[Games] Re: Serel's Congrats Round 2
in reply to a message by Serel Channah
Sad random event :(
User Name: Sarah Kate
LN: Fallon
DH: George Ian (23)
DW: Gemma Samantha (21)
DD: Catherine Amalia “Cat” (2)
DS: Jacob Dalton (nb)
Number: 37
Cat is diagnosed with a disability. What kind? What do you do?
It has been two years since Cat was born. Since then, Jacob Dalton Fallon was born. Jacob is a beautiful baby. He was very healthy and healthy.
Some sad news, Cat has PTSD. PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a disorder that anyone can get, that has been through something traumatic. This is very rare in Cat age range, but it still happened. In Cat's case, she was at her babysitter house and a man broke into the house and killed her babysitter. Laura (a 9 year old girl there), grab Cat and other little boy named Nick, hid in a closet. The man never saw them, but Cat could see the whole thing. After the man was gone for a hour, Laura called the police. After the ordeal, Cat had terrible nightmares. She would wake-up crying and yelling. At first, they were mild, but they kept getting worst. So, we took Cat to the docter's and the told us that she had PTSD. This is a mild case, but we don't know if she will get better. The doctors told us that Cat may suffer depression or a panic disorder. Now, all we can do is surround Cat with happiness and good things. We took a trip to George's mother house, and Cat just loved it. Cat is going to therapy and is getting better. Hopefully, one day Cat will no longer have this problem.


User Name: Sarah Kate
LN: Fallon
DH: George Ian (23)
DW: Gemma Samantha (21)
DD: Catherine Amalia “Cat” (2)
DS: Jacob Dalton (nb)
Number: 37
Cat is diagnosed with a disability. What kind? What do you do?
It has been two years since Cat was born. Since then, Jacob Dalton Fallon was born. Jacob is a beautiful baby. He was very healthy and healthy.
Some sad news, Cat has PTSD. PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a disorder that anyone can get, that has been through something traumatic. This is very rare in Cat age range, but it still happened. In Cat's case, she was at her babysitter house and a man broke into the house and killed her babysitter. Laura (a 9 year old girl there), grab Cat and other little boy named Nick, hid in a closet. The man never saw them, but Cat could see the whole thing. After the man was gone for a hour, Laura called the police. After the ordeal, Cat had terrible nightmares. She would wake-up crying and yelling. At first, they were mild, but they kept getting worst. So, we took Cat to the docter's and the told us that she had PTSD. This is a mild case, but we don't know if she will get better. The doctors told us that Cat may suffer depression or a panic disorder. Now, all we can do is surround Cat with happiness and good things. We took a trip to George's mother house, and Cat just loved it. Cat is going to therapy and is getting better. Hopefully, one day Cat will no longer have this problem.