[Surname] Re: Surname "Catelli"
I found more two things:"Dovrebbe derivare da soprannomi originati dal vocabolo latino catellus (cagnolino) e potrebbe riferirsi al fatto di allevare cani o aver avuto a che fare, in un episodio significativo, con un cane.""Si individuerebbero due zone d'origine, il comasco ed il parmense."I don't know what Catellus means.I also found some people saying it comes from Cate (diminutive of Caterina) + elli (plural sufix). Caterina itself comes from the Greek name "Hekateríne".
So, could someone translate the italian texts for me? And what did you find out (if any)? And where do you think it comes from?
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Surname "Catelli"  ·  Lucas_Ivars  ·  3/17/2008, 10:49 AM
Re: Surname "Catelli"  ·  Lucas_Ivars  ·  3/17/2008, 11:48 AM
Re: Surname "Catelli"  ·  Jim Young  ·  3/18/2008, 12:36 PM
Re: Surname "Catelli"  ·  Mino Sagani  ·  3/19/2008, 3:28 PM