[Games] JJ21JJ's Congrats Game Round 2
Hi, this is round 2 of my first congrats game. If you want to sign up the sign up and round one link is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3091102&board=game.
Here is Saranne772's entry. It is sad, but well written. Below the story are the questions and namebanks. You can still do a story, baby name announcement, journal entry, etc. in the past, present, or future anywhere. ALSO FOR THIS ROUND, WRITE A NAMEBANK OF 5 NAMES PER GENDER!!! They do not have to be your favorites, but please do not pick the names you hate the most. Below that is the players' families so far.
Ollie and Saranne met 7 years ago when they were 17 and 16 respectively. They soon formed a close friendship and got to know each othervery well. After several years this friendship developed into stronger feelings and they were married on December 3rd 2022. After 6 months of marriage Saranne was delighted to discover that she was expecting. They were over joyed at the prospect of being parents!
However, Saranne knew that this pregnancy was far beyond the normal pregnancy. She began to have constant morning sickness and severe migranes. The doctor informed her that this is often a sign of a multiple pregnancy! She was booked in for an ultrasound and as they watched the screen she discovered that she was expecting twins!! They were a little overwhelmed at this prospect but was ready to take it on. She thought "God gave me two arms! One for each precious bundle!!"
Meanwhile she was booked for a second ultrasound a few weeks later. She was in for a BIG surprise!! The ultrasound revealed 4 tiny heartbeats! She was expecting quads! Two sets of identical twins. The doctors were amazed and all the maternity staff crowded into the room to see this amazing miracle! Identical twins, 2 sets! Conceived naturally! And an extremely rare and unlikely occurance! Saranne rethought her original statement and decided that the Lord wanted Ollie to be very involved in their rearing and thus he provided them with 4 little ones. One for each arm between them.
Her pregnancy was very difficult! At 20 weeks she was admitted to hospital on complete bedrest! She aimed to reach 34 weeks before undergoing a planned caesarian. However at 29 weeks one of the twins went into shock and stopped moving. With the hopes of saving the little ones life she was rushed into surgery and her babies were delivered. They weighed 3.11, 3.06, 1.11 and 0.98. The babies were rushed to the NICU and stabalised as best as possible. Sadly however one infant from each set of twins did not make it. Their little girl Leah Mary was born weighing only 0.98 and despite all the doctors attempts to save her she passed away 6 hours after delivery. Charles Anthony weighed 1.11 and survived 7 days in the NICU however he contracted a severe bacterial infection and 2 days later he also passed away.
To say that Saranne and Ollie were devastated would be a major understatement. However, the joy of knowing that 2 of their infants survived helped them grief and come and stand strong for their remaining infants. Rickie had a hernia at 3 weeks and needed minor surgery to repair this. This set his development back slightly and he remained in the NICU for another 5 weeks and 6 days. Nai recovered well and was able to go home after 5 weeks and 3 days.
Finally the whole family arrived home and are beginning to settle into some kind of routine.
Thank you, Saranne772!
It has been two years for those keeping track of ages. You can start now if you haven't if you want to.
Here is the question to see what you get:
Rate the name Elizabeth:
You get twin girls!
4-good-not my favorite
You get a boy!
3-it's okay
You adopt up to three children somehow...write it up as a story
2-umm...I do not care for it
You get a girl!
1.Uhh...why do you have to mention that name...it's horrible
You have adopt a son somehow...write it up as a story
Question: Which musical do you like best out of the ones below?
1.Sound of Music or Music Man-namebank 3 for fn, 6 for mn
2.Fiddler of the Roof, Oliver, Annie,-6 for fn, 1 for mn
3.Wicked or 42nd Street-4 for fn, 3 for mn
4.Mary Poppins or Bye, Bye, Birdie-2 for fn, 4 for mn
5.Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Guys and Dolls, or Peter Pan-1 for fn and 5 for mn
6.I have not seen any of these-4 for fn and 2 for mn
Namebanks 1-3 of the namebanks were made up by all of you for you sign up rounds. It is the first names and middle names of your husband and wife. Namebanks 4 are the names of some of your children. Namebank 5 is the top names of my behindthename elimination game that you can still vote for on the game message board. Only some of the names are left and this is the final round where the top name will be decided. Namebank 6 is the names that have had the biggest recoveries in popularities according to behindthename.
