[Opinions] Preston
What do you think? For a boy.
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meh, it could be kind of cute, but it's got some pretty major drawbacks-
(a) Preston Manning *shudders* probably wouldn't matter if you're not Canadian though..
(b) SPF, or Sean Preston, Britney Spears firstborn
(c) sounds trendy, snooty, and "wannabe" all at the same timeThat being said, I can see the appeal. However, I can't see this name ever being approved by any self respecting husband ;) (lol, I say this b/c when I was pregnant I threw this name, along with literally hundreds of others, out there for my own husband's consideration...it was met with a critical look, furrowed brow, and resounding "No. No boy would ever want to grow up with this name. Might as well name him Captain Sissy Pants"...this from my really not that 'macho' husband...he's a SAHD after all, but I digress.)
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I don't particularly like it.It just feels too trendy and surnamey to me.I do know an awesome Preston, but he's helped fill the Preston quota, IMO.
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The name Preston reminds me of beards for some odd reason. I'm not a fan, but I don't think it's a bad name.
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There's a cute Preston in my son's preschool class. The name is okay to me, not a fave.
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I dislike it [m]I never could wrap around this name it sounds too snobbish to me sorry.
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I really dislike it, sorry. It's the quintessientially trendy name: surnamey, ends in -(t)on. It could become really dated.
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I like it but as a mn.
It does sound a bit snotty as a fn, I'll agree with Marija.
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Preston is derived from a surname meaning "priest town" are Priests snotty? lol
It never seemed like a snotty name to me, but I also like the name Reginald, but only for the nn Reggie which I think it too cute. I just can't imagine telling my friends and family my baby's name is Reginald. lol

This message was edited 2/20/2008, 9:40 AM

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I like it
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I love it on a girl.
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I dislike it, I think it sounds stuffy. For me, there are two associations. First, Preston Manning was the leader of a pretty right wing party in Canada a few years ago. Second, Sean Preston is Britney Spears' son.
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In the name of passing on what I've heard any time I mentioned this name, I'll say this: Apparently, it's quite trendy. I know three people named Preston. One is in his late sixties, has white hair (no idea what the relevance of this is...), and is relatively well-off. He seems to be a nice enough man, imo. He had some problems with alchohol in his "early days," but he has, I believe, 34 years on the wagon. He donates to various local charities and regularly attends different functions in our small town (senior citizens' dinners, 4th of July fireworks, our local harvest festival, that kind of stuff). This is a very good association for me.
The second is sixteen and is in my grade in high school. I don't know him all that well, but I do know enough to know it wouldn't be a good association if I did, so I'm glad I don't. (lol)
The third is a baby. Uh, he's cute...? I love Preston and can easily picture it on either a classy business man or a younger person. It's a name that ages very well. :)
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I love it. I think it's handsome and charming. It's one of my faves.
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I dislike it sorry. I always thought it sounded snotty for some reason.
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