[Games] Serel's Congrats Round 4
Welcome to Serel’s Congrats!
I am not taking any more sign ups.
Previous Rounds:
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3126059&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3126955&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3129104&board=game
People who didn’t complete Round 2:
Caoilainn (If you don’t do this round, you’ll be dropped)
Basic info for all rounds
- If you miss 3 rounds, you will be removed from the game.
- Feel free to post pictures of your family
- Write about your event
- If you encounter a problem with your family- tell me!
- If you think of a random event, either post it with your family or PM it to me.
Info for round 1:
- Genders were chosen by the roll of a dice
- Random events were chosen by the number you gave me
- The rules are made by the player below you
- 6 years have passed
- If you didn’t give me a number last round, it was randomly generated.
- If you didn’t give me a set of rules last round, I gave you some, which you gave to the player above you
Rules for round 1:
- No spelling changes
- Write about your Random Event
- Give me a number 1 to 60
- Give me a random year, from 1880 to 2006, and 10 numbers 1 to 1000.
- Name your child from the rule given to you
User Name: acg233
LN: Hecht
DH: Zaniel Jochen (39)
DW: Gabrielle Zinnia (36)
DS: Blaise Alexandre (11)
DD: Leah Anne (9)
DD: Clayr Isabelle (6)
DS: FN must be unisex; MN must have 3 letters
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
A tornado hits your town and you’re forced to relocate. Where do you go? Do you stay there or move back eventually?
User Name: Ashley
LN: Hardings
DH: Deacon Ross (34)
DW: Joanna May (32)
AS: Jacob Eduardo “Jake” (14, Mexico)
DD: Elizabeth Kate “Eliza” (11)
DD: Odelia Magdalene (9)
DS: Benjamin Samuel ‘Ben’ (6)
DD: FN must be of your favorite author, MN must be a color
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You got a new car! What kind?
User Name: Avalon_Dreams
LN: Wynters
DH: Maxwell James "Max" (33)
DW: Katriel Grace "Katri" (33)
DS: Matthew James“Matt” (11)
DS: Joshua Junior (9)
DS: Jacob Samuel (6)
DS: Use names from Harry Pottter
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You adopt a 10 year old girl from China. Her name is Fen Hui Jiang. Do you keep the name? Change it? How is she? Why did you choose to adopt her? (Note: I randomly generated an event for you, since the number you chose (4) was the same event you got last round)
User Name: BoiCrazii
LN: Highmore
DH: Alfred Thomas "Freddie" (35)
DW: Molly Hope (34)
DD: Joanna Kathryn (11)
DD: Solange Jordyn (9)
DS: Simon Russell (6)
DS: FN must be the name of a relative, MN must have 6 letters
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You go on a game show. Which one and what did you win?
User Name: caoilainn
LN: Baudelaire
DH: Milo Dominic (36)
DW: Lucy Katherine (33)
DS: Silas Leander (11)
DS: Camilo Leopoldo (9)
DD: Emmaline Linnie Socorro Simona Rosalia Amparo Marceline Willene Chestina Violetta Irena Lucretia Josefina Isadora Melia (6)
DD: FN and MN must end with the same letter
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Silas has taken an interest in astonomy. He wants his own telescope. Do you let Silas pursue the intrest, andget him one?
User Name: Cera
LN: Moran
DH: David Keith "Dave" (33)
DW: Delilah Francine (31)
DD/DD/DD: Trudy Abigail / Rachel Anne / Rebecca Janine (11)
DS: Max Gregory (9)
DS: Nathaniel Jon “Nathan” (6)
DS: Initials must be KD (the opposite of Dave’s)
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Max got straight As on his her report card! Do you reward him?
User Name: Darkest
LN: Rosewood
DH: Daniel Francis (35)
DW: Lillian Blythe (34)
DD: Eleanor Frances (11)
DS: Kieran September (9)
DS: Francis Emmett (6)
DS: FNs from a TV show, MN from top 100 of 2006
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Your entire family goes camping! Unfortunately, Francis is injured on the first day. How do you all make out?
User Name: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (35)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (33)
DS: James William (11)
DS: Jacob Lonnie (9)
DD: Katheryn Rachel (6)
DS: FN is a month name, MN is a color
DDog: Max
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Katheryn is targeted by a bully and refuses to go back to school.
User Name: Elianora
LN: Williams
DH: Jeffrey Austin “Jeff” (30)
DW: Khrystina Mai “Khrystie” (29)
AD/AD: Lucy Skylark Meadow / Aurelia Sunshine Eagle (15)
DS: Jaidyn Krystofer (13) [mom: Natasha Jade Hunter]
DS: Westley Brandon "Westie" (11)
DS: Sky Ryan (9)
AS: Brighten Storm Cayote (8)
DD: Meghan Kristyn (6)
DD: FN must have double letters in it, MN is rule free
DDog: Aspen
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Your neighbor’s move away but their oldest, Ariana, wants to finish the last term at high school. You decide to take her in. How does it go? (Note: This generation is getting large for your family, would you like to start a new generation early?)
User Name: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (31)
DW: Lydia Faith (30)
DS: Matthew Simon (11)
DS: Dakota Braiden (9)
DD: Naomi Margaret (6)
DS: Names must be from http://namenerds.com/uucn/listofweek/harvard05.html
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Dakota is sick. What’s wrong and how is he?
User Name: Flute
LN: Carpenter
DH: Kurtis James "Kurt" (35)
DW: Karen Noelle (30)
DS: Dominik Joshuah “Nick” (11)
DD: Winter Talia (9)
DS: Reuben Asher (6)
AD: Violet Matilda (6)
DS: FN is unisex. MN is rule free, but is must be clearly masc/fem
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Winter has experienced her first crush. Who?
User Name: GasolineAllie
LN: McClellan
DH: Rafe Lorin (35)
DW: Wendy Irene (31)
DD: Polly Maxine (11)
DS: Luca Romeo (9)
DD: Bianca Nan (6)
DS: Initials YV
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Rafe has been fired from his job. What did he do to get fired?
User Name: HeidiAnn
LN: Kimball
DH: Gregory Alan "Greg" (36)
DW: Fawn Alicia-Rae (35)
DS: Dexter Ryan (11)
DS: Tucker Flannery (9)
DS: Darby Rowan (6)
DS: FN must be in top 50 for US in 2006, MN must start with the same initial as your mn
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
DW has been unhappy at her job. She quits and finds a new job, but it is halfway across the country. Do you take the job and move? Or keep looking?
User Name: jj21jj
LN: Montgomery
DH: William Scott (37)
DW: Elizabeth Valerie (35)
DS: Jack Benjamin (11)
DS: Joseph Oz (9)
DS: Andrew Daniel “Andy” (6)
DD: FN must be terribly dated, FN must be classic
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Your baby is born earlier than expected. How do you cope with the situation, and how is she doing?
User Name: Keepskuh
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Browers (37)
DW: Anne Elisabeth (31)
DS: Benjamin Bayard (11)
DD: Kirsten Elisabeth (9)
DS: James Nathaniel Andy Emmett Joseph Simon Daniel Jose Mitchell Matthew Frederick Spencer Eliot Raphael Robert (6)
DS: Both names must be kree8yff and tryndee
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
(From last round:)
Walter’s sister passed away, leaving her only child to you. Her name is Elexys Makenzee Maddysin “Ellie”. Ellie is 4 [now 10] years old. How is she? Do you change her name?
(This round:)
Kirsten want a puppy for her birthday, what do you do?
User Name: Kelsie
LN: Dronten
DH: Elias Kieren (27)
DW: Hannah Paige (27)
DS: Colman Aidan “Cole” (11)
DS: Ashley Jesús (9)
DD: Mackenzie Ilsa (6)
DS: Use names from a culture other than your own
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You check your Elias's email and discover he has a profile on an online dating service and is exchanging suggestive emails with several other women. What do you do? What does he do?
User Name: miss_smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew (33)
DW: Elissa Matilda (29)
DD: Tabitha Amalia “Tabby” (11) [deaf]
DS: Jesse Harvey (9)
DS: Raphael Joshua (6)
DS: The FN must be a word spelled backwords; MN should be a ‘grandpa’ name
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Jesse was held back a year at school. Why?
User Name: Nikki
LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (38)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (36)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (11)
DS: Kaden Olof (9)
DS: Kaleb Jaylon (6)
DS: FN must be an animal; MN is rule free
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Braelyn receives a promotion!
User Name: Quigonjecca
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Bjorn (36)
DW: Luna Ophelia (35)
DD: Lyra Rosanna (11) [Famous singer]
DD: Silvia Anabela “Anabela” (9)
DD: Camila Arabella Bella Valeria Daria Marcella Viviana Daniela Chiara Marisa Liliana Terra Antonia Isabella Marina (6)
DD: Names must not start or end in vowels
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Lyra becomes quite famous; a singer - how does this affect your family?
User Name: rainbow_Maya
LN: Conrad
DH: Harry Jason (36)
DW: Jo Louise (34)
