[Games] JJ21JJ's Congrats Round 6!!!
Hi, and welcome to jj21jj’s congrats round 6!
You may still sign up if you wish and here are the links if you are a member and want to look back. The link for the sign up round as well as round 1 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3091102&board=game
And round 2 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3092303&board=game
And round 3 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3093923&board=game
For round 3 if you are a new member pick from 4 for the first name and 10 for the middle name. Do not make a letter namebank for the third round if you want to join now.
And round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3096462&board=game
Choose from namebank 1 and do not send numbers
And round 5 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3099932&board=game
Since it was the holidays some of you missed round 5:
Ashley, Loz, Serel Channah, and Tai Angel
Sophie missed round 4 and 5
Round 6 table of contents:
1. What you have to do for the next round and notes
2. Examples and explanations of families and what you can do
3. Deciding what you are having (boy, girl, twins, adopting)
4. Names to choose from
5. Story of last round
6. Families sorted by user names (may be some notes to individuals)
1. What you have to do for the next round and notes
Go to http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3108302&board=game
This is my post to see what decade the behind the name users like best. Pick 5 names per gender from either the 1880s or 1990s. The links to the SSA security website is there. You may also reply and do the survey (which some of you have already) and rate the names that you pick.
Thanks to all that replied to the survey last round. I will try to make it better organized and things easier to find. *I did not know how to bold before on BTN. I thought I was doing it on Microsoft Word where I am writing this post before posting it.*
2. Examples and what you can do (same thing as before but examples updated)
Remember that you can either continue with one pair of parents or if you do not want any more children from that pair, one or more of the children can get married. It has been four years since the last birth if you are continuing with one pair of parents. If not, you can choose the amount of years. I will not change your ages if you have them because I do not know which way you want to go. If you have a boy, you can have a boy for two pairs of parents if both got married. Parents from the second generation do not have to have a kid every round, their brothers or sisters can as long as at least one child is born each round. If you want to you can write a story in the past, present, or future about your family like birth announcements, marriage stories and announcements, holiday cards, or just information on the family.
Husbands and Wives of the second generation of your daughters and sons do not have to be from the namebanks. (thanks to Diamante04 for asking)
Here is an example of some formats that you can have so far (you can have middle names):
Same pair all along::
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda
DS: Franklin ------
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
DD: Louise
DS: Ronald
Married one couple this round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith (remember the last name)
-----L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
DD: Louise
Married one couple fourth round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
-----L+L’s kids…Peter Smith
Katherine Smith
Megan Smith
DS: Franklin
DS: Lucas
Married one couple fourth round, one from last round, and one from this round and each couple are having a daughter:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
------L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
Katherine Smith
Megan Smith
DS: Franklin DW: Jessica Winter
------F+J’s kids: Allison Rogers
Darby Rogers
DS: Lucas DW: Madeline London
-------L+M’s kids: Olivia Rogers
3. See what your are having:
This is for Caroline Mae because she wants a daughter after having 5 sons only in this game!
On this congrats game I have:
More sons than daughters
Congratulations on your daughter/s!
An even amount of each:
Congratulations on your adoptee child/ren
More daughters than sons
Congratulations on your son/s!
Notice I said daughter/s, child/ren, and son/s. This is because now we are going to decide if you have a single daughter, son, or adoptee, twins, or triplets!
I have noticed that some of the Behindthename users like the name Evangeline. What do you think of it? Please give me the answer to this question because I am curious.
5/5! Great! It is one of my favorites!
You get a single child!
4/5! Good but not one of my favorites.
You get twins!
3/5 Okay enough
You get twins!
2/5 I do not like it
You get triplets
1/5 I really dislike that name!!!
You get a single child
4. Names to choose from
This round, you choose from the names of other’s families for the first name. Since it is the holiday season and New Year’s, I will let you choose any middle names, LOL. You can choose from any family member of any family in your group. The numbers (1-24) refer to what family. The numbers are by each family in numerical and alphabetical by user name order. You each have a different number. There are five groups of five. Since there are 24, not 25 families I will put a fifth number family in that group in ( ). You can choose from that number if you are group E. The group member’s numbers are in numerical order to make it easier to find your group.
That person is CN (#5) so only read this part in italics if you are CN:
CN, only choose from the families in the group where 5 is NOT in ( ).
Groups of Families
A. #2,10, 14, 22, 24
B.#4, 9, 12, 13, 18
C.#1, 5, 11, 16, 19
D.#3, 8, 17, 21, 23
E.#(5), 6, 7, 15, 20
Story of Last Round
This story is from Sah.
Here family is
18. User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (35)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (28)
----Johanna's DH: Benjamin James Hartley "Ben"
------DD: Eva Whitney Hartley
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (36)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (21)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (17)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (15)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (14)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (5)
DS: Jedidiah Micah "Jeddie" (4)
DD:Lois Grace "Loie"
Well, four years have passed since our last update, my an update is really needed! Such a lot of change has been happening in our family!
2 years ago Hanna got married! Her wedding was a lovely affair! All the girls got to be bridesmaids. Annie was the maid of honour and Josie and Nai were her attendants and Beth was a flower girl. The boys were ushers (Rickie and Mattie) and Jeddie was the ring bearer! We also had Ollie's cousins young daughter as a second flower girl.
We had mainly family and close friends at the wedding but even with that the wedding ended up rather large! It was a beautiful wedding and the photos are being proudly shown around 12 months down the line (although the photos may well be put to one side and another set taken up now but more of that later!)
Saranne was shocked to discover that she was expecting yet another child recently! She had a safe pregnancy until the 35th week. She then developed severe pre-eclampsia and was rushed into surgery. Lois was delivered 4 weeks early by Caesarian and weighed 5.11. She spent 6 days in the NICU but arrived home after 14 days. She is often the center of attention in the family! Everyone was surprised to know of her impending arrival!
Annie is now 21! Saranne and Ollie are finding it very hard to accept that their first baby is ready to fly the nest! Annie is currently at university studying to become a doctor. She is excelling on the course and has become a favourite among the professors!
Mattie is finishing his last year of A-Levels and applying to university. He hopes to study environmental control- to become an environmental inspector. He has finally met the Lord!! He went through a difficult few months 2 years ago and during this time gave his life to Christ. The peace and joy that radiates from him now is a delight to see!