Namebank 1:
Boys: John, Spencer, Apolinary, B³a¿ej, William, Henry, George, Oliver, Eduard, Alex
Girls: Seraphina, Rosalind, Katherine, Anna, Eloise, Margaret, Sarah, May, Martha, Savannah
Namebank 2:
Boys: Albert, James, George, Matthew, Oliver, Edward, John, David, Carl, Theodore
Girls:Paris, Leanne, Diane, Margaret, Mieczys³awa, Klementyna, Noami, Susanna, Mary, Josephine
Namebank 3:
Boys: Grant, Evander, Alex, Steven, Alexander, Edward, William, Trey, Alec, Matthew
Girls: Sarah, Anne, Tina, Rose, Jane, Lily, Savannah, Henrietta, Noelle, Sophie, Louise
Namebank 4:
Boys: Julius, Frederick, John, James, Austin, Anthony, Scott, Jedidiah, James, Henry
Girls: Sarah, Diasy, Margaret, Georgia, Violenta, Ingrid, Juliet, Rebecca, April, Marianna
Namebank 5:
Boys: Alexander, Henry, Jacob, James, Nicholas, Rowan, Theodore, Thomas, William
Girls: Adelaide, Anna, Ava, Elizabeth, Isabella, Julia, Lily, Sarah, Xanthe
Namebank 6:
Boys:Isaiah, Maxwell, Isiah, Silas, Walker, Ezra, Jackson, Riley, Anderson, Harrison
Girls: Ella, Sadie, Isabelle, Sophie, Stella, Isabella, Gracie, Lily, Allie, Violet
_________________________Players' Families___________________________
User Name: Ashley
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott
User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (27)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (27)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (0)
User Name:Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (29)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (29)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (2)
User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara "Julie"
User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward
DW: Naomi Susanna
DD: Sarah Rebecca
User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (23)
DW: Mary Josephine (21)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (2)
Thanks for the story!
User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven
DW: Sarah Noelle
DD: Donna Elizabeth "Lizzie"
User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter
DW: Diane Margaret
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Freddy"
User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name:? (not your one in real life)
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol"
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys"
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid
Intresting story! Are you Polish in real life?
User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew
DW: Sarah May
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg"
Thanks for writing!
User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (22)
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (23)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (3 months)
Sad story, but I liked it!
UN: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Edward Adam
User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
User Name: Sophie
Last Name: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew
DW: Sophie Louise
DD: Diana Rosalind
User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George and Lisa Rosalynn
Here is Saranne772's entry. It is sad, but well written. Below the story are the questions and namebanks. You can still do a story, baby name announcement, journal entry, etc. in the past, present, or future anywhere. ALSO FOR THIS ROUND, WRITE A NAMEBANK OF 5 NAMES PER GENDER!!! They do not have to be your favorites, but please do not pick the names you hate the most. Below that is the players' families so far.
Ollie and Saranne met 7 years ago when they were 17 and 16 respectively. They soon formed a close friendship and got to know each othervery well. After several years this friendship developed into stronger feelings and they were married on December 3rd 2022. After 6 months of marriage Saranne was delighted to discover that she was expecting. They were over joyed at the prospect of being parents!
However, Saranne knew that this pregnancy was far beyond the normal pregnancy. She began to have constant morning sickness and severe migranes. The doctor informed her that this is often a sign of a multiple pregnancy! She was booked in for an ultrasound and as they watched the screen she discovered that she was expecting twins!! They were a little overwhelmed at this prospect but was ready to take it on. She thought "God gave me two arms! One for each precious bundle!!"
Meanwhile she was booked for a second ultrasound a few weeks later. She was in for a BIG surprise!! The ultrasound revealed 4 tiny heartbeats! She was expecting quads! Two sets of identical twins. The doctors were amazed and all the maternity staff crowded into the room to see this amazing miracle! Identical twins, 2 sets! Conceived naturally! And an extremely rare and unlikely occurance! Saranne rethought her original statement and decided that the Lord wanted Ollie to be very involved in their rearing and thus he provided them with 4 little ones. One for each arm between them.
Her pregnancy was very difficult! At 20 weeks she was admitted to hospital on complete bedrest! She aimed to reach 34 weeks before undergoing a planned caesarian. However at 29 weeks one of the twins went into shock and stopped moving. With the hopes of saving the little ones life she was rushed into surgery and her babies were delivered. They weighed 3.11, 3.06, 1.11 and 0.98. The babies were rushed to the NICU and stabalised as best as possible. Sadly however one infant from each set of twins did not make it. Their little girl Leah Mary was born weighing only 0.98 and despite all the doctors attempts to save her she passed away 6 hours after delivery. Charles Anthony weighed 1.11 and survived 7 days in the NICU however he contracted a severe bacterial infection and 2 days later he also passed away.
To say that Saranne and Ollie were devastated would be a major understatement. However, the joy of knowing that 2 of their infants survived helped them grief and come and stand strong for their remaining infants. Rickie had a hernia at 3 weeks and needed minor surgery to repair this. This set his development back slightly and he remained in the NICU for another 5 weeks and 6 days. Nai recovered well and was able to go home after 5 weeks and 3 days.
Finally the whole family arrived home and are beginning to settle into some kind of routine.