DD: Beatrice Bobbie Johanna (11)
DD: Ninian Lisbeth (9)
DD: Alice Elsa Louise (6)
DD: Names must start and end in the same letter
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You and your husband can’t decide on the spelling of your child’s name. How do you end up spelling it?
User Name: rubymay92
LN: Parker
DH: Benjamin Saul “Ben” (35)
DW: Ruby May (34)
DS: Nathan Jacob “Nate” (11)
DD: Scarlett Angelica “Lettie” (9)
DD: Elizabeth Marine “Libby” (6)
DD: FN must be a word. MN is rules free
DDog: Jet
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Libby needs surgery! Why? How’s it go?
User Name: salsa
LN: Rylands
DH: Luke Adam (34)
DW: Claire Elizabeth (31)
DS: James Ivan (11)
DD: Jasmine Tiphanie (9)
DS: Stephen John Tyrel Joel Jacob Mark Daniel Jesse Davis Allan Raphael Brooks Jesus Stephan Reggie (6)
DD: Must Honor parent’s names
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Jasmine becomes quite famous; an actor - how does this affect your family?
User Name: Sarah Kate
LN: Fallon
DH: George Ian (32)
DW: Gemma Samantha (30)
DD: Catherine Amalia “Cat” (11) [PTSD]
DS: Jacob Dalton (9)
DD: Daphne Edyth (6)
DS: FN and MN must be anagrams of eachother
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
George took a paternity test and found out that the new baby isn't his. What happened?
User Name: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (35)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (33)
DS: Matthias Casimer (11)
DD: Elisabeth Cara (9)
DD: Eve Olympia (6)
DD: FN must be a virtue name, MN is french
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
DH has been fired from his job. What did he do to get fired?
User Name: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James(33)
DW: Mary Alice (31)
DD: Caroline Marie (11)
DS: Irving Elliot (9)
DD: Claudia Rose (6)
DS: Use your initials
Ddog: Taz
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You and your husband can’t decide on the spelling of your child’s name. How do you end up spelling it?
User Name: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (37)
DW: Marie Nicole (35)
DD/DS/DD: Natalie Jaqueline / Jonathan Adam "John" / Madeleine Isabelle "Maddie" (11)
DS: Lucas Kenyon “Luke” (9)
DS: Joshua Tristan (6)
DS: FN must be in the top 20 for 2006 in the US; MN must be between 900 and 1000 for 2006
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
A baby girl was dropped on the doorstep with a note saying she belongs to Evan. What happened? How did Marie react? Will you keep the baby? Her name is Jessica Lynn.
User Name: Sugar
LN: Dale
DH: Gavrel James (36)
DW: Ebba Louise (33)
DD: Verena Adele (11) [deaf]
DD: Hazel Odette (9)
DD: Helga Leontine Maida Alfreda Isa Aurore Alice Ursula Adeline Else Freda Wilhelmina Dagmar Emma Delfina (6)
D?: Initials TA
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
There is a new technology that makes it so you can choose the sex of the baby. You take part in it. *Special random event. You can choose child’s sex*
User Name: Tai Angel
LN: Cloud
DH: Benjamin Matthew "Ben" (37)
DW: Cristina Penelope "Christy" (33)
DD: Sarah Daphne (11)
DD: Katherine Ambrosine (9)
DS: Nicholas Rafael (6)
DD: FN must be a nickname, MN must have over 10 letters
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
There is a death in your family (Ben’s brother), meaning you have to adopt their children. Lillian Marina is 5 years old. Octavia Jane-Rose is 2 and Theodore Bernard is 1. Do you keep or change their names?
User Name: Working Class Hero
LN: Pierce
DH: John Paul "Johnny" (34)
DW: Amelia Iris "Lia” (33)
DS: Nathanial Joseph “Nathan” (11)
DD: Ginnifer Ùna (9)
DS: James Matthew “Jamie” (6)
DS: Names must be from Shakespeare/Literature
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Ginnifer has developed a rather strange hobby. What is it?
User Name: Zephyrine
LN: DesRocher
DH: Daniel Phillipe Henri (57)
DW: Aurora Isabelle (37)
AS: Elijah William (20) (Illegitimate- Daniel)
DS: Jean Claude “Claude” (11)
DD: Rosanna Naomi “Rose” (9)
DD: Clementine Therese “Clem” (6)
DD: FN must have a hyphen. MN must be a flower
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You and your husband can’t decide on the spelling of your child’s name. How do you end up spelling it? (Note: Daniel is nearing 60. Would you like to start a new generation? Elijah is old enough anyway.)
Have fun!
I am not taking any more sign ups.
Previous Rounds:
Round 1: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3126059&board=game
Round 2: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3126955&board=game
Round 3: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/view.php?id=3129104&board=game
People who didn’t complete Round 2:
Caoilainn (If you don’t do this round, you’ll be dropped)
Basic info for all rounds
- If you miss 3 rounds, you will be removed from the game.
- Feel free to post pictures of your family
- Write about your event
- If you encounter a problem with your family- tell me!
- If you think of a random event, either post it with your family or PM it to me.
Info for round 1:
- Genders were chosen by the roll of a dice
- Random events were chosen by the number you gave me
- The rules are made by the player below you
- 6 years have passed
- If you didn’t give me a number last round, it was randomly generated.
- If you didn’t give me a set of rules last round, I gave you some, which you gave to the player above you
Rules for round 1:
- No spelling changes
- Write about your Random Event
- Give me a number 1 to 60
- Give me a random year, from 1880 to 2006, and 10 numbers 1 to 1000.
- Name your child from the rule given to you
User Name: acg233
LN: Hecht
DH: Zaniel Jochen (39)
DW: Gabrielle Zinnia (36)
DS: Blaise Alexandre (11)
DD: Leah Anne (9)
DD: Clayr Isabelle (6)
DS: FN must be unisex; MN must have 3 letters
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
A tornado hits your town and you’re forced to relocate. Where do you go? Do you stay there or move back eventually?
User Name: Ashley
LN: Hardings
DH: Deacon Ross (34)
DW: Joanna May (32)
AS: Jacob Eduardo “Jake” (14, Mexico)
DD: Elizabeth Kate “Eliza” (11)
DD: Odelia Magdalene (9)
DS: Benjamin Samuel ‘Ben’ (6)
DD: FN must be of your favorite author, MN must be a color
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You got a new car! What kind?
User Name: Avalon_Dreams
LN: Wynters
DH: Maxwell James "Max" (33)
DW: Katriel Grace "Katri" (33)
DS: Matthew James“Matt” (11)
DS: Joshua Junior (9)
DS: Jacob Samuel (6)
DS: Use names from Harry Pottter
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You adopt a 10 year old girl from China. Her name is Fen Hui Jiang. Do you keep the name? Change it? How is she? Why did you choose to adopt her? (Note: I randomly generated an event for you, since the number you chose (4) was the same event you got last round)
User Name: BoiCrazii
LN: Highmore
DH: Alfred Thomas "Freddie" (35)
DW: Molly Hope (34)
DD: Joanna Kathryn (11)
DD: Solange Jordyn (9)
DS: Simon Russell (6)
DS: FN must be the name of a relative, MN must have 6 letters
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You go on a game show. Which one and what did you win?
User Name: caoilainn
LN: Baudelaire
DH: Milo Dominic (36)
DW: Lucy Katherine (33)
DS: Silas Leander (11)
DS: Camilo Leopoldo (9)
DD: Emmaline Linnie Socorro Simona Rosalia Amparo Marceline Willene Chestina Violetta Irena Lucretia Josefina Isadora Melia (6)
DD: FN and MN must end with the same letter
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Silas has taken an interest in astonomy. He wants his own telescope. Do you let Silas pursue the intrest, andget him one?
User Name: Cera
LN: Moran
DH: David Keith "Dave" (33)
DW: Delilah Francine (31)
DD/DD/DD: Trudy Abigail / Rachel Anne / Rebecca Janine (11)
DS: Max Gregory (9)
DS: Nathaniel Jon “Nathan” (6)
DS: Initials must be KD (the opposite of Dave’s)
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Max got straight As on his her report card! Do you reward him?
User Name: Darkest
LN: Rosewood
DH: Daniel Francis (35)
DW: Lillian Blythe (34)
DD: Eleanor Frances (11)
DS: Kieran September (9)
DS: Francis Emmett (6)
DS: FNs from a TV show, MN from top 100 of 2006
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Your entire family goes camping! Unfortunately, Francis is injured on the first day. How do you all make out?
User Name: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (35)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (33)
DS: James William (11)
DS: Jacob Lonnie (9)
DD: Katheryn Rachel (6)
DS: FN is a month name, MN is a color
DDog: Max
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Katheryn is targeted by a bully and refuses to go back to school.
User Name: Elianora
LN: Williams
DH: Jeffrey Austin “Jeff” (30)
DW: Khrystina Mai “Khrystie” (29)
AD/AD: Lucy Skylark Meadow / Aurelia Sunshine Eagle (15)
DS: Jaidyn Krystofer (13) [mom: Natasha Jade Hunter]
DS: Westley Brandon "Westie" (11)
DS: Sky Ryan (9)
AS: Brighten Storm Cayote (8)
DD: Meghan Kristyn (6)
