[Opinions] How do you spell the nickname for Lillian?
How do you spell the nickname for Lillian: Lily, Lilly, or Lillie. I need it for a character in the early to mid 1800s. I am not sure if Lily is only the flower and Lilly or Lillie are the nicknames for Lillian. Lillie was more popular than the others during the 1880s FYI. So, what do you think is the right spelling for the nickname or did Lillians go by something different?
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I'd use Lily, because I'm a plant freak, and that's the only way to spell the plant, not Lilly or Lillie or Lili. :P
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I would choose Lillie, the most popular spelling then. Any spelling is fine, they're all used. But yeah, Lillie feels most period-accurate.
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That would be "L - i - l"AKA "me."For what it's worth, I get called Lil far and away more often, way, way more often, than any other name-derived nn. But for myself?, speaking as a Lillian, I prefer Lilli: just chop off the unused portion of the word, -an, and there's no mistaking that it's a nn for Lillian, and not the name Lily unto itself.IMO.
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I think Lilly or Lillie would fit the time period the best.
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My Neice is a Lillian, she is almost two, and we spell her nickname Lilly. I also like Lily.
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I prefer Lillie for Lillian, since I think of Lily as just a stand alone name and I think Lilly looks mispelled and like they couldn't make up their minds.
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I always spell it Lily whether it's a nn or not. Lilly just looks wrong to me, and Lillie looks like a pointless elaboration.
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I always spell it Lilly. Lily is too flowery and I dislike the way Lillie looks.
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