Thank you, Saranne772!
It has been two years for those keeping track of ages. You can start now if you haven't if you want to.
Here is the question to see what you get:
Rate the name Elizabeth:
You get twin girls!
4-good-not my favorite
You get a boy!
3-it's okay
You adopt up to three children somehow...write it up as a story
2-umm...I do not care for it
You get a girl!
1.Uhh...why do you have to mention that name...it's horrible
You have adopt a son somehow...write it up as a story
Question: Which musical do you like best out of the ones below?
1.Sound of Music or Music Man-namebank 3 for fn, 6 for mn
2.Fiddler of the Roof, Oliver, Annie,-6 for fn, 1 for mn
3.Wicked or 42nd Street-4 for fn, 3 for mn
4.Mary Poppins or Bye, Bye, Birdie-2 for fn, 4 for mn
5.Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Guys and Dolls, or Peter Pan-1 for fn and 5 for mn
6.I have not seen any of these-4 for fn and 2 for mn
Namebanks 1-3 of the namebanks were made up by all of you for you sign up rounds. It is the first names and middle names of your husband and wife. Namebanks 4 are the names of some of your children. Namebank 5 is the top names of my behindthename elimination game that you can still vote for on the game message board. Only some of the names are left and this is the final round where the top name will be decided. Namebank 6 is the names that have had the biggest recoveries in popularities according to behindthename.
Namebank 1:
Boys: John, Spencer, Apolinary, B³a¿ej, William, Henry, George, Oliver, Eduard, Alex
Girls: Seraphina, Rosalind, Katherine, Anna, Eloise, Margaret, Sarah, May, Martha, Savannah
Namebank 2:
Boys: Albert, James, George, Matthew, Oliver, Edward, John, David, Carl, Theodore
Girls:Paris, Leanne, Diane, Margaret, Mieczys³awa, Klementyna, Noami, Susanna, Mary, Josephine
Namebank 3:
Boys: Grant, Evander, Alex, Steven, Alexander, Edward, William, Trey, Alec, Matthew
Girls: Sarah, Anne, Tina, Rose, Jane, Lily, Savannah, Henrietta, Noelle, Sophie, Louise
Namebank 4:
Boys: Julius, Frederick, John, James, Austin, Anthony, Scott, Jedidiah, James, Henry
Girls: Sarah, Diasy, Margaret, Georgia, Violenta, Ingrid, Juliet, Rebecca, April, Marianna
Namebank 5:
Boys: Alexander, Henry, Jacob, James, Nicholas, Rowan, Theodore, Thomas, William
Girls: Adelaide, Anna, Ava, Elizabeth, Isabella, Julia, Lily, Sarah, Xanthe
Namebank 6:
Boys:Isaiah, Maxwell, Isiah, Silas, Walker, Ezra, Jackson, Riley, Anderson, Harrison
Girls: Ella, Sadie, Isabelle, Sophie, Stella, Isabella, Gracie, Lily, Allie, Violet
_________________________Players' Families___________________________
User Name: Ashley
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott
User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (27)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (27)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (0)
User Name:Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (29)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (29)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (2)
User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara "Julie"
User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward
DW: Naomi Susanna
DD: Sarah Rebecca
User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (23)
DW: Mary Josephine (21)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (2)
Thanks for the story!
User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven
DW: Sarah Noelle
DD: Donna Elizabeth "Lizzie"
User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter
DW: Diane Margaret
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Freddy"
User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name:? (not your one in real life)
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol"
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys"
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid
Intresting story! Are you Polish in real life?
User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew
DW: Sarah May
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg"
Thanks for writing!
User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (22)
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (23)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (3 months)
Sad story, but I liked it!
UN: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Edward Adam
User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
User Name: Sophie
Last Name: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew
DW: Sophie Louise
DD: Diana Rosalind
User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George and Lisa Rosalynn
User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
DS: Alexander Riley
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
DS: Alexander Riley
This message was edited 12/14/2007, 12:54 PM
Un: Loz
LN: Saunders
DH: Samuel Peter (25)
DW: Callie Jane (24)
DS/DD Joseph Charles / Helena Belle (Ellen) (2)
DS: Steven Maxwell (nb)
LN: Saunders
DH: Samuel Peter (25)
DW: Callie Jane (24)
DS/DD Joseph Charles / Helena Belle (Ellen) (2)
DS: Steven Maxwell (nb)
User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (24)
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (25)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (9)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (6)DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (2)
AD: Josephine Juliet "Josie" (3) (would you mind if I spelt juliet juliette?)
Saranne and Ollie had a hectic and enjoyable two years raising their twins. They had many happy moments a few difficult moments. Two years down the line things began to get a bit more manageable although less hectic!