DD: FN must have double letters in it, MN is rule free
DDog: Aspen
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Your neighbor’s move away but their oldest, Ariana, wants to finish the last term at high school. You decide to take her in. How does it go? (Note: This generation is getting large for your family, would you like to start a new generation early?)
User Name: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (31)
DW: Lydia Faith (30)
DS: Matthew Simon (11)
DS: Dakota Braiden (9)
DD: Naomi Margaret (6)
DS: Names must be from http://namenerds.com/uucn/listofweek/harvard05.html
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Dakota is sick. What’s wrong and how is he?
User Name: Flute
LN: Carpenter
DH: Kurtis James "Kurt" (35)
DW: Karen Noelle (30)
DS: Dominik Joshuah “Nick” (11)
DD: Winter Talia (9)
DS: Reuben Asher (6)
AD: Violet Matilda (6)
DS: FN is unisex. MN is rule free, but is must be clearly masc/fem
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Winter has experienced her first crush. Who?
User Name: GasolineAllie
LN: McClellan
DH: Rafe Lorin (35)
DW: Wendy Irene (31)
DD: Polly Maxine (11)
DS: Luca Romeo (9)
DD: Bianca Nan (6)
DS: Initials YV
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Rafe has been fired from his job. What did he do to get fired?
User Name: HeidiAnn
LN: Kimball
DH: Gregory Alan "Greg" (36)
DW: Fawn Alicia-Rae (35)
DS: Dexter Ryan (11)
DS: Tucker Flannery (9)
DS: Darby Rowan (6)
DS: FN must be in top 50 for US in 2006, MN must start with the same initial as your mn
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
DW has been unhappy at her job. She quits and finds a new job, but it is halfway across the country. Do you take the job and move? Or keep looking?
User Name: jj21jj
LN: Montgomery
DH: William Scott (37)
DW: Elizabeth Valerie (35)
DS: Jack Benjamin (11)
DS: Joseph Oz (9)
DS: Andrew Daniel “Andy” (6)
DD: FN must be terribly dated, FN must be classic
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Your baby is born earlier than expected. How do you cope with the situation, and how is she doing?
User Name: Keepskuh
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Browers (37)
DW: Anne Elisabeth (31)
DS: Benjamin Bayard (11)
DD: Kirsten Elisabeth (9)
DS: James Nathaniel Andy Emmett Joseph Simon Daniel Jose Mitchell Matthew Frederick Spencer Eliot Raphael Robert (6)
DS: Both names must be kree8yff and tryndee
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
(From last round:)
Walter’s sister passed away, leaving her only child to you. Her name is Elexys Makenzee Maddysin “Ellie”. Ellie is 4 [now 10] years old. How is she? Do you change her name?
(This round:)
Kirsten want a puppy for her birthday, what do you do?
User Name: Kelsie
LN: Dronten
DH: Elias Kieren (27)
DW: Hannah Paige (27)
DS: Colman Aidan “Cole” (11)
DS: Ashley Jesús (9)
DD: Mackenzie Ilsa (6)
DS: Use names from a culture other than your own
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You check your Elias's email and discover he has a profile on an online dating service and is exchanging suggestive emails with several other women. What do you do? What does he do?
User Name: miss_smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew (33)
DW: Elissa Matilda (29)
DD: Tabitha Amalia “Tabby” (11) [deaf]
DS: Jesse Harvey (9)
DS: Raphael Joshua (6)
DS: The FN must be a word spelled backwords; MN should be a ‘grandpa’ name
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Jesse was held back a year at school. Why?
User Name: Nikki
LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (38)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (36)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (11)
DS: Kaden Olof (9)
DS: Kaleb Jaylon (6)
DS: FN must be an animal; MN is rule free
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Braelyn receives a promotion!
User Name: Quigonjecca
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Bjorn (36)
DW: Luna Ophelia (35)
DD: Lyra Rosanna (11) [Famous singer]
DD: Silvia Anabela “Anabela” (9)
DD: Camila Arabella Bella Valeria Daria Marcella Viviana Daniela Chiara Marisa Liliana Terra Antonia Isabella Marina (6)
DD: Names must not start or end in vowels
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Lyra becomes quite famous; a singer - how does this affect your family?
User Name: rainbow_Maya
LN: Conrad
DH: Harry Jason (36)
DW: Jo Louise (34)
DD: Beatrice Bobbie Johanna (11)
DD: Ninian Lisbeth (9)
DD: Alice Elsa Louise (6)
DD: Names must start and end in the same letter
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You and your husband can’t decide on the spelling of your child’s name. How do you end up spelling it?
User Name: rubymay92
LN: Parker
DH: Benjamin Saul “Ben” (35)
DW: Ruby May (34)
DS: Nathan Jacob “Nate” (11)
DD: Scarlett Angelica “Lettie” (9)
DD: Elizabeth Marine “Libby” (6)
DD: FN must be a word. MN is rules free
DDog: Jet
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Libby needs surgery! Why? How’s it go?
User Name: salsa
LN: Rylands
DH: Luke Adam (34)
DW: Claire Elizabeth (31)
DS: James Ivan (11)
DD: Jasmine Tiphanie (9)
DS: Stephen John Tyrel Joel Jacob Mark Daniel Jesse Davis Allan Raphael Brooks Jesus Stephan Reggie (6)
DD: Must Honor parent’s names
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Jasmine becomes quite famous; an actor - how does this affect your family?
User Name: Sarah Kate
LN: Fallon
DH: George Ian (32)
DW: Gemma Samantha (30)
DD: Catherine Amalia “Cat” (11) [PTSD]
DS: Jacob Dalton (9)
DD: Daphne Edyth (6)
DS: FN and MN must be anagrams of eachother
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
George took a paternity test and found out that the new baby isn't his. What happened?
User Name: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (35)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (33)
DS: Matthias Casimer (11)
DD: Elisabeth Cara (9)
DD: Eve Olympia (6)
DD: FN must be a virtue name, MN is french
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
DH has been fired from his job. What did he do to get fired?
User Name: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James(33)
DW: Mary Alice (31)
DD: Caroline Marie (11)
DS: Irving Elliot (9)
DD: Claudia Rose (6)
DS: Use your initials
Ddog: Taz
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You and your husband can’t decide on the spelling of your child’s name. How do you end up spelling it?
User Name: Spartz
LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (37)
DW: Marie Nicole (35)
DD/DS/DD: Natalie Jaqueline / Jonathan Adam "John" / Madeleine Isabelle "Maddie" (11)
DS: Lucas Kenyon “Luke” (9)
DS: Joshua Tristan (6)
DS: FN must be in the top 20 for 2006 in the US; MN must be between 900 and 1000 for 2006
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
A baby girl was dropped on the doorstep with a note saying she belongs to Evan. What happened? How did Marie react? Will you keep the baby? Her name is Jessica Lynn.
User Name: Sugar
LN: Dale
DH: Gavrel James (36)
DW: Ebba Louise (33)
DD: Verena Adele (11) [deaf]
DD: Hazel Odette (9)
DD: Helga Leontine Maida Alfreda Isa Aurore Alice Ursula Adeline Else Freda Wilhelmina Dagmar Emma Delfina (6)
D?: Initials TA
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
There is a new technology that makes it so you can choose the sex of the baby. You take part in it. *Special random event. You can choose child’s sex*
User Name: Tai Angel
LN: Cloud
DH: Benjamin Matthew "Ben" (37)
DW: Cristina Penelope "Christy" (33)
DD: Sarah Daphne (11)
DD: Katherine Ambrosine (9)
DS: Nicholas Rafael (6)
DD: FN must be a nickname, MN must have over 10 letters
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
There is a death in your family (Ben’s brother), meaning you have to adopt their children. Lillian Marina is 5 years old. Octavia Jane-Rose is 2 and Theodore Bernard is 1. Do you keep or change their names?
User Name: Working Class Hero
LN: Pierce
DH: John Paul "Johnny" (34)
DW: Amelia Iris "Lia” (33)
DS: Nathanial Joseph “Nathan” (11)
DD: Ginnifer Ùna (9)
DS: James Matthew “Jamie” (6)
DS: Names must be from Shakespeare/Literature
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
Ginnifer has developed a rather strange hobby. What is it?
User Name: Zephyrine
LN: DesRocher
DH: Daniel Phillipe Henri (57)
DW: Aurora Isabelle (37)
AS: Elijah William (20) (Illegitimate- Daniel)
DS: Jean Claude “Claude” (11)
DD: Rosanna Naomi “Rose” (9)
DD: Clementine Therese “Clem” (6)
DD: FN must have a hyphen. MN must be a flower
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006):
Numbers (10)(1-1000):
You and your husband can’t decide on the spelling of your child’s name. How do you end up spelling it? (Note: Daniel is nearing 60. Would you like to start a new generation? Elijah is old enough anyway.)
Have fun!
User Name: rubymay92
LN: Parker
DH: Benjamin Saul “Ben” (35)
DW: Ruby May (34)
DS: Nathan Jacob “Nate” (11)
DD: Scarlett Angelica “Lettie” (9)
DD: Elizabeth Marine “Libby” (6)
DD: Dulcet Lola "Dulcie" (NB)
DDog: Jet
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006): 1992
