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[Opinions] Re: Caroline...
Obviously I love the name because I named my daughter Caroline. I must admit, I didn't fall in love with the name at first (I had a student with this name 8 years ago). But over time, during the past 4 years, I started thinking it was really classy, I guess for the most part because of Caroline Kennedy. Now I just think it is cute. My daughter is 2, with blond wavy/curly hair and light blue eyes. I also love all the nicknames you can make from the name.Maybe some people in America find it "boring" because of Little House on the Prarie or something. I do love Carolina, but thought it was a little too ethnic for me. (We call my daughter that anyway as a nn.) It is definately not an overused name, but I like how normal yet different it is. Does that make sense?
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