The family had often travelled out to visit family and friends serving as missionaries in other countries before the twins arrival. Now that they were past the infant stage they decided that they would go again! They travelled by plane to Zambia. This was the twins 1st trip abroad and also their 1st trip on an aeroplane. So they were very excited! It took a lot of restraining to keep them in their seats during take-off and then behaving throughout the rest of the trip!
They arrived in Lusaka at an early hour and thankfully by this time the twins were sleeping. It was rather hard carrying them and their luggage off the train but much better than chasing them and catching them! At the terminal they were met by Ollies brother and sister-in-law. It was a wonderful family reunion! The 1st time they had met in over 5 years- and the first time they had met the twins.
It was a long, dusty, bumpy journey out to the orphanage at Sambesi!
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (24)
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (25)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (9)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (6)DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (2)
AD: Josephine Juliet "Josie" (3) (would you mind if I spelt juliet juliette?)
Saranne and Ollie had a hectic and enjoyable two years raising their twins. They had many happy moments a few difficult moments. Two years down the line things began to get a bit more manageable although less hectic!
The family had often travelled out to visit family and friends serving as missionaries in other countries before the twins arrival. Now that they were past the infant stage they decided that they would go again! They travelled by plane to Zambia. This was the twins 1st trip abroad and also their 1st trip on an aeroplane. So they were very excited! It took a lot of restraining to keep them in their seats during take-off and then behaving throughout the rest of the trip!
They arrived in Lusaka at an early hour and thankfully by this time the twins were sleeping. It was rather hard carrying them and their luggage off the train but much better than chasing them and catching them! At the terminal they were met by Ollies brother and sister-in-law. It was a wonderful family reunion! The 1st time they had met in over 5 years- and the first time they had met the twins.
It was a long, dusty, bumpy journey out to the orphanage at Sambesi!
and I forgot the name bank!
Female: Elisheba, Seren, Angharad, Cerys, Kezia
Male: Jedidiah, Josiah, Micah, Levi, Asher
I made a mistake in my story- a few actually! Sorry about that! I also posted it as guest by mistake so this is the edited verion!!
Saranne and Ollie had a hectic and enjoyable two years raising their twins. They had many happy moments and a few difficult moments. Two years down the line things began to get a bit more manageable although not less hectic! They still felt moments of sadness when thinking of their other darlings but the joy of having 2 of their quads survive keeps them strong.
The family had often travelled out to visit family and friends serving as missionaries in other countries before the twins arrival. Now that they were past the infant stage they decided that they would go again! They travelled by aeroplane to Zambia. This was the twins 1st trip abroad and also their 1st trip on an aeroplane. So they were very excited! It took a lot of restraining to keep them in their seats during take-off and then behaving throughout the rest of the flight!
They arrived in Lusaka at an early hour and thankfully by this time the twins were sleeping. It was rather hard carrying them and their luggage off the plane but much better than chasing them and catching them as they attempted to explore! At the terminal they were met by Ollie's brother and sister-in-law. It was a wonderful family reunion! The 1st time they had met in over 5 years- and their first visit with the twins!
It was a long, dusty, bumpy journey out to the orphanage at Sambesi! It took three days in which many obstacles had to be overcome. Trees felled across the road, broken down landrover and carsick children were only a few of their problems!
Female: Elisheba, Seren, Angharad, Cerys, Kezia
Male: Jedidiah, Josiah, Micah, Levi, Asher
I made a mistake in my story- a few actually! Sorry about that! I also posted it as guest by mistake so this is the edited verion!!
Saranne and Ollie had a hectic and enjoyable two years raising their twins. They had many happy moments and a few difficult moments. Two years down the line things began to get a bit more manageable although not less hectic! They still felt moments of sadness when thinking of their other darlings but the joy of having 2 of their quads survive keeps them strong.
The family had often travelled out to visit family and friends serving as missionaries in other countries before the twins arrival. Now that they were past the infant stage they decided that they would go again! They travelled by aeroplane to Zambia. This was the twins 1st trip abroad and also their 1st trip on an aeroplane. So they were very excited! It took a lot of restraining to keep them in their seats during take-off and then behaving throughout the rest of the flight!
They arrived in Lusaka at an early hour and thankfully by this time the twins were sleeping. It was rather hard carrying them and their luggage off the plane but much better than chasing them and catching them as they attempted to explore! At the terminal they were met by Ollie's brother and sister-in-law. It was a wonderful family reunion! The 1st time they had met in over 5 years- and their first visit with the twins!
It was a long, dusty, bumpy journey out to the orphanage at Sambesi! It took three days in which many obstacles had to be overcome. Trees felled across the road, broken down landrover and carsick children were only a few of their problems!
This message was edited 12/10/2007, 5:17 AM
Oh and Im glad you enjoyed my story!! :D I got a bit carried away- then and this time lol!
Anyway better hurry or Ill be late to college eek!