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 36, 111, 431, 999, 442, 789, 987, 696, 401, 525.
Libby needed surgery after she fell from a tree. She broke her arm very badly and without surgery it wouldn't have fixed itself properly. She was a very brave girl throughout, and we are so proud of her.
LN: Parker
DH: Benjamin Saul “Ben” (35)
DW: Ruby May (34)
DS: Nathan Jacob “Nate” (11)
DD: Scarlett Angelica “Lettie” (9)
DD: Elizabeth Marine “Libby” (6)
DD: Dulcet Lola "Dulcie" (NB)
DDog: Jet
Number (1-60):
Year (1880 to 2006): 1992
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 36, 111, 431, 999, 442, 789, 987, 696, 401, 525.
Libby needed surgery after she fell from a tree. She broke her arm very badly and without surgery it wouldn't have fixed itself properly. She was a very brave girl throughout, and we are so proud of her.
User Name: Zephyrine
LN: DesRocher
DH: Daniel Phillipe Henri (57)
DW: Aurora Isabelle (37)
AS: Elijah William (20) (Illegitimate- Daniel)
DS: Jean Claude “Claude” (11)
DD: Rosanna Naomi “Rose” (9)
DD: Clementine Therese “Clem” (6)
DD: Dorothéa-Aimée Marguerite 'Théa' (nb)
Number (1-60): 57
Year (1880 to 2006): 1882
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 1, 2, 5, 18, 22, 27, 40, 50, 81, 104
(i hope Marguerite counts as a flower - it does mean 'Daisy' in French!)
I can't believe its been six years since Clem was born! Its seems to have gone so quickly! We now have another new baby, she is called Dorothéa-Aimée Marguerite, and yes i know it is slightly over the top! Daniel and i fought long and hard over what to call the baby - as it may well have been our last baby, Daniel was determined to name her after both of his grandmothers if she was a girl , as he might not have another chance. I wasn't too keen on the hyphen to begin with but i caved eventually because i knew that if we didn't hyphenate there would be even bigger rows over whether to call her Dorothéa orAimée. But now i quite like it anyway. Anyway Théa, as we call her, is doing really well and is adored by everyone.
The other children are also doing very well. Elijah is now 20! I can't believe it! It seems like only yesterday when he first knocked on our door. Anyway he is in his second year studying film at the Sorbonne and he has his own flat in the city, although he stops by to see us nearly everyday.
Claude, Rose and Clem are all at school and take great delight in correcting their teachers in front of the class, i have had phone calls from school about it but they will not be stopped, whatever i say to them. :)
In other news, we are thinking of moving out of the suburbs and into the countryside. Watch this space.
Note: Daniel is nearing 60. Would you like to start a new generation? Elijah is old enough anyway
- Hhhhhmmmmmm....ok yes that would be good, although it might be quite fun to have a shock baby for Daniel and Aurora in a future round?
Thanks for the fun game :)
LN: DesRocher
DH: Daniel Phillipe Henri (57)
DW: Aurora Isabelle (37)
AS: Elijah William (20) (Illegitimate- Daniel)
DS: Jean Claude “Claude” (11)
DD: Rosanna Naomi “Rose” (9)
DD: Clementine Therese “Clem” (6)
DD: Dorothéa-Aimée Marguerite 'Théa' (nb)
Number (1-60): 57
Year (1880 to 2006): 1882
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 1, 2, 5, 18, 22, 27, 40, 50, 81, 104
(i hope Marguerite counts as a flower - it does mean 'Daisy' in French!)
I can't believe its been six years since Clem was born! Its seems to have gone so quickly! We now have another new baby, she is called Dorothéa-Aimée Marguerite, and yes i know it is slightly over the top! Daniel and i fought long and hard over what to call the baby - as it may well have been our last baby, Daniel was determined to name her after both of his grandmothers if she was a girl , as he might not have another chance. I wasn't too keen on the hyphen to begin with but i caved eventually because i knew that if we didn't hyphenate there would be even bigger rows over whether to call her Dorothéa orAimée. But now i quite like it anyway. Anyway Théa, as we call her, is doing really well and is adored by everyone.
The other children are also doing very well. Elijah is now 20! I can't believe it! It seems like only yesterday when he first knocked on our door. Anyway he is in his second year studying film at the Sorbonne and he has his own flat in the city, although he stops by to see us nearly everyday.
Claude, Rose and Clem are all at school and take great delight in correcting their teachers in front of the class, i have had phone calls from school about it but they will not be stopped, whatever i say to them. :)
In other news, we are thinking of moving out of the suburbs and into the countryside. Watch this space.
Note: Daniel is nearing 60. Would you like to start a new generation? Elijah is old enough anyway
- Hhhhhmmmmmm....ok yes that would be good, although it might be quite fun to have a shock baby for Daniel and Aurora in a future round?
Thanks for the fun game :)
User Name: Sugar
LN: Dale
DH: Gavrel James (36)
DW: Ebba Louise (33)
DD: Verena Adele (11) [deaf]
DD: Hazel Odette (9)
DD: Adeline Aurore (6)
DS: Theodore Auguste
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 1949
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 2, 88, 942, 423, 745, 666, 522, 99, 276, 838
Theodore Auguste has joined our family. He is our first boy, after Vreni, Zel and Addie. Gavrel really wanted a son, and basically I could not agree more with him. Then we heard about a new technology that allowed us to choose our child's sex. It wasn't easy for us, but we decided to take part in the program, and voila, Teddy was born.
LN: Dale
DH: Gavrel James (36)
DW: Ebba Louise (33)
DD: Verena Adele (11) [deaf]
DD: Hazel Odette (9)
DD: Adeline Aurore (6)
DS: Theodore Auguste
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 1949
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 2, 88, 942, 423, 745, 666, 522, 99, 276, 838
Theodore Auguste has joined our family. He is our first boy, after Vreni, Zel and Addie. Gavrel really wanted a son, and basically I could not agree more with him. Then we heard about a new technology that allowed us to choose our child's sex. It wasn't easy for us, but we decided to take part in the program, and voila, Teddy was born.
User Name: Working Class Hero
LN: Pierce
DH: John Paul "Johnny" (34)
DW: Amelia Iris "Lia” (33)
DS: Nathanial Joseph “Nathan” (11)
DD: Ginnifer Ùna (9)
DS: James Matthew “Jamie” (6)
DS: William Romeo "Liam" (nb)
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 2002
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 485, 382, 47, 39, 217, 570, 981, 3, 107, 305
Dear all - just a quick note to invite you to come and see Ginnifer's bee-keeping exhibition. Yes, that's right, Ginny's new hobby is bee-keeping! The school started it last year and ever since Gin and her friends have been hooked.
Hope you can come!
~Johnny and Lia Pierce have Nathan, Ginnifer, Jamie and Liam~
LN: Pierce
DH: John Paul "Johnny" (34)
DW: Amelia Iris "Lia” (33)
DS: Nathanial Joseph “Nathan” (11)
DD: Ginnifer Ùna (9)
DS: James Matthew “Jamie” (6)
DS: William Romeo "Liam" (nb)
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 2002
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 485, 382, 47, 39, 217, 570, 981, 3, 107, 305
Dear all - just a quick note to invite you to come and see Ginnifer's bee-keeping exhibition. Yes, that's right, Ginny's new hobby is bee-keeping! The school started it last year and ever since Gin and her friends have been hooked.
Hope you can come!
~Johnny and Lia Pierce have Nathan, Ginnifer, Jamie and Liam~
LN: Rylands
DH: Luke Adam (34)
DW: Claire Elizabeth (31)
DS: James Ivan (11)
DD: Jasmine Tiphanie (9)
DS: Raphael Stephen (6)
DD: Lucienne Ella (nb)
Number (1-60): 23
Year (1880 to 2006): 1923
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 23, 145, 156, 161, 366, 444, 580, 796, 803, 986
Jasmine has been very successful in her actressing. She was recently chosen for the supporting role in a popular TV drama series. She has featured in 10 episodes and often gets spotted on the street. Jasmine decided that some of the money she earns from the series would be spent on a trip to Lapland nest Christmas.
DH: Luke Adam (34)
DW: Claire Elizabeth (31)
DS: James Ivan (11)
DD: Jasmine Tiphanie (9)
DS: Raphael Stephen (6)
DD: Lucienne Ella (nb)
Number (1-60): 23
Year (1880 to 2006): 1923
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 23, 145, 156, 161, 366, 444, 580, 796, 803, 986
Jasmine has been very successful in her actressing. She was recently chosen for the supporting role in a popular TV drama series. She has featured in 10 episodes and often gets spotted on the street. Jasmine decided that some of the money she earns from the series would be spent on a trip to Lapland nest Christmas.
This message was edited 1/27/2008, 8:38 AM
Can anyone think of a word spelled backwards? for a boy, lol
User Name: miss_smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew (33)
DW: Elissa Matilda (29)
DD: Tabitha Amalia “Tabby” (11) [deaf]
