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[Opinions] Re: Dinah & Alice
in reply to a message by elysa
I love the name Alice, but I am Elise and having an Elise and Alice in the same family would be too much IMO. It's a shame because it would definitely be a name I would consider for a prospective daughter.
I don't think it is weird using a name you would consider for yourself. I would use Ruby and I often say I would rename myself Ruby. Ruby conjures up charactaristics that I love and consider the better side of me and they are qualities I would like my daughter to have. I really have no problem with it at all.
I quite like Dinah and would be very happy to see it on someone else's child but can't see myself ever considering it.
Dinah Melisande
Dinah Wilhelmina
Dinah Alexandra
Dinah Verity
Dinah Vivienne
Dinah Corisande
Dinah Beatrice
Dinah Elisabeth
Dinah Xanthe
Dinah Felicity
Dinah Penelope
Dinah Miriam
Dinah ZenobiaAny you like?
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