Anyway better hurry or Ill be late to college eek!
UN: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Edward Adam (2)
AD/AD/AD: Juliet Susanna / Violetta Naomi / April Josephine (nb)
Around 5 months ago, my best friend discovered she was pregnant. Not long after, she found out she was having triplets. She had been single when she became pregnant and had no idea whose children it was. She was excited though and we were happy to help her out when the babies came. Fast forward 5 months. My friend just had her triplets. Nobody was in her room but her friends, her family hated her. When we went to visit her the next morning, the doctor told us she passed away not long after we left the night before. Her will said to have us care for her children, in the case of death.
UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
DD: Lily Stella
Boys: Jack Darcy Tristan Finley Rowan
Girls: Estella Maria True Penelope Bridget
UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
DD: Lily Stella
Boys: Jack Darcy Tristan Finley Rowan
Girls: Estella Maria True Penelope Bridget
User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (23)
DW: Mary Josephine (21)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (2)
DS: Isaiah Henry
It is now 1844. Wil and Mary have enjoyed raising their little girl Rosie very much. Wil is farming 26 acres now and has had some luck in recent years. Harvests have been wonderful, and the Baker family has been able to afford some of the latest new luxuries-adding a three room addition to the house, a new steel plow, some lovely new horses and a carriage, a nice sewing machine, and Wil was even able to put in incandesant lights in the living room and parlor! Mary has been happily transforming their new home into a wonderful place to live as well as taking care of Rosie. Rosie, now two, delights in playing with her doll baby and helping in the garden.
On September 1, Wil and Mary welcomed a little boy to the family! His name is Isaiah Henry. Isaiah is a strong little boy and a large baby (he weighed 8 or 9 pounds at birth). Rosie did not like Isaiah at first, but has come to accept him as a part of the family.
Elizabeth is good, but not my favorite. I like Annie best, but I haven't seen most of them.
My Namebanks:
Aaron, Levi, Oliver, James, and Braden
Lydia, Rose, Isabel, Rebekah, and Hope
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (23)
DW: Mary Josephine (21)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (2)
DS: Isaiah Henry
It is now 1844. Wil and Mary have enjoyed raising their little girl Rosie very much. Wil is farming 26 acres now and has had some luck in recent years. Harvests have been wonderful, and the Baker family has been able to afford some of the latest new luxuries-adding a three room addition to the house, a new steel plow, some lovely new horses and a carriage, a nice sewing machine, and Wil was even able to put in incandesant lights in the living room and parlor! Mary has been happily transforming their new home into a wonderful place to live as well as taking care of Rosie. Rosie, now two, delights in playing with her doll baby and helping in the garden.
On September 1, Wil and Mary welcomed a little boy to the family! His name is Isaiah Henry. Isaiah is a strong little boy and a large baby (he weighed 8 or 9 pounds at birth). Rosie did not like Isaiah at first, but has come to accept him as a part of the family.
Elizabeth is good, but not my favorite. I like Annie best, but I haven't seen most of them.
My Namebanks:
Aaron, Levi, Oliver, James, and Braden
Lydia, Rose, Isabel, Rebekah, and Hope
User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (29)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (29)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (2)
DD/DD: Lily Isabella / Sophie Violet
Ava, Claire, Louisa, Lucy, May
Thomas, Andrew, Connor, Liam, Will
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle (29)
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle (29)
DS: Henry John Carlisle (2)
DD/DD: Lily Isabella / Sophie Violet
Ava, Claire, Louisa, Lucy, May
Thomas, Andrew, Connor, Liam, Will
User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
DD: Lily Isabella
Boys: Alec, August, Christian, Forrest, Etienne
Girls: Georgia, Ellen, Ophelia, Josephine, Louisa
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
DD: Lily Isabella
Boys: Alec, August, Christian, Forrest, Etienne
Girls: Georgia, Ellen, Ophelia, Josephine, Louisa
User Name:Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William

Finley, Isaac, Gregory, Phillip, Kyriakos
Serafina, Georgina, Penelope, Alice, Evelyn
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William

Finley, Isaac, Gregory, Phillip, Kyriakos
Serafina, Georgina, Penelope, Alice, Evelyn
This message was edited 12/9/2007, 7:17 PM
User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
4-good-not my favorite
You get a boy!
2.Fiddler of the Roof, Oliver, Annie,-6 for fn, 1 for mn
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
4-good-not my favorite
You get a boy!
2.Fiddler of the Roof, Oliver, Annie,-6 for fn, 1 for mn
User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (27)
DW: Naomi Susanna (26)
AS: William Isaiah (4)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (2)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (2)
AS: Matthew Silas (nb)
Oliver and Naomi were extatic with the news that would be expecting another baby. They've always wanted a big family and they were finally getting one. At the beginning of the pregnancy, everythign seemed normal, but around the 7th and 8th week, her morning sickness got very severe. She went to see the doctor, because with Sarah this had never happened. He told her everything was normal. Then in her 11th week of pregnancy, Naomi had a miscarriage. Naomi was devastated. She was very sad and barely got out of bed for a week.