Josie is currently studying for her GCSEs. She has in the last few years settled down into her studies and excels in them. She is taking : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Religious Studies, Geography, History, Statistics, Maths, English, English Literature, Portuguese and ICT! A big load but she is doing extrememly well and we are immensely proud of her! She still wishes to become a doctor like her big sister!
The twins are just being their GCSE studies, they enjoy their studies and are studying: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Statistics, Economics (Rickie) and Child Development (Nai), Geography, History, Engligh, English Lit, Welsh, Portuguese and ICT. The twins are not yet sure what career path they wish to follow but are thinking and praying seriously on this.
Beth is now growing up at a rapid rate. She is quite the little lady- takes after Nai. She still loves Mattie and loves to copy him. She has recently conquered learning to read and is becoming quite the little bookworm!!
Jeddie has just started his lessons properly and is not pleased about it! He would much rather play outside and go to work with Daddy! But he is learning quickly despite this and struggles to hide his delight when he masters a new lesson!!
Loie is a very healthy baby despite her difficult start in life. She is a smiley little one and loves her cuddles!!
After 3 months of marriage Hanna and Ben announced that they are expecting!! They safely delivered Eva (pronounced Ava) 2 weeks after Loie was born. Eva was actually due before Loie but Loie was impatient and insisted on being first!! Eva is a lovely baby, also healthy and spoiled stiff by her cousins! We are delighted that she will have a cousin her own age as she grows. Hopefully she wont feel so left out due to the big generation gap between her and most of her cousins!
6. Families
1. User Name: Akua Topaz
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers (DW: Penelope Joan Laine "Penny")
---DS/DD: Jacob Paul / Sarah Joan
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers (DH: Charles Henry Rowe)
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers (DH: David Allen White)
2. User Name: Ashley
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott
DS: Matthew James
DD: Lydia Josephine
DD: Nora Madeline
*remember to do round 5*
3. User Name: Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
DS: Charles Cameron
4. User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle
DS: Henry John Carlisle
--DW: Rebecca Jo Carlisle
----DS/DD: James Spencer Carlisle / Eva Grace Carlisle
DD/DS: Samantha Juliet Carlisle / Alexander James Carlisle
DD: Katherine Winter Carlisle
5. User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
--DW: Annie Louise [Thorgunby]
--DS: Oscar Charles
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
DS: Isidore Myles
DS: Marc Joseph
6. User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara [Ward] Evans "Julie"
--DH: Joseph Benjamin Evans "Joe"
--DS: Jacob William Evans
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
7. User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (37)
DW: Naomi Susanna (36)
AS: William Isaiah (13)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (10)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (10)
AS: Matthew Silas (9)
DS: Oliver Andrew "Andrew" (7)
DD: Katherine Victoria (4)
DS: Daniel Francis (nb)
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (44)
DW: Mary Josephine (42)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (23)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (26)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (3)
---DD: Lena Grace (newborn)
DS: Isaiah Henry (21)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (18)
DW: Cynthia Margaret (Goodman) "Cindy" (17)
9. UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
--DW: Annie Florence [Kramer]
DD: Lily Stella
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
DD: Amelia Rose
10. User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (30)
DW: Sarah Noelle (28)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (10)
DD: Sophie Isabella (8)
DS: Christian Lucas (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (4)
AS: William Michael "Liam" (2)
11. User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (57)
DW: Diane Margaret (59)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (27)
--DW: Vera Belle (Lasar) (24)
--DD: Hannah Verity (2)
--DS/DD: Jesse Edward /Ellen Louise (NB)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (25)
--J'sDH: Steven Paul Jefferson (28)
DS: Henry Noah (23)
DD: Bailey Helen (22)
12. Un: Loz
LN: Saunders
DH: Samuel Peter (29)
DW: Callie Jane (28)
DS/DD Joseph Charles / Helena Belle (Ellen) (6)
DS: Steven Maxwell (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Andrew / Adam Patrick / John Thomas (1)
DD/DD: Sarah Francine / Faith Samantha (nb)
*remember to do round 5*
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
---DH: Cameron Scott
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley
DS: Aubrey Logan
DS: Spencer Tyler
14. User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
----DS: Noah Myles
---Sarah DH: Jesse Theodore
----DS/DD: Cory Benjamin and Eva Grace
DD: Paris Juliet
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
15. User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller
DD/DD: Sophie Allie Hunter / Noelle Isabella
--Sophie's DH: Daniel Charlie Theodore Hunter
---DS/DD: Joseph Samuel Hunter / Bailey Rose Hunter
DS: Adam August
16. 16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol" (46)
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys" (45)
AD: Sophie Violet (27)
--DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (32)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (4)
---DD: Mollie Carolyn (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (26)
--J's DW: Mae Beverly [Robertson] (23)
--V's DH: Roger Roy Hendrix (27)
AS: Grant Maxwell (26)
--DW: Florence Virginia [Fitzsimmons] "Flo" (29)
---DS: Samuel Timothy "Sam" (9)
---DD: Catherine Emma "Catie" (6)
AS: Evander Ezra (25)
DS: Luther Joseph (21)
Okay, that's fine. Thanks for the survey. I hope this is better with the bold and colors.
17. User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (30)
DW: Sarah May (30)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (24)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (32)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (5)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (23)
-(Rebecca)DH: John Daniel Simpson (24)
-DS: Anthony Michael John Simpson "Tony" (2)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (19)
18. User Name: Sah
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (35)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (28)
----Johanna's DH: Benjamin James Hartley "Ben"
------DD: Eva Whitney Hartley
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (36)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (21)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (17)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (15)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (14)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (5)
DS: Jedidiah Micah "Jeddie" (4)
DD:Lois Grace "Loie"
19. UN: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Edward Adam (6)
AD/AD/AD: Juliet Susanna / Violetta Naomi / April Josephine (4)
DS/DD: Lucy Bridget / Andrew Finley (1) (9)
DS: Simon Jonah
*remember to do round 5 too*
20. User Name: Skye Morgan
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
DS: Tristan Levi
DD/DD: Isla Caroline/ Gemma Isabel
DS: Hunter William
21. User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
DS: Benjamin Theodore
22. User Name: Sophie
Last Name: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew
DW: Sophie Louise
DD: Diana Rosalind
DS: Matthew Riley
DS/DS/DS: William "Will" Kai / Albert Christian "Allie" / Jonathan Finlay (1)
23. User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George DW: Victoria Helen (Moore) and Lisa Rosalynn
DD/DD: Helena Verity and Harmony Violet (Patrick and Victoria's children)
DS: Edward Julius
