Are those surnames or first names? Do you have any more names?
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You'll find a list of Arabic surnames here -
but they are a mixture of Muslim, Christian and possibly Jewish, Arabic names, so take care.
If you search for "Indian surnames" on Wikipedia you should find some.
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