Once she felt good enough to got out of bed, things only got worse. Her only sister, Myriam and her husband got in a severe car accident on their way to picking up their two young children; William and Sophie. Myriam was also 38 weeks pregnant with a little boy, they were not able to save her but they did save her baby. Naomi volunteered to take in her kids, and to set up the funeral. A week later, the funeral happened.
William understands more than Sophie does, he's been very quiet. Sophie on the other hand, knows something is wrong but isn't sure how to react so she just does what she would normally do. Sarah likes having Sophie to play with. Matthew is a great baby, he doesn't cry alot. Naomi and Oliver are doing their best so that the kids have a normal childhood.
Nolan, Noah, Adam, Leo, Nathan
Cassandra, Zoe, Maelle, Noemie, Adrianna
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (27)
DW: Naomi Susanna (26)
AS: William Isaiah (4)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (2)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (2)
AS: Matthew Silas (nb)
Oliver and Naomi were extatic with the news that would be expecting another baby. They've always wanted a big family and they were finally getting one. At the beginning of the pregnancy, everythign seemed normal, but around the 7th and 8th week, her morning sickness got very severe. She went to see the doctor, because with Sarah this had never happened. He told her everything was normal. Then in her 11th week of pregnancy, Naomi had a miscarriage. Naomi was devastated. She was very sad and barely got out of bed for a week.
Once she felt good enough to got out of bed, things only got worse. Her only sister, Myriam and her husband got in a severe car accident on their way to picking up their two young children; William and Sophie. Myriam was also 38 weeks pregnant with a little boy, they were not able to save her but they did save her baby. Naomi volunteered to take in her kids, and to set up the funeral. A week later, the funeral happened.
William understands more than Sophie does, he's been very quiet. Sophie on the other hand, knows something is wrong but isn't sure how to react so she just does what she would normally do. Sarah likes having Sophie to play with. Matthew is a great baby, he doesn't cry alot. Naomi and Oliver are doing their best so that the kids have a normal childhood.
Nolan, Noah, Adam, Leo, Nathan
Cassandra, Zoe, Maelle, Noemie, Adrianna
User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (32)
DW: Diane Margaret (34)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Freddy" (2)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (NB)
Answer: 5 (twin girls); Wicked
Girls: Eulia, Natalie, Claudia, Maria, Noelle
Boys: Joseph, Michael, Dominic, Julian, Kevin
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (32)
DW: Diane Margaret (34)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Freddy" (2)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (NB)
Answer: 5 (twin girls); Wicked
Girls: Eulia, Natalie, Claudia, Maria, Noelle
Boys: Joseph, Michael, Dominic, Julian, Kevin
This message was edited 12/9/2007, 8:15 AM
User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (22)
DW: Sarah May (22)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (2)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (nb)
Two year after welcoming little Meg to the family, Sarah became pregnant with twin girls! They couple were so excited about have two more children. Sarah and Alec had always thought that they would have multiples, because both Sarah and Alec are twin themselves. Sarah has a twin sister, Louise, and Alec has a twin sister, Rose. So in honor of having twin girl, they gave their sisters the girl middle names. Again Alec and Sarah love old-fashioned names, so Rebecca and Violenta seemed perfect to join Margaret. Rebecca Louise Gangder weighted 4.2 lb and was 17 inches and Violenta Rose Gangder weigted 4.1 lbs and was 17 inches.
Meg was very happy to have TWO little sisters. She love to play with them and "help" mommy with the babies. We discovered that Meg has some servere allergies. She is allergic to all nuts. One day Meg was at a family birthday party and she ate some almonds and her throat closed up. She took her to the emerency room. She is better now, but she has breathing problems.
Elizabeth is great!
Boys: Riley, Louis, Alexander, Oliver, Elijah
Girls: Veronica, Evelyn, Samantha, Gemma, Wendy
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (22)
DW: Sarah May (22)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (2)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (nb)
Two year after welcoming little Meg to the family, Sarah became pregnant with twin girls! They couple were so excited about have two more children. Sarah and Alec had always thought that they would have multiples, because both Sarah and Alec are twin themselves. Sarah has a twin sister, Louise, and Alec has a twin sister, Rose. So in honor of having twin girl, they gave their sisters the girl middle names. Again Alec and Sarah love old-fashioned names, so Rebecca and Violenta seemed perfect to join Margaret. Rebecca Louise Gangder weighted 4.2 lb and was 17 inches and Violenta Rose Gangder weigted 4.1 lbs and was 17 inches.