DS/DS/DS: Thomas Josiah, Andrew Micah and Daniel Adrian
*remember to do round 5 too*
24. User Name: Wintertale
Last Name: Appleton-Yates
DH: Leander Jacob (41)
DW: Charlotte Emily (43)
DS: Eric William (21)
-DW: Regina Pearl(Colton) Appleton-Yates (23)
--DS/DD: Spencer James / Natalie Opal (nb)
DS: David John (19)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (17)
DD: Verity Cordelia (16)
Thanks so much for your survey! I’m glad you do not mind, lol!
You may still sign up if you wish and here are the links if you are a member and want to look back. The link for the sign up round as well as round 1 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3091102&board=game
And round 2 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3092303&board=game
And round 3 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3093923&board=game
For round 3 if you are a new member pick from 4 for the first name and 10 for the middle name. Do not make a letter namebank for the third round if you want to join now.
And round 4: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3096462&board=game
Choose from namebank 1 and do not send numbers
And round 5 is http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3099932&board=game
Since it was the holidays some of you missed round 5:
Ashley, Loz, Serel Channah, and Tai Angel
Sophie missed round 4 and 5
Round 6 table of contents:
1. What you have to do for the next round and notes
2. Examples and explanations of families and what you can do
3. Deciding what you are having (boy, girl, twins, adopting)
4. Names to choose from
5. Story of last round
6. Families sorted by user names (may be some notes to individuals)
1. What you have to do for the next round and notes
Go to http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3108302&board=game
This is my post to see what decade the behind the name users like best. Pick 5 names per gender from either the 1880s or 1990s. The links to the SSA security website is there. You may also reply and do the survey (which some of you have already) and rate the names that you pick.
Thanks to all that replied to the survey last round. I will try to make it better organized and things easier to find. *I did not know how to bold before on BTN. I thought I was doing it on Microsoft Word where I am writing this post before posting it.*
2. Examples and what you can do (same thing as before but examples updated)
Remember that you can either continue with one pair of parents or if you do not want any more children from that pair, one or more of the children can get married. It has been four years since the last birth if you are continuing with one pair of parents. If not, you can choose the amount of years. I will not change your ages if you have them because I do not know which way you want to go. If you have a boy, you can have a boy for two pairs of parents if both got married. Parents from the second generation do not have to have a kid every round, their brothers or sisters can as long as at least one child is born each round. If you want to you can write a story in the past, present, or future about your family like birth announcements, marriage stories and announcements, holiday cards, or just information on the family.
Husbands and Wives of the second generation of your daughters and sons do not have to be from the namebanks. (thanks to Diamante04 for asking)
Here is an example of some formats that you can have so far (you can have middle names):
Same pair all along::
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda
DS: Franklin ------
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
DD: Louise
DS: Ronald
Married one couple this round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith (remember the last name)
-----L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
DS: Lucas
DS: Joseph
DD: Louise
Married one couple fourth round:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
-----L+L’s kids…Peter Smith
Katherine Smith
Megan Smith
DS: Franklin
DS: Lucas
Married one couple fourth round, one from last round, and one from this round and each couple are having a daughter:
User name: example
Last name: Rogers
DH: George
DW: Mary
DD: Linda DH: Lewis Smith
------L+L’s kids: Peter Smith
Katherine Smith
Megan Smith
DS: Franklin DW: Jessica Winter
------F+J’s kids: Allison Rogers
Darby Rogers
DS: Lucas DW: Madeline London
-------L+M’s kids: Olivia Rogers
3. See what your are having:
This is for Caroline Mae because she wants a daughter after having 5 sons only in this game!
On this congrats game I have:
More sons than daughters
Congratulations on your daughter/s!
An even amount of each:
Congratulations on your adoptee child/ren
More daughters than sons
Congratulations on your son/s!
Notice I said daughter/s, child/ren, and son/s. This is because now we are going to decide if you have a single daughter, son, or adoptee, twins, or triplets!
I have noticed that some of the Behindthename users like the name Evangeline. What do you think of it? Please give me the answer to this question because I am curious.
5/5! Great! It is one of my favorites!
You get a single child!
4/5! Good but not one of my favorites.
You get twins!
3/5 Okay enough
You get twins!
2/5 I do not like it
You get triplets
1/5 I really dislike that name!!!
You get a single child
4. Names to choose from
This round, you choose from the names of other’s families for the first name. Since it is the holiday season and New Year’s, I will let you choose any middle names, LOL. You can choose from any family member of any family in your group. The numbers (1-24) refer to what family. The numbers are by each family in numerical and alphabetical by user name order. You each have a different number. There are five groups of five. Since there are 24, not 25 families I will put a fifth number family in that group in ( ). You can choose from that number if you are group E. The group member’s numbers are in numerical order to make it easier to find your group.
That person is CN (#5) so only read this part in italics if you are CN:
CN, only choose from the families in the group where 5 is NOT in ( ).
Groups of Families
A. #2,10, 14, 22, 24
B.#4, 9, 12, 13, 18
C.#1, 5, 11, 16, 19
D.#3, 8, 17, 21, 23
E.#(5), 6, 7, 15, 20
Story of Last Round
This story is from Sah.
Here family is
18. User Name: Saranne772
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (35)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (28)
----Johanna's DH: Benjamin James Hartley "Ben"
------DD: Eva Whitney Hartley
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (36)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (21)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (17)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (15)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (14)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (5)
DS: Jedidiah Micah "Jeddie" (4)
DD:Lois Grace "Loie"
Well, four years have passed since our last update, my an update is really needed! Such a lot of change has been happening in our family!
2 years ago Hanna got married! Her wedding was a lovely affair! All the girls got to be bridesmaids. Annie was the maid of honour and Josie and Nai were her attendants and Beth was a flower girl. The boys were ushers (Rickie and Mattie) and Jeddie was the ring bearer! We also had Ollie's cousins young daughter as a second flower girl.
We had mainly family and close friends at the wedding but even with that the wedding ended up rather large! It was a beautiful wedding and the photos are being proudly shown around 12 months down the line (although the photos may well be put to one side and another set taken up now but more of that later!)
Saranne was shocked to discover that she was expecting yet another child recently! She had a safe pregnancy until the 35th week. She then developed severe pre-eclampsia and was rushed into surgery. Lois was delivered 4 weeks early by Caesarian and weighed 5.11. She spent 6 days in the NICU but arrived home after 14 days. She is often the center of attention in the family! Everyone was surprised to know of her impending arrival!