DS: Jesse Harvey (9)
DS: Raphael Joshua (6)
DS: The FN must be a word spelled backwords; Archie
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 2005
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 6 148 233 845 999
We have found out that Jesse has dyslexia and hasn't progressed as much as hoped, the school thought the best way was to hold him back a year.
User Name: miss_smiley
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew (33)
DW: Elissa Matilda (29)
DD: Tabitha Amalia “Tabby” (11) [deaf]
DS: Jesse Harvey (9)
DS: Raphael Joshua (6)
DS: The FN must be a word spelled backwords; Archie
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 2005
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 6 148 233 845 999
We have found out that Jesse has dyslexia and hasn't progressed as much as hoped, the school thought the best way was to hold him back a year.
Well, some of these are not so great, but... (m) [EDIT: more]
Damon (nomad)
Eman (name - not in the database, but maybe you could pass it off as a variant of Eamon)
Lee (eel)
Emil (lime)
Reed (deer)
Kay (yak)
Erol (lore)
Edom (mode)
Edur (rude - okay, maybe not this one)
Elam (male)
Damon (nomad)
Eman (name - not in the database, but maybe you could pass it off as a variant of Eamon)
Lee (eel)
Emil (lime)
Reed (deer)
Kay (yak)
Erol (lore)
Edom (mode)
Edur (rude - okay, maybe not this one)
Elam (male)
This message was edited 1/27/2008, 7:31 PM
(Random words off the top of my mind that could work as names (Not good ones) when spelled backwords)
Lion = Noil
Dot = Tod
Boy = Yob
System = Metsys
Travel = Levart
Yellow = Wolley
Need = Deen
Lion = Noil
Dot = Tod
Boy = Yob
System = Metsys
Travel = Levart
Yellow = Wolley
Need = Deen
User Name: Kelsie
LN: Dronten
DH: Elias Kieren (27)
DW: Hannah Paige (27)
DS: Colman Aidan “Cole” (11)
DS: Ashley Jesús (9)
DD: Mackenzie Isla (6)
DS: Pablo Henryk (0)
Number (1-60): 37
Year (1880 to 2006): 2004
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 85 330 850 959 37 93 756 607 27 944
You check your Elias's email and discover he has a profile on an online dating service and is exchanging suggestive emails with several other women. What do you do? What does he do?
I am sorry to announce that at this point in time, Elias and I have broken up. We might get back together if Elias promises he wont do what he did again. But at the moment we aren't a couple. The kids are devestated.
Hannah Dronten
LN: Dronten
DH: Elias Kieren (27)
DW: Hannah Paige (27)
DS: Colman Aidan “Cole” (11)
DS: Ashley Jesús (9)
DD: Mackenzie Isla (6)
DS: Pablo Henryk (0)
Number (1-60): 37
Year (1880 to 2006): 2004
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 85 330 850 959 37 93 756 607 27 944
You check your Elias's email and discover he has a profile on an online dating service and is exchanging suggestive emails with several other women. What do you do? What does he do?
I am sorry to announce that at this point in time, Elias and I have broken up. We might get back together if Elias promises he wont do what he did again. But at the moment we aren't a couple. The kids are devestated.
Hannah Dronten
User Name: GasolineAllie
LN: McClellan
DH: Rafe Lorin (35)
DW: Wendy Irene (31)
DD: Polly Maxine (11)
DS: Luca Romeo (9)
DD: Bianca Nan (6)
DS: Yancy Vincente nb
Number (1-60): 13
Year (1880 to 2006): 1947
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 17, 900, 747, 810, 3, 276, 290, 301, 567, 159
Rafe has been fired over an ethics and integrity mistake. A year ago, he discovered that one of his coworkers--a friend--had been filing fraudulent data. Rather than reporting him like he should have done, Rafe helped him hide it...like an idiot. When the examiners found it, they were both dismissed. I'm just sick over this. He deliberatly concealed this from me, knowing I would force him to turn his "good buddy" in. I hate that the birth of our wonderful new son, Yancy, has been overshadowed by this.
LN: McClellan
DH: Rafe Lorin (35)
DW: Wendy Irene (31)
DD: Polly Maxine (11)
DS: Luca Romeo (9)
DD: Bianca Nan (6)
DS: Yancy Vincente nb
Number (1-60): 13
Year (1880 to 2006): 1947
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 17, 900, 747, 810, 3, 276, 290, 301, 567, 159
Rafe has been fired over an ethics and integrity mistake. A year ago, he discovered that one of his coworkers--a friend--had been filing fraudulent data. Rather than reporting him like he should have done, Rafe helped him hide it...like an idiot. When the examiners found it, they were both dismissed. I'm just sick over this. He deliberatly concealed this from me, knowing I would force him to turn his "good buddy" in. I hate that the birth of our wonderful new son, Yancy, has been overshadowed by this.
User Name: Tai Angel
LN: Cloud
DH: Benjamin Matthew "Ben" (37)
DW: Cristina Penelope "Christy" (33)
DD: Sarah Daphne (11)
DD: Katherine Ambrosine (9)
DS: Nicholas Rafael (6)
AD: Lillian Marina (5)
AD: Octavia Jane-Rose (2)
AS: Theodore Bernard (1)
DD: Rose Evangelina
Number (1-60): 59
Year (1880 to 2006): 1923
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 486, 7, 842, 444, 72, 638, 900, 1, 1000, 231
Ben's brother was killed recently in a house fire. He had managed to get the kids out safely and went back for the family dog when he was overcome by smoke and flames. The kids mother had died giving birth to Theodore so we have taken them in as our own children. So far they are coping well with their loss.
LN: Cloud
DH: Benjamin Matthew "Ben" (37)
DW: Cristina Penelope "Christy" (33)
DD: Sarah Daphne (11)
DD: Katherine Ambrosine (9)
DS: Nicholas Rafael (6)
AD: Lillian Marina (5)
AD: Octavia Jane-Rose (2)
AS: Theodore Bernard (1)
DD: Rose Evangelina
Number (1-60): 59
Year (1880 to 2006): 1923
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 486, 7, 842, 444, 72, 638, 900, 1, 1000, 231
Ben's brother was killed recently in a house fire. He had managed to get the kids out safely and went back for the family dog when he was overcome by smoke and flames. The kids mother had died giving birth to Theodore so we have taken them in as our own children. So far they are coping well with their loss.
User Name: BoiCrazii
LN: Highmore
DH: Alfred Thomas "Freddie" (35)
DW: Molly Hope (34)
DD: Joanna Kathryn (11)
DD: Solange Jordyn (9)
DS: Simon Russell (6)
DS: Patrick Joseph (nb)
Number (1-60): 25
Year (1880 to 2006): 1995
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 214, 319, 905, 715, 114, 418, 516, 627, 824, 7
You go on a game show. Which one and what did you win?
I went on Jeopardy! and I won $25,000!!
LN: Highmore
DH: Alfred Thomas "Freddie" (35)
DW: Molly Hope (34)
DD: Joanna Kathryn (11)
DD: Solange Jordyn (9)
DS: Simon Russell (6)
DS: Patrick Joseph (nb)
Number (1-60): 25
Year (1880 to 2006): 1995
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 214, 319, 905, 715, 114, 418, 516, 627, 824, 7
You go on a game show. Which one and what did you win?
I went on Jeopardy! and I won $25,000!!
User Name: slgn4
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James(33)
DW: Mary Alice (31)
DD: Caroline Marie (11)
DS: Irving Elliot (9)
DD: Claudia Rose (6)
DS: Benjamin Lysander
Ddog: Taz
Number (1-60): 27
Year (1880 to 2006): 1920
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 7,15,23,127,500,245, 412,74,688,104
Albert and Mary picked a name for their son. But they could not agree how to spell the name. Mary wanted to spell it Benjamyn.Albert wanted to spell it the original way Benjamin.After talking about it for while. They finally decided to spell it Benjamin.It be easier to spell and you don't need to correct people for spelling.
LN: Anderson
DH: Albert James(33)
DW: Mary Alice (31)
DD: Caroline Marie (11)
DS: Irving Elliot (9)
DD: Claudia Rose (6)
DS: Benjamin Lysander
Ddog: Taz
Number (1-60): 27
Year (1880 to 2006): 1920
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 7,15,23,127,500,245, 412,74,688,104
Albert and Mary picked a name for their son. But they could not agree how to spell the name. Mary wanted to spell it Benjamyn.Albert wanted to spell it the original way Benjamin.After talking about it for while. They finally decided to spell it Benjamin.It be easier to spell and you don't need to correct people for spelling.
This message was edited 1/26/2008, 5:22 PM
User Name: rainbow_Maya
LN: Conrad
DH: Harry Jason (36)
DW: Jo Louise (34)
DD: Beatrice Bobbie Johanna (11)
DD: Ninian Lisbeth (9)
DD: Alice Elsa Louise (6)
DD: Willow Alva (nb)
After 6 years we decided to have another go at trying for a baby as it felt so strange to have all our girls of at school most of the day and no little feet running around most of th day anymore. The girls couldn't decide what they wanted more during my pregnancy, a boy at lst or another girl for the gang. We were so happy when we held our latest adition to our family in our arms: Willow Alva. It was a tough decision until 3 days after her birt, as Harry wanted to spell her name Willow Alwa and I prefered the spelling Willough Alva. But we finally compromised.
Number: 56
Year: 1892
Numbers: 547 665 48 9 951 1 568 43 58 752