Meg was very happy to have TWO little sisters. She love to play with them and "help" mommy with the babies. We discovered that Meg has some servere allergies. She is allergic to all nuts. One day Meg was at a family birthday party and she ate some almonds and her throat closed up. She took her to the emerency room. She is better now, but she has breathing problems.
Elizabeth is great!
Boys: Riley, Louis, Alexander, Oliver, Elijah
Girls: Veronica, Evelyn, Samantha, Gemma, Wendy
User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David (27)
DW: Jane Lily Savannah (25)
DS: James Austin (2)
DD/DD: Sophie Allie / Noelle Isabella (nb)
Joshua, Avery, Theodore, Nolan, Fionn
Annie, Sophie, Amanda, Destiny, Kimberleigh
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David (27)
DW: Jane Lily Savannah (25)
DS: James Austin (2)
DD/DD: Sophie Allie / Noelle Isabella (nb)
Joshua, Avery, Theodore, Nolan, Fionn
Annie, Sophie, Amanda, Destiny, Kimberleigh
User Name: Skye Morgan
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George and Lisa Rosalynn
DS: Edward Julius
Answers: 4-good-not my favorite and Mary Poppins
Boys - Orlando, Kai, Finlay, Christian and Tristan
Girls - Jacinta, Simone, Claire, Nicole and Lauren
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George and Lisa Rosalynn
DS: Edward Julius
Answers: 4-good-not my favorite and Mary Poppins
Boys - Orlando, Kai, Finlay, Christian and Tristan
Girls - Jacinta, Simone, Claire, Nicole and Lauren
This message was edited 12/9/2007, 2:43 AM
User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
DD: Paris Juliet
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
DD: Paris Juliet
PLEASE WRITE A NAMEBANK (5 names per gender)-THANKS!!! (no message)
User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (26)
DW: Sarah Noelle (24)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (2)
DD: Sophie Isabella (nb)
Could you please change Donna's nickname? I've decided that I will just call her Donna. Thanks.
Namebank: Lyndsay, Remielle, Tyla, Reia "Ray-a", Marie | Gianni, Laurence, Oliver, Sam, Jay
The family christmas card:
Hi All, well it's Christmas once again so I have to start putting up the tree, decorating the house and baking yummy treats for the girls. Speaking of the girls, I bet you all would love to know how they are doing.
When we nick-named Donna 'Lizzie', we thought she looked more like a Lizzie than a Donna. Turns out we had to give up her nickname this year as she is definately a Donna! She has learnt to say many words and she can now understand you, even if she can't reply. We have decided that when she is three we will put her in gymnastics, as it's obvious she loves flinging herself around in a gym style. She's now excited about it and can't wait to meet a whole new group of friends.
As you all know we welcomed a new member into our family this year named Sophie Isabella. Sarah had to have a c-section with Sophie. Both mother and daughter are doing well. Sophie is feeding normally and already is starting to love being with her older sister. And, of course, Donna loves being an older sister!
Alex and I would love to have more children, but we think we will wait at least two years before we have another one. Alex's work is also thinking about transfering him to Sydney (Australia) to get more money, but they arn't sure and if they properly ask we will have to discuss it.
We hope to see you all soon, Happy holidays!
Love the Reynolds family: Sarah, Alex, Donna and Sophie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (26)
DW: Sarah Noelle (24)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (2)
DD: Sophie Isabella (nb)
Could you please change Donna's nickname? I've decided that I will just call her Donna. Thanks.
Namebank: Lyndsay, Remielle, Tyla, Reia "Ray-a", Marie | Gianni, Laurence, Oliver, Sam, Jay
The family christmas card:
Hi All, well it's Christmas once again so I have to start putting up the tree, decorating the house and baking yummy treats for the girls. Speaking of the girls, I bet you all would love to know how they are doing.
When we nick-named Donna 'Lizzie', we thought she looked more like a Lizzie than a Donna. Turns out we had to give up her nickname this year as she is definately a Donna! She has learnt to say many words and she can now understand you, even if she can't reply. We have decided that when she is three we will put her in gymnastics, as it's obvious she loves flinging herself around in a gym style. She's now excited about it and can't wait to meet a whole new group of friends.
As you all know we welcomed a new member into our family this year named Sophie Isabella. Sarah had to have a c-section with Sophie. Both mother and daughter are doing well. Sophie is feeding normally and already is starting to love being with her older sister. And, of course, Donna loves being an older sister!
Alex and I would love to have more children, but we think we will wait at least two years before we have another one. Alex's work is also thinking about transfering him to Sydney (Australia) to get more money, but they arn't sure and if they properly ask we will have to discuss it.
We hope to see you all soon, Happy holidays!
Love the Reynolds family: Sarah, Alex, Donna and Sophie
Great Card!
