[Opinions] wdyto Franco?
wdyto Franco?
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James Franco = ♥Francisco Franco = evilI'm torn. =/ I guess it's okay, but I wouldn't use it.
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I know too many people whose last name is Franco & it seems strange as a fn imo.
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It's quite a common name in Italy, but mainly for older men, I can't really imagine a little boy or even a young man named Franco.
In an English-speaking context, it's way too reminiscent of Francisco Franco, since that's the only reference.
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Uh-oh, Spaghettios!You know... 'cause they're made by Franco-American. That's what it makes me think of.
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I'm not sure how many other people would think of him first but when I hear Franco all I can think of is Francisco Franco,the fascist dictator. So a definite no.

This message was edited 12/23/2007, 11:25 PM

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Agree as well.
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I find it hard to think of it as a first name, I know many people who have this as a last name.I guess if I were looking at it in a new way I'd have to say I dont mind it as a first name. It would seem a masculine, strong name to me.
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James FrancoOtherwise I would just say that I dislike the nickname Frank so much that I would never use Franco.
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