Our pet of the family Willow

Our three big girls, Beatrice, Ninian and Alice, a few years ago and now

Beatrice, Ninian and Alice
LN: Conrad
DH: Harry Jason (36)
DW: Jo Louise (34)
DD: Beatrice Bobbie Johanna (11)
DD: Ninian Lisbeth (9)
DD: Alice Elsa Louise (6)
DD: Willow Alva (nb)
After 6 years we decided to have another go at trying for a baby as it felt so strange to have all our girls of at school most of the day and no little feet running around most of th day anymore. The girls couldn't decide what they wanted more during my pregnancy, a boy at lst or another girl for the gang. We were so happy when we held our latest adition to our family in our arms: Willow Alva. It was a tough decision until 3 days after her birt, as Harry wanted to spell her name Willow Alwa and I prefered the spelling Willough Alva. But we finally compromised.
Number: 56
Year: 1892
Numbers: 547 665 48 9 951 1 568 43 58 752

Our pet of the family Willow


Our three big girls, Beatrice, Ninian and Alice, a few years ago and now



Beatrice, Ninian and Alice
User Name: Diamante04
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (35)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (33)
DS: James William (11)
DS: Jacob Lonnie (9)
DD: Katheryn Rachel "Kate" (6)
DS: August Adam "Adam" Adam is listed under the "red" meaning names, so I hope it works.
DDog: Max
Number (1-60): 32
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 5, 7, 24, 62, 72, 91, 144, 155, 501, 528
Katheryn is targeted by a bully and refuses to go back to school.
Our family is happy to announce the arrival of August Adam! Adam, as we are calling him, came into the world weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces; 20 inches long. James and Jacob are thrilled to have another brother, and can't wait until he's old enough to play with. Kate was hoping for a sister, since she's so outnumbered, but she does love her baby brother and adores holding him.
And speaking of Kate, she recently came home from school (she's a first grader this year), in tears, announcing that she's never going back. This is the same little girl whose at the top of her class, loves going to school, and can't get enough when it comes to learning. John and I were, obviously, very confused, and for awhile, she didn't want to talk too much about it. But, slowly she began to open up and let us know that a boy in her class is pushing her around and teasing her for doing so well in school.
James and Jacob, who are now in the fourth and sixth grades, were quite angry to see their little sister so upset (they are immensely protective of her), and of course, wanted to take care of the problem their way. John sat them down, though, and explained that'd we'd handle it...we could only imagine how it would have turned out otherwise. And so, they respected our decision, but are still keeping a very close eye on Kate.
She was very reluctant to go back the next day, afraid of being taunted, pushed, and to have her hair pulled. In fact, she didn't want to leave in the morning, cried the entire way to school, and wouldn't let go of John or my hand, but we did go back, discussed the problem with her teacher, and the matter was handled from there. Now, she's back to being the same little girl we all know, who looks forward to school everyday.
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer (35)
DW: Jennifer Nicole "Jen" (33)
DS: James William (11)
DS: Jacob Lonnie (9)
DD: Katheryn Rachel "Kate" (6)
DS: August Adam "Adam" Adam is listed under the "red" meaning names, so I hope it works.
DDog: Max
Number (1-60): 32
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 5, 7, 24, 62, 72, 91, 144, 155, 501, 528
Katheryn is targeted by a bully and refuses to go back to school.
Our family is happy to announce the arrival of August Adam! Adam, as we are calling him, came into the world weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces; 20 inches long. James and Jacob are thrilled to have another brother, and can't wait until he's old enough to play with. Kate was hoping for a sister, since she's so outnumbered, but she does love her baby brother and adores holding him.
And speaking of Kate, she recently came home from school (she's a first grader this year), in tears, announcing that she's never going back. This is the same little girl whose at the top of her class, loves going to school, and can't get enough when it comes to learning. John and I were, obviously, very confused, and for awhile, she didn't want to talk too much about it. But, slowly she began to open up and let us know that a boy in her class is pushing her around and teasing her for doing so well in school.
James and Jacob, who are now in the fourth and sixth grades, were quite angry to see their little sister so upset (they are immensely protective of her), and of course, wanted to take care of the problem their way. John sat them down, though, and explained that'd we'd handle it...we could only imagine how it would have turned out otherwise. And so, they respected our decision, but are still keeping a very close eye on Kate.
She was very reluctant to go back the next day, afraid of being taunted, pushed, and to have her hair pulled. In fact, she didn't want to leave in the morning, cried the entire way to school, and wouldn't let go of John or my hand, but we did go back, discussed the problem with her teacher, and the matter was handled from there. Now, she's back to being the same little girl we all know, who looks forward to school everyday.
User Name: HeidiAnn
LN: Kimball
DH: Gregory Alan "Greg" (36)
DW: Fawn Alicia-Rae (35)
DS: Dexter Ryan (11)
DS: Tucker Flannery (9)
DS: Darby Rowan (6)
DS: Gavin Alistair (2)
Number (1-60): 55
Year (1880 to 2006): 1967
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 15, 16, 18, 24, 147, 333, 550, 787, 888, 991
DW has been unhappy at her job. She quits and finds a new job, but it is halfway across the country. Do you take the job and move? Or keep looking?
The Kimball family is doing well. Four years after Darby was born Fawn gave birth to their fourth son, Gavin Alistair.
Dexter is now 11 and in 6th grade. He's still very mischevious and gets into trouble for being the "class clown" quite often.
Tucker is 9 and in 4th grade. He's still a quiet boy who is very well behaved. He causes no problems for his parents or school.
Darby is a rambuncious 6 year old who is in 1st grade. He seems to be following in Dexter's footsteps.
Gavin is 2 and is a sweet little boy, very much like Tucker was at that age.
All the boys love playing on the computer, even Gavin is learning to.
Fawn has been very unhappy at her job. She is a nurse at a large Hospital in the ER. She decided to put out feelers and see what offers she would get. She gets a great offer, but unfortunatly it's half way across the country.
Greg is a Dentist and his business is doing well. The family just couldn't up and move away, so Fawn had to turn it down. Luckily she found a job at a smaller hospital, in the next town over, working in the Maternity Ward and is much happier.



Gavin and Daddy

LN: Kimball
DH: Gregory Alan "Greg" (36)
DW: Fawn Alicia-Rae (35)
DS: Dexter Ryan (11)
DS: Tucker Flannery (9)
DS: Darby Rowan (6)
DS: Gavin Alistair (2)
Number (1-60): 55
Year (1880 to 2006): 1967
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 15, 16, 18, 24, 147, 333, 550, 787, 888, 991
DW has been unhappy at her job. She quits and finds a new job, but it is halfway across the country. Do you take the job and move? Or keep looking?
The Kimball family is doing well. Four years after Darby was born Fawn gave birth to their fourth son, Gavin Alistair.
Dexter is now 11 and in 6th grade. He's still very mischevious and gets into trouble for being the "class clown" quite often.
Tucker is 9 and in 4th grade. He's still a quiet boy who is very well behaved. He causes no problems for his parents or school.
Darby is a rambuncious 6 year old who is in 1st grade. He seems to be following in Dexter's footsteps.
Gavin is 2 and is a sweet little boy, very much like Tucker was at that age.
All the boys love playing on the computer, even Gavin is learning to.
Fawn has been very unhappy at her job. She is a nurse at a large Hospital in the ER. She decided to put out feelers and see what offers she would get. She gets a great offer, but unfortunatly it's half way across the country.
Greg is a Dentist and his business is doing well. The family just couldn't up and move away, so Fawn had to turn it down. Luckily she found a job at a smaller hospital, in the next town over, working in the Maternity Ward and is much happier.