I liked your card! It was neat how it told the story in it. I will change Donna Elizabeth "Lizzy" to just Donna Elizabeth.
I liked your card! It was neat how it told the story in it. I will change Donna Elizabeth "Lizzy" to just Donna Elizabeth.
This message was edited 12/9/2007, 12:58 PM
Here is the question to see what you get:
Rate the name Elizabeth:
4-good-not my favorite
You get a boy!
Question: Which musical do you like best out of the ones below?
1.Sound of Music or Music Man-namebank 3 for fn, 6 for mn
User Name: Sophie
Last Name: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew
DW: Sophie Louise
DD: Diana Rosalind
DS: Matthew Riley
S xx
Rate the name Elizabeth:
4-good-not my favorite
You get a boy!
Question: Which musical do you like best out of the ones below?
1.Sound of Music or Music Man-namebank 3 for fn, 6 for mn
User Name: Sophie
Last Name: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew
DW: Sophie Louise
DD: Diana Rosalind
DS: Matthew Riley
S xx
User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara "Julie"
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
Girls - Ariella, Olivia, Elisabeth, Sara, Kathryn
Boys - Jude, John, Grant, Cade, Conner
Rate the name Elizabeth: 5-Great!
Which musical do you like best of the ones below: Annie
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara "Julie"
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
Girls - Ariella, Olivia, Elisabeth, Sara, Kathryn
Boys - Jude, John, Grant, Cade, Conner
Rate the name Elizabeth: 5-Great!
Which musical do you like best of the ones below: Annie
User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary Błażej "Pol" (22)
DW: Mieczysława Klementyna "Mieczys" (21)
AD: Sophie Violet (3)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (2)
AS: Grant Maxwell (2)
AS: Evander Ezra (1)
Interesting story! Are you Polish in real life? Yes, my mother's family has very strong Polish roots. We have Polish weddings, Polish parties, etc... I even use many Polish words in every day life and don't even notice it. Other people do, and they comment on it often.
Rate the name Elizabeth:
3-it's okay
Question: Which musical do you like best out of the ones below?
1.Sound of Music
Pol and Mieczys recently adopted Mieczys's godchildren after the children's mother and father died in a car accident last spring. They knew from the beginning that it would be hard work to add three more children to their small family, but they felt like it was the right thing to do.
Grant and Julius are the best of friends now. Violenta likes to boss everyone around. Sophie has become Mieczys's little helper around the house. She likes to help with the baking and make her own 'mini bread'. She has become very clingy since her mother and father passed away.
Pol recently took over his father's bakery business. Juliusz passed away when Pol was just 16 years old and gave temporary ownership to Pol's uncle, Zachariasz. Zachariasz will give the bakery to Pol when he feels Pol is able to run it by himself. Now at the age of 22, Zachariasz feels that he is ready to run the business.
Mieczys specializes as the dessert and donut baker and is a stay at home mom the rest of the day. (Pol added a nursery in the back of the bakery where the children can play and be watched while their parents are working. )
Pol specializes in the breads, buns, biscuits, and everything else. Zachariasz is the backup baker for any special occasions or in case of illness, emergency, etc...
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary Błażej "Pol" (22)
DW: Mieczysława Klementyna "Mieczys" (21)
AD: Sophie Violet (3)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (2)
AS: Grant Maxwell (2)
AS: Evander Ezra (1)
Interesting story! Are you Polish in real life? Yes, my mother's family has very strong Polish roots. We have Polish weddings, Polish parties, etc... I even use many Polish words in every day life and don't even notice it. Other people do, and they comment on it often.
Rate the name Elizabeth:
3-it's okay
Question: Which musical do you like best out of the ones below?
1.Sound of Music
Pol and Mieczys recently adopted Mieczys's godchildren after the children's mother and father died in a car accident last spring. They knew from the beginning that it would be hard work to add three more children to their small family, but they felt like it was the right thing to do.
Grant and Julius are the best of friends now. Violenta likes to boss everyone around. Sophie has become Mieczys's little helper around the house. She likes to help with the baking and make her own 'mini bread'. She has become very clingy since her mother and father passed away.
Pol recently took over his father's bakery business. Juliusz passed away when Pol was just 16 years old and gave temporary ownership to Pol's uncle, Zachariasz. Zachariasz will give the bakery to Pol when he feels Pol is able to run it by himself. Now at the age of 22, Zachariasz feels that he is ready to run the business.
Mieczys specializes as the dessert and donut baker and is a stay at home mom the rest of the day. (Pol added a nursery in the back of the bakery where the children can play and be watched while their parents are working. )
Pol specializes in the breads, buns, biscuits, and everything else. Zachariasz is the backup baker for any special occasions or in case of illness, emergency, etc...
This message was edited 12/8/2007, 11:27 PM