[Facts] Meaning of my name...
Where can I find the meaning behind my name? They have Iva and Ivanka on here, but no Ivayla (it's Bulgarian). All I know is that my mom took from a novel she read while she was pregnant with me.
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Whoa! A fellow Ivayla :PI explained it here:
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does anyone know the meaning of my name? it is a word in a different language but what does it translate to english in? if anyone know please tell me i really want to know
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It means...the-one-who-asks-for-info-without-RTFM in BtNese
Seriously, what language is it from?
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well thats the thing i do not know but I know it is a word or a name and its not common european, I dont have a clue and I would be very grateful if anyone finds out anything about it.thank you
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i take it no one knows what it mean?
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Well, a Google search turned up a whole bunch of Polish sites, so I guess it's a Polish word. It was not listed in any of the online dictionaries I tried though
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thanks at least i know the language :)thanks for looking
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