[Games] Re: Serel's Congrats Round 2
in reply to a message by Serel Channah
User Name: Nikki
LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (29)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (27)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (2)
DS: Kaden Olof (nb)
Number: 38
Aww..Kai Olof wasen't a funny one, all I can see is a fat, grey haired man who is between 60 and 70 years old with glasses. LOL =)
We lived in spain for 1½ years before we moved to Sweden to visit my best friend. We fall in love with the country and didn't want to go back to Spain. Still, we had to go back because of William's company. Four months later or son was born and we named him Kaden. We decided to give him a Swedish middlename and we choosed Olof.
Later that month I had a telephone call from a girl named Kaylin Anna. She also had the same surname as my maiden name and I started to think that it was quite funny until she told me that she was my half-sister. She told me that my (our) dad had an affair with her mother and that she was 20 years old now. I didn't belived her but I asked for her telephone number so I could call her later. After that I called my father and at first he didn't wanted so say anything about it but then he confessed.
He told me that he had an affair with this woman when my mother was pregnant with my brother Jayden. Jayden is two months older than Kaylin.
I hated my father for this, and I hated that oher woman because she gave birth to that "stupid child". I also talked with my mother and she told me that she didn't had any idea about this. They've got divorced that spring.
I decided that I wanted to meet Kaylin. After all, she was my sister. I flew to the USA and took Kaitlynn and Kaden with me. She looked alot like me. When I've got to know her I found out that she was a very intresting person and she said that Kaitlynn and Kaden was adorable.
After that meeting we are talking to eachother once a week and next month she will come to us here in Spain and live with us for two weeks.




Kaitlynn and Kaden