Annie is now 21! Saranne and Ollie are finding it very hard to accept that their first baby is ready to fly the nest! Annie is currently at university studying to become a doctor. She is excelling on the course and has become a favourite among the professors!
Mattie is finishing his last year of A-Levels and applying to university. He hopes to study environmental control- to become an environmental inspector. He has finally met the Lord!! He went through a difficult few months 2 years ago and during this time gave his life to Christ. The peace and joy that radiates from him now is a delight to see!
Josie is currently studying for her GCSEs. She has in the last few years settled down into her studies and excels in them. She is taking : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Religious Studies, Geography, History, Statistics, Maths, English, English Literature, Portuguese and ICT! A big load but she is doing extrememly well and we are immensely proud of her! She still wishes to become a doctor like her big sister!
The twins are just being their GCSE studies, they enjoy their studies and are studying: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Statistics, Economics (Rickie) and Child Development (Nai), Geography, History, Engligh, English Lit, Welsh, Portuguese and ICT. The twins are not yet sure what career path they wish to follow but are thinking and praying seriously on this.
Beth is now growing up at a rapid rate. She is quite the little lady- takes after Nai. She still loves Mattie and loves to copy him. She has recently conquered learning to read and is becoming quite the little bookworm!!
Jeddie has just started his lessons properly and is not pleased about it! He would much rather play outside and go to work with Daddy! But he is learning quickly despite this and struggles to hide his delight when he masters a new lesson!!
Loie is a very healthy baby despite her difficult start in life. She is a smiley little one and loves her cuddles!!
After 3 months of marriage Hanna and Ben announced that they are expecting!! They safely delivered Eva (pronounced Ava) 2 weeks after Loie was born. Eva was actually due before Loie but Loie was impatient and insisted on being first!! Eva is a lovely baby, also healthy and spoiled stiff by her cousins! We are delighted that she will have a cousin her own age as she grows. Hopefully she wont feel so left out due to the big generation gap between her and most of her cousins!
1. User Name: Akua Topaz
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers (DW: Penelope Joan Laine "Penny")
---DS/DD: Jacob Paul / Sarah Joan
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers (DH: Charles Henry Rowe)
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers (DH: David Allen White)
2. User Name: Ashley
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott
DS: Matthew James
DD: Lydia Josephine
DD: Nora Madeline
*remember to do round 5*
3. User Name: Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
DS: Charles Cameron
4. User Name: Claire112
Last Name: Carlisle
DH: George Alexander Carlisle
DW: Eloise Margaret Carlisle
DS: Henry John Carlisle
--DW: Rebecca Jo Carlisle
----DS/DD: James Spencer Carlisle / Eva Grace Carlisle
DD/DS: Samantha Juliet Carlisle / Alexander James Carlisle
DD: Katherine Winter Carlisle
5. User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
--DW: Annie Louise [Thorgunby]
--DS: Oscar Charles
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
DS: Isidore Myles
DS: Marc Joseph
6. User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara [Ward] Evans "Julie"
--DH: Joseph Benjamin Evans "Joe"
--DS: Jacob William Evans
DD/DD: Lily Savannah / Stella Katherine
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
7. User Name: Emilie
Last Name: Owens
DH: Oliver Edward (37)
DW: Naomi Susanna (36)
AS: William Isaiah (13)
DD: Sarah Rebecca (10)
AD: Sophie Isabelle (10)
AS: Matthew Silas (9)
DS: Oliver Andrew "Andrew" (7)
DD: Katherine Victoria (4)
DS: Daniel Francis (nb)
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (44)
DW: Mary Josephine (42)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (23)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (26)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (3)
---DD: Lena Grace (newborn)
DS: Isaiah Henry (21)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (18)
DW: Cynthia Margaret (Goodman) "Cindy" (17)
9. UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
--DW: Annie Florence [Kramer]
DD: Lily Stella
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
DD: Amelia Rose
10. User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (30)
DW: Sarah Noelle (28)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (10)
DD: Sophie Isabella (8)
DS: Christian Lucas (5)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (4)
AS: William Michael "Liam" (2)
11. User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (57)
DW: Diane Margaret (59)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (27)
--DW: Vera Belle (Lasar) (24)
--DD: Hannah Verity (2)
--DS/DD: Jesse Edward /Ellen Louise (NB)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (25)
--J'sDH: Steven Paul Jefferson (28)
DS: Henry Noah (23)
DD: Bailey Helen (22)
12. Un: Loz
LN: Saunders
DH: Samuel Peter (29)
DW: Callie Jane (28)
DS/DD Joseph Charles / Helena Belle (Ellen) (6)
DS: Steven Maxwell (4)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Andrew / Adam Patrick / John Thomas (1)
DD/DD: Sarah Francine / Faith Samantha (nb)
*remember to do round 5*
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
---DH: Cameron Scott
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley
DS: Aubrey Logan
DS: Spencer Tyler
14. User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
----DS: Noah Myles
---Sarah DH: Jesse Theodore
----DS/DD: Cory Benjamin and Eva Grace
DD: Paris Juliet
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
15. User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller
DD/DD: Sophie Allie Hunter / Noelle Isabella
--Sophie's DH: Daniel Charlie Theodore Hunter
---DS/DD: Joseph Samuel Hunter / Bailey Rose Hunter
DS: Adam August
16. 16. User Name: Rowena
Last Name: Kedzierski
DH: Apolinary B³a¿ej "Pol" (46)
DW: Mieczys³awa Klementyna "Mieczys" (45)
AD: Sophie Violet (27)
--DH: Nathaniel Jethro Breckenridge (32)
---DD: Jemma Noelle (4)
---DD: Mollie Carolyn (NB)
DS/DD: Julius Frederick / Violenta Ingrid (26)
--J's DW: Mae Beverly [Robertson] (23)
--V's DH: Roger Roy Hendrix (27)
AS: Grant Maxwell (26)
--DW: Florence Virginia [Fitzsimmons] "Flo" (29)
---DS: Samuel Timothy "Sam" (9)
---DD: Catherine Emma "Catie" (6)
AS: Evander Ezra (25)
DS: Luther Joseph (21)
Okay, that's fine. Thanks for the survey. I hope this is better with the bold and colors.
17. User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (30)
DW: Sarah May (30)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (24)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (32)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (5)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (23)
-(Rebecca)DH: John Daniel Simpson (24)
-DS: Anthony Michael John Simpson "Tony" (2)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (19)
18. User Name: Sah
Last Name: Cohen
DH: Oliver Eduard "Ollie" (35)
---DH's sister: Johanna Marie "Hanna" (28)
----Johanna's DH: Benjamin James Hartley "Ben"
------DD: Eva Whitney Hartley
DW: Sarah Anne "Saranne" (36)
AD: Susannah Rebecca "Annie" (21)
AS: Matthew Henry "Mattie" (17)
AD: Josephine Juliette "Josie" (15)
DS/DD: Frederick James "Rickie", Naomi Margaret "Nai" (14)
DD: Elisabeth Rosalind "Beth" (5)
DS: Jedidiah Micah "Jeddie" (4)
DD:Lois Grace "Loie"
19. UN: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward
DW: Serafina Rosalind
DS: Edward Adam (6)
AD/AD/AD: Juliet Susanna / Violetta Naomi / April Josephine (4)
DS/DD: Lucy Bridget / Andrew Finley (1) (9)
DS: Simon Jonah
*remember to do round 5 too*
20. User Name: Skye Morgan
Last Name: Danes
DH: Logan Raymond
DW: Skye Morgan
DD: Juliet Bella
DD: Sophie Savannah
DS: Tristan Levi
DD/DD: Isla Caroline/ Gemma Isabel
DS: Hunter William
21. User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
DS: Benjamin Theodore
22. User Name: Sophie
Last Name: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew
DW: Sophie Louise
DD: Diana Rosalind
DS: Matthew Riley