Gavin and Daddy

This message was edited 1/26/2008, 3:15 PM
User Name: Quigonjecca
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Bjorn (36)
DW: Luna Ophelia (35)
DD: Lyra Rosanna (11) [Famous singer]
DD: Silvia Anabela “Anabela” (9)
DD: Liliana Camila (6)
DD: Skylar Sunshine
Number (1-60): 57
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 900, 999, 850, 700, 747, 923, 500, 400, 1000, 300
Lyra becomes quite famous; a singer - how does this affect your family?
Caspian and I are so happy for our eldest daughter. Although only eleven years old, Lyra has been attending classical singing competitions since she was old enough to sing. However, as the years passed by, she drifted farther away from her classical roots, and closer to a more folksy, Celtic-like sound.
Unbeknownst to us, there was a talent scout at her last performance in a musical. He contacted us shortly thereafter and offered our daughter a recording contract. She happily agreed.
It started out local, but soon her singing had taken the country by storm. She's on the top ten charts now. We feel so blessed!
LN: Smith
DH: Caspian Bjorn (36)
DW: Luna Ophelia (35)
DD: Lyra Rosanna (11) [Famous singer]
DD: Silvia Anabela “Anabela” (9)
DD: Liliana Camila (6)
DD: Skylar Sunshine
Number (1-60): 57
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 900, 999, 850, 700, 747, 923, 500, 400, 1000, 300
Lyra becomes quite famous; a singer - how does this affect your family?
Caspian and I are so happy for our eldest daughter. Although only eleven years old, Lyra has been attending classical singing competitions since she was old enough to sing. However, as the years passed by, she drifted farther away from her classical roots, and closer to a more folksy, Celtic-like sound.
Unbeknownst to us, there was a talent scout at her last performance in a musical. He contacted us shortly thereafter and offered our daughter a recording contract. She happily agreed.
It started out local, but soon her singing had taken the country by storm. She's on the top ten charts now. We feel so blessed!
Sunshine ends in a vowel
User Name: estel
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (31)
DW: Lydia Faith (30)
DS: Matthew Simon (11)
DS: Dakota Braiden (9)
DD: Naomi Margaret (6)
DS: Adam Jeremiah
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 1930
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 15, 34, 49, 50, 56, 57, 67, 88, 89, 93
Dakota is sick. What’s wrong and how is he?
It has been six years since Naomi was born. Wil and Lydia took some time to heal their relationship before trying to have another baby. Their third son, Adam Jeremiah, was born happy and healthy, and the Thompson's can't wait to raise him. Everyone in the family is doing fairly well. Wil is still playing professional ice hockey. He was elected captain of his club last year and has been under a bit of stress about being a role model to all the other guys, but he's gotten used to his new role now. Lydia is busy with the new baby and also taking care of the other three kids. She says that she doesn't have enough hours in the day to take care of everything. Matthew, 11, started playing competitve ice hockey this year as well as transitioning to middle school. It has been a rough year for Matt. He broke his collarbone in September and wasn't able to do all of the activities that he enjoys. It has now healed and Matt is making friends in his middle school classes and loves belonging to the hockey team. Dakota, 9, has also had a difficult year. Early in the year he was diagnosed with bronchitis. That triggered an episode of pneumonia which brought about mono. Dakota hasn't been able to do much of anything for the past six months and is having a rough time dealing with it. Wil and Lydia try to keep him as occupied as possible, but Dakota is active, just like his big brother and wants to be out doing things and playing sports. The doctor says another few weeks will put Dakota back on his feet--as long as he doesn't catch anything else. Naomi, 6, has had a pretty good year. She is in first grade now. She loves school and has made a bunch of friends. She is outgoing and lively, but not very much into sports.
LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (31)
DW: Lydia Faith (30)
DS: Matthew Simon (11)
DS: Dakota Braiden (9)
DD: Naomi Margaret (6)
DS: Adam Jeremiah
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 1930
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 15, 34, 49, 50, 56, 57, 67, 88, 89, 93
Dakota is sick. What’s wrong and how is he?
It has been six years since Naomi was born. Wil and Lydia took some time to heal their relationship before trying to have another baby. Their third son, Adam Jeremiah, was born happy and healthy, and the Thompson's can't wait to raise him. Everyone in the family is doing fairly well. Wil is still playing professional ice hockey. He was elected captain of his club last year and has been under a bit of stress about being a role model to all the other guys, but he's gotten used to his new role now. Lydia is busy with the new baby and also taking care of the other three kids. She says that she doesn't have enough hours in the day to take care of everything. Matthew, 11, started playing competitve ice hockey this year as well as transitioning to middle school. It has been a rough year for Matt. He broke his collarbone in September and wasn't able to do all of the activities that he enjoys. It has now healed and Matt is making friends in his middle school classes and loves belonging to the hockey team. Dakota, 9, has also had a difficult year. Early in the year he was diagnosed with bronchitis. That triggered an episode of pneumonia which brought about mono. Dakota hasn't been able to do much of anything for the past six months and is having a rough time dealing with it. Wil and Lydia try to keep him as occupied as possible, but Dakota is active, just like his big brother and wants to be out doing things and playing sports. The doctor says another few weeks will put Dakota back on his feet--as long as he doesn't catch anything else. Naomi, 6, has had a pretty good year. She is in first grade now. She loves school and has made a bunch of friends. She is outgoing and lively, but not very much into sports.
User Name: Nikki
LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (38)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (36)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (11)
DS: Kaden Olof (9)
DS: Kaleb Jaylon (6)
DS: Kouprey Dian
Number (1-60): 55
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 252, 463, 538, 363, 696, 947, 159, 25, 12, 75
After we moved to the United Kingdom everthing went by just fine and we lived there for two and a half year.
As I said before I always wanted to move to Asia but William wasen't so sure about it. When I revieved a promotion which meant that we had to move, to Asia, I was overjoyed. William on the other hand said that it wouldn't work because he had to be in Europe or the united states because of his company and help them out.
I told him that Asia would be perfect for him and his company. He could start up a new factory there and then he would have a factory all around the world except for Africa.
A few weeks later he said yes and we moved! We had a little hard to settle down and Kaitlynn asked us all the time if we would move again soon or not. When we told her no (the conract I signed meant that I had to work in Indonesia for atleast 2 years). After that she told us that she wanted a pink and girly room.
Those two years went by very fast and we decided to stay and sign another contract for another two years. After one and a half year I discovered that I were pregnant again!
Our youngest, Kaleb, were five at the time and we were so happy!
Kaitlynn was hoping for a sister (and me too) but we found out that it would be another boy. Kaitlynn were so said but we told her that maybe she will have a baby sister in the future.
On august the 25th our son was born. We decided to name him Kouprey Dian.

Kaleb in the grass

Kaden in a tree

Kaitlynn chatting with all her friends all around the world


LN: Cambridge
DH: William Jacob (38)
DW: Braelyn Savannah (36)
DD: Kaitlynn Sierra (11)
DS: Kaden Olof (9)
DS: Kaleb Jaylon (6)
DS: Kouprey Dian
Number (1-60): 55
Year (1880 to 2006): 2006
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 252, 463, 538, 363, 696, 947, 159, 25, 12, 75
After we moved to the United Kingdom everthing went by just fine and we lived there for two and a half year.
As I said before I always wanted to move to Asia but William wasen't so sure about it. When I revieved a promotion which meant that we had to move, to Asia, I was overjoyed. William on the other hand said that it wouldn't work because he had to be in Europe or the united states because of his company and help them out.
I told him that Asia would be perfect for him and his company. He could start up a new factory there and then he would have a factory all around the world except for Africa.
A few weeks later he said yes and we moved! We had a little hard to settle down and Kaitlynn asked us all the time if we would move again soon or not. When we told her no (the conract I signed meant that I had to work in Indonesia for atleast 2 years). After that she told us that she wanted a pink and girly room.
Those two years went by very fast and we decided to stay and sign another contract for another two years. After one and a half year I discovered that I were pregnant again!
Our youngest, Kaleb, were five at the time and we were so happy!
Kaitlynn was hoping for a sister (and me too) but we found out that it would be another boy. Kaitlynn were so said but we told her that maybe she will have a baby sister in the future.
On august the 25th our son was born. We decided to name him Kouprey Dian.