DS/DS/DS: William "Will" Kai / Albert Christian "Allie" / Jonathan Finlay (1)
23. User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George DW: Victoria Helen (Moore) and Lisa Rosalynn
DD/DD: Helena Verity and Harmony Violet (Patrick and Victoria's children)
DS: Edward Julius
DS/DS/DS: Thomas Josiah, Andrew Micah and Daniel Adrian
*remember to do round 5 too*
24. User Name: Wintertale
Last Name: Appleton-Yates
DH: Leander Jacob (41)
DW: Charlotte Emily (43)
DS: Eric William (21)
-DW: Regina Pearl(Colton) Appleton-Yates (23)
--DS/DD: Spencer James / Natalie Opal (nb)
DS: David John (19)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (17)
DD: Verity Cordelia (16)
Thanks so much for your survey! I’m glad you do not mind, lol!
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 12:17 PM
13. User Name: Maia
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
---DH: Cameron Scott
------D: Cadence Maria
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley
DS: Aubrey Logan
DS: Spencer Tyler
Jesse Jack Isaac Sidney Guy
Lillian Cora Mabel Stella Mae
Last Name: Holmas
DH: William Trey 'Trey'
DW: Paris Leanne Heche
DD: April Mariana
---DH: Cameron Scott
------D: Cadence Maria
DS: Alexander Riley 'Alex'
DS: Grant Finley
DS: Aubrey Logan
DS: Spencer Tyler
Jesse Jack Isaac Sidney Guy
Lillian Cora Mabel Stella Mae
5. User Name: CN
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
--DW: Annie Louise [Thorgunby]
--DS: Oscar Charles
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
Finley James
--DW: Anna Marie (Hanson)
--DS/DD: James Christian and Josephine Grace
Isaac Oliver
--DW: Stella Amelia (Moro)
--DD: Emily Claire
DS: Isidore Myles
DS: Marc Joseph
Boys: James, Lewis, Jack, Noel, Isidore
Girls: Lilly, Josephine, Georgia, Charlotte, Louisa
Last Name: Archambault
DH: Carl Theodore
DW: Henrietta Rose
DS: Gregory James
--DW: Annie Louise [Thorgunby]
--DS: Oscar Charles
DD: Lily Isabella
DS/DS/DS: Finley James, Isaac Oliver and Philip Levi
Finley James
--DW: Anna Marie (Hanson)
--DS/DD: James Christian and Josephine Grace
Isaac Oliver
--DW: Stella Amelia (Moro)
--DD: Emily Claire
DS: Isidore Myles
DS: Marc Joseph
Boys: James, Lewis, Jack, Noel, Isidore
Girls: Lilly, Josephine, Georgia, Charlotte, Louisa
6. User Name: Diamante04
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara [Ward] Evans "Julie"
--DH: Joseph Benjamin Evans "Joe"
--DS: Jacob William Evans
DD/DD: Lily Savannah [Ward] Thomas / Stella Katherine
--DH (Lily): Jude Hamilton Thomas
--DS/DS: Austin James Thomas / William Oliver Thomas "Liam"
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
Names - John, Jacob, Connor, Spencer, Trevor / Olivia, Sara, Elizabeth, Kathryn, Carrie
I have more daughters than sons.
Evangeline is good but not one of my favorites.
Last Name: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
DD: Juliet Sara [Ward] Evans "Julie"
--DH: Joseph Benjamin Evans "Joe"
--DS: Jacob William Evans
DD/DD: Lily Savannah [Ward] Thomas / Stella Katherine
--DH (Lily): Jude Hamilton Thomas
--DS/DS: Austin James Thomas / William Oliver Thomas "Liam"
DS: Michael Grant
DD/DD: Daniela Daisy / Hannah Deirdre
Names - John, Jacob, Connor, Spencer, Trevor / Olivia, Sara, Elizabeth, Kathryn, Carrie
I have more daughters than sons.
Evangeline is good but not one of my favorites.
This message was edited 12/31/2007, 1:07 AM
9. UN: Gloria Rose
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
--DW: Annie Florence [Kramer]
--DD/DD: Callie Eloise / Belle Marie
DD: Lily Stella
--DH: Jack Darcy [Finch]
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
--DW: Maggie Faith [Little]
DD: Amelia Rose
Girls: Olivia Maria Scarlet Lily Grace
Boys: William Charlie Ian Jack Landon
Evangeline: Good, but not one of my favorites.
LN: Beckham
DH: Charlie Cole
DW: Grace Ivy
DS: James Oliver
--DW: Annie Florence [Kramer]
--DD/DD: Callie Eloise / Belle Marie
DD: Lily Stella
--DH: Jack Darcy [Finch]
DS: Micah George
DS: Ian Calvin
--DW: Maggie Faith [Little]
DD: Amelia Rose
Girls: Olivia Maria Scarlet Lily Grace
Boys: William Charlie Ian Jack Landon
Evangeline: Good, but not one of my favorites.
17. User Name: sarah lee
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (34)
DW: Sarah May (34)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (28)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (36)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (9)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (27)
-(Rebecca)DH: John Daniel Simpson (28)
-DS: Anthony Michael John Simpson "Tony" (6)
-DS/DS: Jacob Alexander Simpson "Alec" / Oliver Finley Simpson (4)
-(Violenta)DH: Adam Michael Anderson (3)0
-DS/DS: Harrison Levi Anderson "Harry" / Maxwell Simon Anderson "Max" (nb)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (23)
-DGF: Michelle Susan Hagan (21)
It has been a great four years! First of all we have had four new arrivals!
Rebecca and John had twin boys four years ago. Jacob Alexander nn Alec and Oliver Finley. It was very exciting because this was the second twins for grandchildren. It is very unusal we throught. Rebecca and John are both doing quite well. Tony was very excited about having teo new little brothers. John has been promoted and is doing well in his job. Rebecca is writing cooking book now and enjoys it.
Violenta has gotten married to her boyfriend, Adam Anderson. Adam is 30 years old. They also have given birth to twin boy! Now their is three set of twin grandchildren. Harrison Levi nn Harry and Maxwell Simon nn Max. All are doing well very.
Meg, Riley, Penelope, and Phoebe are doing great. Penelope and Phoebe are modeling for a notebook company, now, and they love it. It was Riley idea, because he always wants his daughters to be happy.
Theo is now dating someone. Her name is Michelle Hagan. We was born in French and her real lastname is Haganedrieu. She changed it, because she is a model. Theo has asked Michelle to married him, and she has said yes. The wedding will take place sometime next year. Michelle has also helping Penelope and Phoebe in the modeling business.
Stella, Sarah, Lydia, Viola, Georgie
Harry, Arthur, Louis, Benjamin, Hugh
Evangeline: 3/5
*Hope it is okay that I have two sets of twins, if not delate Alec and Oliver. I didn't know.
Last Name: Gangder
DH: Alec Matthew (34)
DW: Sarah May (34)
DD: Margaret Georgia "Meg" (28)
-DH: Riley Theodore North (36)
-DD/DD: Penelope Rose North / Phoebe Rebecca North (9)
DD/DD: Rebecca Louise / Violenta Rose (27)
-(Rebecca)DH: John Daniel Simpson (28)
-DS: Anthony Michael John Simpson "Tony" (6)
-DS/DS: Jacob Alexander Simpson "Alec" / Oliver Finley Simpson (4)
-(Violenta)DH: Adam Michael Anderson (3)0
-DS/DS: Harrison Levi Anderson "Harry" / Maxwell Simon Anderson "Max" (nb)
DS: Theodore Anthony "Theo" (23)
-DGF: Michelle Susan Hagan (21)
It has been a great four years! First of all we have had four new arrivals!
Rebecca and John had twin boys four years ago. Jacob Alexander nn Alec and Oliver Finley. It was very exciting because this was the second twins for grandchildren. It is very unusal we throught. Rebecca and John are both doing quite well. Tony was very excited about having teo new little brothers. John has been promoted and is doing well in his job. Rebecca is writing cooking book now and enjoys it.
Violenta has gotten married to her boyfriend, Adam Anderson. Adam is 30 years old. They also have given birth to twin boy! Now their is three set of twin grandchildren. Harrison Levi nn Harry and Maxwell Simon nn Max. All are doing well very.
Meg, Riley, Penelope, and Phoebe are doing great. Penelope and Phoebe are modeling for a notebook company, now, and they love it. It was Riley idea, because he always wants his daughters to be happy.
Theo is now dating someone. Her name is Michelle Hagan. We was born in French and her real lastname is Haganedrieu. She changed it, because she is a model. Theo has asked Michelle to married him, and she has said yes. The wedding will take place sometime next year. Michelle has also helping Penelope and Phoebe in the modeling business.
Stella, Sarah, Lydia, Viola, Georgie
Harry, Arthur, Louis, Benjamin, Hugh
Evangeline: 3/5
*Hope it is okay that I have two sets of twins, if not delate Alec and Oliver. I didn't know.
Baby Harry and Max:

Violenta and Adam on their wedding day:

Meg and Riley:

Penelope and Phoebe:

Alec and Oliver:


John and Rebecca:


Michelle (because it is easy to get pic of her LOL);

Baby Harry and Max:
Violenta and Adam on their wedding day:
Meg and Riley:
Penelope and Phoebe:
Alec and Oliver:
John and Rebecca:
Michelle (because it is easy to get pic of her LOL);
Hi, I'd like to drop out from this game, please. I've been very busy lately and don't have a lot of time to spend on games that take a long time. I've had a lot of fun though. Thank you for hosting!
Luther, Leo, August, Jasper, Gus
Roxie, Lucy, Amelia, Ruby, Celia
4/5! Good but not one of my favorites.
You get twins!
1. User Name: Akua Topaz
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers (DW: Penelope Joan Laine "Penny")
---DS/DD: Jacob Paul Powers/ Sarah Joan Powers
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers (DH: Charles Henry Rowe)
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers (DH: David Allen White)
---AD/AS: Serafina Violet / Luther Myles
Roxie, Lucy, Amelia, Ruby, Celia
4/5! Good but not one of my favorites.
You get twins!
1. User Name: Akua Topaz
Last Name: Powers
DH: Iggy Alexander Powers
DW: Roxie Goldman Powers
DS: Winston Harrison Powers (DW: Penelope Joan Laine "Penny")
---DS/DD: Jacob Paul Powers/ Sarah Joan Powers
DD: Georgia Susanna Powers (DH: Charles Henry Rowe)
---DS: Damien Hugh Rowe
DD: Juliet Lucy Powers (DH: David Allen White)
---AD/AS: Serafina Violet / Luther Myles
2. User Name: Ashley
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott (25)
--DW: Sarah Lynn [Chiffard] (23)
--DD: Olivia Rose Bentley (1)
DS: Matthew James (23)
--DW: Verity Grace [Roland] (22)
DD: Lydia Josephine (21)
DD: Nora Madeline (17)
DS: Spencer Tyler (16)
DD/DD: Regina Elise / Claire Amelia (14)
I hope I did this right. My new twins (from the results of my liking of Evangeline) are on the original family - I added wives for Anthony and Matt, and a child for Anthony and Sarah. Is that okay? I wasn't sure.
Last Name: Bentley
DH: Grant Evander
DW: Katherine Anna 'Katie'
DS: Anthony Scott (25)
--DW: Sarah Lynn [Chiffard] (23)
--DD: Olivia Rose Bentley (1)
DS: Matthew James (23)
--DW: Verity Grace [Roland] (22)
DD: Lydia Josephine (21)
DD: Nora Madeline (17)
DS: Spencer Tyler (16)
DD/DD: Regina Elise / Claire Amelia (14)
I hope I did this right. My new twins (from the results of my liking of Evangeline) are on the original family - I added wives for Anthony and Matt, and a child for Anthony and Sarah. Is that okay? I wasn't sure.
Yes, that fine. You can have anyone marry and more than one couple can have children.
11. User Name: LeeElizaBnt
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (59)
DW: Diane Margaret (61)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (29)
--DW: Vera Belle Lasar (26)
--DD: Hannah Verity (4)
--DS/DD: Jesse Edward /Ellen Louise (2)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (27)
--J'sDH: Steven Paul Jefferson (30)
--DS: David Theodore (1)
--L'sDBf: Roger Allen Harrison (26)
DS: Henry Noah (25)
--DGf: Louise Isabella Finley (23)
DD: Bailey Helen (24)
--DH: Isaac Jonah James (26)
Steven and Josephine Jefferson are proud to announce the birth of their first child and son, David Theodore. David was born December 17, and weighed 6 lbs, 9 ounces.
C.#1, 5, 11, 16, 19
Girls: Lauren Nicole Rebecca Kristen Paige
Boys: Kenneth Jesse Timothy Andrew Isaac
5/5! Great! It is one of my favorites!
You get a single child!
Last Name: Oliver
DH: Edward Peter (59)
DW: Diane Margaret (61)
DS: Fredrick Anthony "Fred" (29)
--DW: Vera Belle Lasar (26)
--DD: Hannah Verity (4)
--DS/DD: Jesse Edward /Ellen Louise (2)
DD/DD: Leanne Susanna "Lea" /Josephine Mary (27)
--J'sDH: Steven Paul Jefferson (30)
--DS: David Theodore (1)
--L'sDBf: Roger Allen Harrison (26)
DS: Henry Noah (25)
--DGf: Louise Isabella Finley (23)
DD: Bailey Helen (24)
--DH: Isaac Jonah James (26)
Steven and Josephine Jefferson are proud to announce the birth of their first child and son, David Theodore. David was born December 17, and weighed 6 lbs, 9 ounces.
C.#1, 5, 11, 16, 19
Girls: Lauren Nicole Rebecca Kristen Paige
Boys: Kenneth Jesse Timothy Andrew Isaac
5/5! Great! It is one of my favorites!
You get a single child!
21. User Name: slgn4
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
DS: Benjamin Theodore
DD: Penelope Eve
I am not sure if i did this right.
Last Name: Anderson
DH: Albert James
DW: Pearl Evangeline
DS/DD: Jedidiah William & Juliet Rosalind
DS: Ezra Spencer
DS: Anthony Elijah
DS: Jonah Matthew
DS: Benjamin Theodore
DD: Penelope Eve
I am not sure if i did this right.
Last Name: Appleton-Yates
DH: Leander Jacob (44)
DW: Charlotte Emily (47)
DS: Eric William (25)
-DW: Regina Pearl(Colton) Appleton-Yates (27)
--DS/DD: Spencer James / Natalie Opal (4)
--DD/DD: Katherine Louise / Sophie Grace (nb)
DS: David John (23)
-DW: Rebecca Julie (Williamson)Appleton-Yates (22)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (21)
DD: Verity Cordelia (20)
James, Henry, Charles, Arthur, Benjamin
Emma, Margaret, Anna, Florence, Grace
You are welcome!
DH: Leander Jacob (44)
DW: Charlotte Emily (47)
DS: Eric William (25)
-DW: Regina Pearl(Colton) Appleton-Yates (27)
--DS/DD: Spencer James / Natalie Opal (4)
--DD/DD: Katherine Louise / Sophie Grace (nb)
DS: David John (23)
-DW: Rebecca Julie (Williamson)Appleton-Yates (22)
DS/DD: Thomas Andrew / Claire Rosalind (21)
DD: Verity Cordelia (20)
James, Henry, Charles, Arthur, Benjamin
Emma, Margaret, Anna, Florence, Grace
You are welcome!
15. User Name: Nikki
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller
---DD/DD: Skye Victoria Miller / Annie Rebecca Miller
DD/DD: Sophie Allie Hunter / Noelle Isabella Neye
--Sophie's DH: Daniel Charlie Theodore Hunter
---DS/DD: Joseph Samuel Hunter / Bailey Rose Hunter
--Noelle's DH: Levi Edward Neye
DS: Adam August
Elizabeth, Sarah, Michelle, Amanda, Alice
Thomas, Kevin, Timothy, Andrew, Walter
Last Name: Miller
DH: John David
DW: Jane Lily Savannah
DS: James Austin
--DW: Zelda Winter Miller
---DS: Julian Joshua Miller
---DD/DD: Skye Victoria Miller / Annie Rebecca Miller
DD/DD: Sophie Allie Hunter / Noelle Isabella Neye
--Sophie's DH: Daniel Charlie Theodore Hunter
---DS/DD: Joseph Samuel Hunter / Bailey Rose Hunter
--Noelle's DH: Levi Edward Neye
DS: Adam August
Elizabeth, Sarah, Michelle, Amanda, Alice
Thomas, Kevin, Timothy, Andrew, Walter
8. User Name: estel
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (46)
DW: Mary Josephine (44)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (25)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (28)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (5)
---DD: Lena Grace (2)
---DD/DD/DD: Rebecca Catherine "Becky", Rose Eloise "Ellie", and Violet Abigail "Lettie" (newborn)
DS: Isaiah Henry (23)
---DW: Elisabeth Helen (Fairchild) "Betsy" (23)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (20)
DW: Cynthia Margaret (Goodman) "Cindy" (19)
My five names:
John, William, Robert, Levi, and Adam
Charlotte, Margaret, Mary, Rebecca, and Faith
I'm not sure how much I'll be able to write this round, but I'll try.
It is 1867. Wil and Landon are working the land and it is producing wonderfully for them. Wil really enjoys having Landon to help him out, and Landon likes to have Wil around to give him advice. They make a very good team. Mary is caught up in being a grandmother--did you know that she and Wil now have five grandchildren?
Rosie and Saul are busy raising their little family. Well, the family really isn't so little anymore. It seems that triplets run in the family! Rosie and Saul just welcomed three little girls--Becky, Ellie, and Lettie. The girls are surprisingly healthy, but Rosie is a bit overwhelmed by caring for them and Shawn and Lena. The older two kids are good, however, and play by themselves and don't need much looking after. Mary enjoys helping out at Rosie's house anyway.
Isaiah and Betsy have finally gotten married. It took a year and a half for Isaiah to find a job that he can do and likes to do. Isaiah has gotten himself a prothesis and is working hard at becoming a carpenter. He likes to work with the wood and has been carving little figurines and other small objects until he can get back on his feet.
Liam is in his second year of medical school (and only has three to go). He is enjoying it immensely and can't wait to get into the real world so that he can open up his own practice. He hasn't found that special girl yet, but he's starting to look.
Last Name: Baker
DH: William Henry "Wil" (46)
DW: Mary Josephine (44)
DD: Rosaline Belle "Rosie" (25)
---DH: Saul Frederick Jackson (28)
---DS: Shawn Fisher (5)
---DD: Lena Grace (2)
---DD/DD/DD: Rebecca Catherine "Becky", Rose Eloise "Ellie", and Violet Abigail "Lettie" (newborn)
DS: Isaiah Henry (23)
---DW: Elisabeth Helen (Fairchild) "Betsy" (23)
DS/DS/DS: William Jonah "Liam", Landon Jude, and Adam Malachi (20)
DW: Cynthia Margaret (Goodman) "Cindy" (19)
My five names:
John, William, Robert, Levi, and Adam
Charlotte, Margaret, Mary, Rebecca, and Faith
I'm not sure how much I'll be able to write this round, but I'll try.
It is 1867. Wil and Landon are working the land and it is producing wonderfully for them. Wil really enjoys having Landon to help him out, and Landon likes to have Wil around to give him advice. They make a very good team. Mary is caught up in being a grandmother--did you know that she and Wil now have five grandchildren?
Rosie and Saul are busy raising their little family. Well, the family really isn't so little anymore. It seems that triplets run in the family! Rosie and Saul just welcomed three little girls--Becky, Ellie, and Lettie. The girls are surprisingly healthy, but Rosie is a bit overwhelmed by caring for them and Shawn and Lena. The older two kids are good, however, and play by themselves and don't need much looking after. Mary enjoys helping out at Rosie's house anyway.
Isaiah and Betsy have finally gotten married. It took a year and a half for Isaiah to find a job that he can do and likes to do. Isaiah has gotten himself a prothesis and is working hard at becoming a carpenter. He likes to work with the wood and has been carving little figurines and other small objects until he can get back on his feet.
Liam is in his second year of medical school (and only has three to go). He is enjoying it immensely and can't wait to get into the real world so that he can open up his own practice. He hasn't found that special girl yet, but he's starting to look.
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 7:33 AM
Signing up a bit late!
User Name: Working Class Hero
Last Name: Brennan
DH: James Raymond 60
DW: Rosalyn Patricia "Rosie" 57
AS: William Henry "Will" 31
-DW: Aurelia Iris 29
-DD: Isabella Poppy "Belle" 6
-AD: Helen Judith "Lena" 5
-AD: Lucille Pearl "Lucy" 3
DS: James Joshua "Jem" 29
-DW: Sylvia Rose "Sylvie" 28
-AS: Charles Spencer "Charlie" 3
DD: Elizabeth Claudia "Lizzie" 29
-DH: Samson Alexander "Sam" 33
-AS: Benjamin William "Jamie" nb
AD: Katherine Isabella "Kate" 28
AD: Anna Lily "Annie" 27
-DH: Ezra Fuller 27
-AS: Theodore Ezra "Theo" nb
DS: August Dominic 23
Dear all,
This has been quite the busy year so it is lovely to be able to sit with a hot mug of cocoa and write to you. Preparations for Christmas are going very well - the tree is up, the food is all bought and Jamie is out buying the very last of the kids' Christmas presents as I type.
I suppose the most important events of our year was the adoption of our two new grandsons Theo and Jamie (my Jamie is thrilled that he has a grandson named after him!) Jamie arrived very early in January and Sam and Lizzie were able to take him home on February 1st. They couldn't be more delighted after the terrible news that they would be unable to have biological children and I can honestly say there couldn't be a more deserving couple. Lizzie has given up her job teaching nursery children so that she can devote all of her time to Jamie and Sam has hired more hands at the restaurant so that he can work much less hours. The resaurant continues to thrive (did you see that fantastic review in the Scotsman?) and they moved into their new home this summer.
Little Theo arrived not long after Jamie, in April. As I told you last year, Annie and Ezra had decided to offer a foster home for newborn babies. They were doing a wonderful job but it was very hard for them to give the babies back, especially as they were struggling to get pregnant themselves. Anyway, in April, Theo arrived only two days old.
User Name: Working Class Hero
Last Name: Brennan
DH: James Raymond 60
DW: Rosalyn Patricia "Rosie" 57
AS: William Henry "Will" 31
-DW: Aurelia Iris 29
-DD: Isabella Poppy "Belle" 6
-AD: Helen Judith "Lena" 5
-AD: Lucille Pearl "Lucy" 3
DS: James Joshua "Jem" 29
-DW: Sylvia Rose "Sylvie" 28
-AS: Charles Spencer "Charlie" 3
DD: Elizabeth Claudia "Lizzie" 29
-DH: Samson Alexander "Sam" 33
-AS: Benjamin William "Jamie" nb
AD: Katherine Isabella "Kate" 28
AD: Anna Lily "Annie" 27
-DH: Ezra Fuller 27
-AS: Theodore Ezra "Theo" nb
DS: August Dominic 23
Dear all,
This has been quite the busy year so it is lovely to be able to sit with a hot mug of cocoa and write to you. Preparations for Christmas are going very well - the tree is up, the food is all bought and Jamie is out buying the very last of the kids' Christmas presents as I type.
I suppose the most important events of our year was the adoption of our two new grandsons Theo and Jamie (my Jamie is thrilled that he has a grandson named after him!) Jamie arrived very early in January and Sam and Lizzie were able to take him home on February 1st. They couldn't be more delighted after the terrible news that they would be unable to have biological children and I can honestly say there couldn't be a more deserving couple. Lizzie has given up her job teaching nursery children so that she can devote all of her time to Jamie and Sam has hired more hands at the restaurant so that he can work much less hours. The resaurant continues to thrive (did you see that fantastic review in the Scotsman?) and they moved into their new home this summer.
Little Theo arrived not long after Jamie, in April. As I told you last year, Annie and Ezra had decided to offer a foster home for newborn babies. They were doing a wonderful job but it was very hard for them to give the babies back, especially as they were struggling to get pregnant themselves. Anyway, in April, Theo arrived only two days old.
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 6:42 AM
There is no 22!
14. User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
----DS: Noah Myles
---Sarah DH: Jesse Theodore
----DS/DD: Cory Benjamin and Eva Grace
DD: Paris Juliet
---H: Eric Benjamin Harrison
----DS/DS: Evander Jacob and Alex Leander
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
Jacob Brandon Cody Alex Travis
Courtney Morgan Brooke Erica Crystal
14. User Name: miss_smiley
Last Name: Smith
DH: Edward Henry "Eddie"
DW: Martha Savannah "Anna"
DS/DD: James Adam "Jay" and Sarah Daisy
---Jay DW: Matilda Madeline
----DS: Noah Myles
---Sarah DH: Jesse Theodore
----DS/DD: Cory Benjamin and Eva Grace