Kaleb in the grass

Kaden in a tree

Kaitlynn chatting with all her friends all around the world


User Name: Keepskuh
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Browers (37)
DW: Anne Elisabeth (31)
DS: Benjamin Bayard (11)
DD: Elexys Makenzee Maddysin “Ellie” (10)
DD: Kirsten Elisabeth (9)
DS: Andy Daniel (6)
DS: Fin Egilius (nb)
Ddog: Chief
Number (1-60): 16
Year (1880 to 2006): 1881
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 347, 467, 457, 686, 431, 486, 756, 517, 767, 945
Kirsten want a puppy for her birthday, what do you do? We gave Kirsten a puppy, a brown labrador named Chief.
LN: Browers
DH: Walter Browers (37)
DW: Anne Elisabeth (31)
DS: Benjamin Bayard (11)
DD: Elexys Makenzee Maddysin “Ellie” (10)
DD: Kirsten Elisabeth (9)
DS: Andy Daniel (6)
DS: Fin Egilius (nb)
Ddog: Chief
Number (1-60): 16
Year (1880 to 2006): 1881
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 347, 467, 457, 686, 431, 486, 756, 517, 767, 945
Kirsten want a puppy for her birthday, what do you do? We gave Kirsten a puppy, a brown labrador named Chief.
User Name: jj21jj
LN: Montgomery
DH: William Scott (37)
DW: Elizabeth Valerie (35)
DS: Jack Benjamin (11)
DS: Joseph Oz (9)
DS: Andrew Daniel “Andy” (6)
DD: Susanna Katherine
Number (1-60): 24
Year (1880 to 2006): 1882
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 28, 98, 111, 143, 209
Your baby is born earlier than expected. How do you cope with the situation, and how is she doing?
One night, Elizabeth started feeling pain like she had when she had Jack, Joseph, and Andy. The weird thing was Susanna was not suppose to be born for another 2 weeks. But the pain continued so Will drove Elizabeth to the hospital. The doctors scanned her and found that our baby was going to be born premature! Will quickly called the grandparents and his and Elizabeth's sisters and brothers. She was going to have to have a c-section. A couple of hours later our daughter was born. We had a first daughter and named her Susanna. Susanna had to stay at the hospital. She is very frail. About 2 weeks later we were allowed to take her home. Our sons were not allowed to hold her until a couple of days ago, a month after her birth. We are so glad that she lived.
LN: Montgomery
DH: William Scott (37)
DW: Elizabeth Valerie (35)
DS: Jack Benjamin (11)
DS: Joseph Oz (9)
DS: Andrew Daniel “Andy” (6)
DD: Susanna Katherine
Number (1-60): 24
Year (1880 to 2006): 1882
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, 28, 98, 111, 143, 209
Your baby is born earlier than expected. How do you cope with the situation, and how is she doing?
One night, Elizabeth started feeling pain like she had when she had Jack, Joseph, and Andy. The weird thing was Susanna was not suppose to be born for another 2 weeks. But the pain continued so Will drove Elizabeth to the hospital. The doctors scanned her and found that our baby was going to be born premature! Will quickly called the grandparents and his and Elizabeth's sisters and brothers. She was going to have to have a c-section. A couple of hours later our daughter was born. We had a first daughter and named her Susanna. Susanna had to stay at the hospital. She is very frail. About 2 weeks later we were allowed to take her home. Our sons were not allowed to hold her until a couple of days ago, a month after her birth. We are so glad that she lived.
User Name: Avalon_Dreams
LN: Wynters
DH: Maxwell James "Max" (33)
DW: Katriel Grace "Katri" (33)
DS: Matthew James“Matt” (11)
DS: Joshua Junior (9)
DS: Jacob Samuel (6)
DS: Orion Sirius (nb)
AD: Lily Adelaide (5)
Number (1-60): 30
Year (1880 to 2006): 1986
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 4, 3, 5, 8, 111, 442, 835, 999, 332, 123
We adopted a little girl because we wanted to have at least one girl. We changed her name to one of our favorite combos. She's doing well and her older brothers are her "protectors". She loves the baby and likes to help out.
LN: Wynters
DH: Maxwell James "Max" (33)
DW: Katriel Grace "Katri" (33)
DS: Matthew James“Matt” (11)
DS: Joshua Junior (9)
DS: Jacob Samuel (6)
DS: Orion Sirius (nb)
AD: Lily Adelaide (5)
Number (1-60): 30
Year (1880 to 2006): 1986
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 4, 3, 5, 8, 111, 442, 835, 999, 332, 123
We adopted a little girl because we wanted to have at least one girl. We changed her name to one of our favorite combos. She's doing well and her older brothers are her "protectors". She loves the baby and likes to help out.
User Name: Cera
LN: Moran
DH: David Keith "Dave" (33)
DW: Delilah Francine (31)
DD/DD/DD: Trudy Abigail / Rachel Anne / Rebecca Janine (11)
DS: Max Gregory (9)
DS: Nathaniel Jon “Nathan” (6)
DS: Kelly Dean "Kel"
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 1920
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 3, 33, 99, 127, 282, 550, 672, 815, 816, 999
This has been a busy year for our family. Besides having a new baby, the triplets started middle school, and Nathan started first grade. Max started the fourth grade, and he was very worried in the beginning of the year because he got a notoriously strict and difficult teacher. Max was very worried about getting good grades and proving himself to this teacher. He was very proud when he got straight A's on his report card! Dave and I don't like to make a big deal about grades, but Max has worked very hard and been very responsible this year, so we decided to reward him by giving him his birthday present--a computer--a couple months early.
LN: Moran
DH: David Keith "Dave" (33)
DW: Delilah Francine (31)
DD/DD/DD: Trudy Abigail / Rachel Anne / Rebecca Janine (11)
DS: Max Gregory (9)
DS: Nathaniel Jon “Nathan” (6)
DS: Kelly Dean "Kel"
Number (1-60): 54
Year (1880 to 2006): 1920
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 3, 33, 99, 127, 282, 550, 672, 815, 816, 999
This has been a busy year for our family. Besides having a new baby, the triplets started middle school, and Nathan started first grade. Max started the fourth grade, and he was very worried in the beginning of the year because he got a notoriously strict and difficult teacher. Max was very worried about getting good grades and proving himself to this teacher. He was very proud when he got straight A's on his report card! Dave and I don't like to make a big deal about grades, but Max has worked very hard and been very responsible this year, so we decided to reward him by giving him his birthday present--a computer--a couple months early.
User Name: Darkest
LN: Rosewood
DH: Daniel Francis (35)
DW: Lillian Blythe (34)
DD: Eleanor Frances (11)
DS: Kieran September (9)
DS: Francis Emmett (6)
DS: Chakotay Daniel (nb)
Number (1-60): 13
Year (1880 to 2006): 1990
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117, 130
Your entire family goes camping! Unfortunately, Francis is injured on the first day. How do you all make out?
On the first day of our camping trip, Francis fell from a tree he had been climbing at the edge of our campsite and sprained his ankle. He will recover just fine, but we were forced to cut our trip short.
LN: Rosewood
DH: Daniel Francis (35)
DW: Lillian Blythe (34)
DD: Eleanor Frances (11)
DS: Kieran September (9)
DS: Francis Emmett (6)
DS: Chakotay Daniel (nb)
Number (1-60): 13
Year (1880 to 2006): 1990
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78, 91, 104, 117, 130
Your entire family goes camping! Unfortunately, Francis is injured on the first day. How do you all make out?
On the first day of our camping trip, Francis fell from a tree he had been climbing at the edge of our campsite and sprained his ankle. He will recover just fine, but we were forced to cut our trip short.
User Name: Sarah Kate
LN: Fallon
DexH: George Ian (32)
DW: Gemma Samantha (30)
DbF: Henry Michael Samuelson (37)
DD: Catherine Amalia Fallon “Cat” (11) [PTSD]
DS: Jacob Dalton Fallon (9)
DD: Daphne Edyth Fallon (6)
DS: Micah Achim Samuelson (nb)
Number (1-60): 9
Year (1880 to 2006): 1897
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 723
George took a paternity test and found out that the new baby isn't his. What happened?
When George found that Micah wantn't his baby he freaked out. Gemma did know what to tell him, but that she had been seeing someone else, Henry Michael Samuelson. George told Gemma that she was to break up with him (George is very controlling) and Gemma told him that she wanted a divorce.
George is now gone and Gemma is dating Henry. Cat, Jacob, and Daphne are seeing their father every weekend.
Cat has had to hardest time with the divorce, and misses her father every much. Cat asked if she could live with her father, which broke Gemma heart, but she let her. Gemma loves living with her father.



LN: Fallon
DexH: George Ian (32)
DW: Gemma Samantha (30)
DbF: Henry Michael Samuelson (37)
DD: Catherine Amalia Fallon “Cat” (11) [PTSD]
DS: Jacob Dalton Fallon (9)
DD: Daphne Edyth Fallon (6)
DS: Micah Achim Samuelson (nb)
Number (1-60): 9
Year (1880 to 2006): 1897
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 723
George took a paternity test and found out that the new baby isn't his. What happened?
When George found that Micah wantn't his baby he freaked out. Gemma did know what to tell him, but that she had been seeing someone else, Henry Michael Samuelson. George told Gemma that she was to break up with him (George is very controlling) and Gemma told him that she wanted a divorce.
George is now gone and Gemma is dating Henry. Cat, Jacob, and Daphne are seeing their father every weekend.
Cat has had to hardest time with the divorce, and misses her father every much. Cat asked if she could live with her father, which broke Gemma heart, but she let her. Gemma loves living with her father.
I need ten numbers 1-1000. You only gave one.
User Name: Serel Channah
LN: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (35)
DW: Serafina Rosalind (33)
DS: Matthias Casimer (11)
DD: Elisabeth Cara (9)
DD: Eve Olympia (6)
DD: Grace Simone (nb)
Number (1-60): -random-
Year (1880 to 2006): 1993
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 19, 819, 89, 93, 993, 199, 193, 139, 939, 911
DH has been fired from his job. What did he do to get fired?
Carlisle works as a doctor. The practice he works in hasn't been doing too well, and they had to lay off a few doctors. Carlisle was one of them. He found a new job in another practice though.
User Name: Ashley
LN: Hardings
DH: Deacon Ross (34)
DW: Joanna May (32)
AS: Jacob Eduardo “Jake” (14, Mexico)
DD: Elizabeth Kate “Eliza” (11)
DD: Odelia Magdalene (9)
DS: Benjamin Samuel ‘Ben’ (6)
DD: Harper Cyan (nb)
Number (1-60): 26
Year (1880 to 2006): 1990
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 3, 5, 9, 926, 26, 11, 22, 8, 822, 429
You got a new car! What kind?
We recently purchased an all black Honda Pilot to fit our crew! It fits all of us quite nicely. The seats are black leather inside and it runs great. We absolutely love it!
LN: Hardings
DH: Deacon Ross (34)
DW: Joanna May (32)
AS: Jacob Eduardo “Jake” (14, Mexico)
DD: Elizabeth Kate “Eliza” (11)
DD: Odelia Magdalene (9)
DS: Benjamin Samuel ‘Ben’ (6)
DD: Harper Cyan (nb)
Number (1-60): 26
Year (1880 to 2006): 1990
Numbers (10)(1-1000): 3, 5, 9, 926, 26, 11, 22, 8, 822, 429
You got a new car! What kind?
We recently purchased an all black Honda Pilot to fit our crew! It fits all of us quite nicely. The seats are black leather inside and it runs great. We absolutely love it!