DD: Paris Juliet
---H: Eric Benjamin Harrison
----DS/DS: Evander Jacob and Alex Leander
DD: Eulia Sophie "Sophie"
Jacob Brandon Cody Alex Travis
Courtney Morgan Brooke Erica Crystal
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 2:40 AM
Thanks for telling me! There was a 22, then she missed round 4 so I guess I forgot to put her on round 5 and then round 6. I added her.
23. User Name: Tai Angel
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George and Lisa Rosalynn
--DW(Patrick): Victoria Helen (Moore)
---DD/DD: Helena Verity and Harmony Violet
---DD: Hayley Viola - Round 5
DS: Edward Julius
--DW: Phoebe Jane (Dengar)
---DS/DS: Anthony Levi and Benjamin Kyle
DS/DS/DS: Thomas Josiah, Andrew Micah and Daniel Adrian
I couldn't get the SSA links to work so I used the name from the people already voted.
I edited the format because I didn't really understand it, hope this is ok?
Also I hope I got it right. I have had kids screaming at me while trying to read the instructions so have read them over and over. Honestly I don't want to read them for the 50th time lol.
Last Name: Menara
DH: George Matthew
DW: Tina Rose
DS/DD: Patrick George and Lisa Rosalynn
--DW(Patrick): Victoria Helen (Moore)
---DD/DD: Helena Verity and Harmony Violet
---DD: Hayley Viola - Round 5
DS: Edward Julius
--DW: Phoebe Jane (Dengar)
---DS/DS: Anthony Levi and Benjamin Kyle
DS/DS/DS: Thomas Josiah, Andrew Micah and Daniel Adrian
I couldn't get the SSA links to work so I used the name from the people already voted.
I edited the format because I didn't really understand it, hope this is ok?
Also I hope I got it right. I have had kids screaming at me while trying to read the instructions so have read them over and over. Honestly I don't want to read them for the 50th time lol.
Double post - sorry
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 1:17 AM
10. User Name: Kelsie
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (34)
DW: Sarah Noelle (32)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (14)
-DBF: Wesley Tate Murphy (15)
DD: Sophie Isabella (12)
-DBF: Reese Alexander Craton (12)
DS: Christian Lucas (9)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (8)
AS: William Michael "Liam" (6)
DS/DS: James Harrison / Adam Oliver (nb)
Girls: Chelsea, Madison, Mackenzie, Kayla, Taylor
Boys: Jesse, Hunter, Dakota, Cody, Jordan
Hello All!
How quickly does time go by? It only seems like yesterday Olivia and Verity were born!
We would love to welcome our two new additions, twin boys James Harrison and Adam Oliver. They were born on November 15th at 6.37pm and 6.43pm. They are lovely little boys and the kids just love them. We are pleasured to say that they are definately part of the family!
Liam is now six years old. He loves school and is excelling in maths. He has taken up drumming and is great at it! After doing his homework, he always does his drum practice! He misses his mum and dad a lot, so every month we try to see their grave (they were buried together) and put flowers there as a sign of respect. We are told that they were really nice people and we think it's considerate to respect them, even though they have passed away.
Olivia is now eight. She definately is different to Verity but they both are stunning, if I might say! She still has her blonde hair and the blue eyes like we thought she would. Olivia is always commented at the shops about her looks so we have now enrolled her with a modelling agency. We have also enrolled her into horse riding since she absolutely loves horses. She doesn't really have a strong subject at school, but performs in all of them equally. She could be better at school but at the moment a lot is going on .
Verity also gets commented on her looks a lot so we decided that it's best if she is enrolled in the modelling agency too. That is the only simularity between her and Olivia. Verity is a bit of a tomboy. She loves sport, and every week we take her to Soccer, Basketball, Swimming and Tennis lessons. Her school sports teacher says that she is amazing at sport and gave her an A+ on her report. Verity's brown hair did lighten and now it's a gorgeous blonde. She is extremely outgoing and has friends around a lot, just as we predicted.
Last Name: Reynolds
DH: Alex Steven (34)
DW: Sarah Noelle (32)
DD: Donna Elizabeth (14)
-DBF: Wesley Tate Murphy (15)
DD: Sophie Isabella (12)
-DBF: Reese Alexander Craton (12)
DS: Christian Lucas (9)
DD/DD: Olivia Violet / Verity Katherine (8)
AS: William Michael "Liam" (6)
DS/DS: James Harrison / Adam Oliver (nb)
Girls: Chelsea, Madison, Mackenzie, Kayla, Taylor
Boys: Jesse, Hunter, Dakota, Cody, Jordan
Hello All!
How quickly does time go by? It only seems like yesterday Olivia and Verity were born!
We would love to welcome our two new additions, twin boys James Harrison and Adam Oliver. They were born on November 15th at 6.37pm and 6.43pm. They are lovely little boys and the kids just love them. We are pleasured to say that they are definately part of the family!
Liam is now six years old. He loves school and is excelling in maths. He has taken up drumming and is great at it! After doing his homework, he always does his drum practice! He misses his mum and dad a lot, so every month we try to see their grave (they were buried together) and put flowers there as a sign of respect. We are told that they were really nice people and we think it's considerate to respect them, even though they have passed away.
Olivia is now eight. She definately is different to Verity but they both are stunning, if I might say! She still has her blonde hair and the blue eyes like we thought she would. Olivia is always commented at the shops about her looks so we have now enrolled her with a modelling agency. We have also enrolled her into horse riding since she absolutely loves horses. She doesn't really have a strong subject at school, but performs in all of them equally. She could be better at school but at the moment a lot is going on .
Verity also gets commented on her looks a lot so we decided that it's best if she is enrolled in the modelling agency too. That is the only simularity between her and Olivia. Verity is a bit of a tomboy. She loves sport, and every week we take her to Soccer, Basketball, Swimming and Tennis lessons. Her school sports teacher says that she is amazing at sport and gave her an A+ on her report. Verity's brown hair did lighten and now it's a gorgeous blonde. She is extremely outgoing and has friends around a lot, just as we predicted.
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 4:49 PM
Alex and Sarah:

Donna (yellow top) with Holly. (Donna died her hair brown):






James and Adam:

And that is our family album! Hope you enjoyed!
Alex and Sarah:

Donna (yellow top) with Holly. (Donna died her hair brown):






James and Adam:

And that is our family album! Hope you enjoyed!
Thanks for the daughter!
3. User Name: Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
DS: Charles Cameron
DD: Penelope Violet "Nellie"

Henry, Arthur, Russell, Cecil, Dominic
Alice, Teresa, Eleanor, Marguerite, Regina
+I can't view the ssa lists for some reason...so I just used the 1900 popularity list from BtN, I hope that is OK.
3. User Name: Caroline Mae
Last Name: Coleman
DH: Henry George
DW: Diana Marie
DS: John Frederick "Jack"
DS: Ezra William
DS: Darcy Edward
DS: Victor Hugh
DS: Charles Cameron
DD: Penelope Violet "Nellie"

Henry, Arthur, Russell, Cecil, Dominic
Alice, Teresa, Eleanor, Marguerite, Regina
+I can't view the ssa lists for some reason...so I just used the 1900 popularity list from BtN, I hope that is OK.