[Opinions] Amos
I'm promoting Amos.This is a name that I *love* and no one else seems to (not that I care about that). I think on my poll I got 130 thumbs down and 22 thumbs up (which made me like it even more admittedly--I invariably root for the underdog). I think it is really fresh and irresistably ironic, yet serious enough if need be. Your opinions? I definitely would use it. I like Amos Luke.

This message was edited 3/18/2008, 2:49 PM

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If I had a son right now he would most likely be an Amos or an Abram.
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(aak)Amos is in my top 5, for sure. It's kind of quirky and fun, but I feel that it can be stately as well. I love alliteration at this point in time, :o) so Amos Ambrose is my choice for a combo. Amos Luke is pretty classy, though!
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I used to dislike it, but it's sort of growing on me. It's in my list of "non-family honouring names", as it's the name of the Israeli novelist Amos Oz, one of my favourite authors. I might consider it as a middle name.
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I give Amos the thumbs up, I really like it a lot. I don't know why people wouldn't like it actually. Amos Luke is very cute.
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I like it a lot. Too be honest I didn't even think of the anus connection until reading the post below and I live in Australia where there are no brand connotations I know of. I know an Amos who is 8 (a teacher from high school's son) and he is well adjusted and always gets comments on his name- positive comments that is.
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For some reason, the look of the name is just really off-putting to me, and I don't know why. :/ I will admit that Amos Luke is a handsome combo, though.
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Ooooh, Amos Luke is so handsome. I worry about the Famous Amos connection (the restaurants, here at least, are often referred to as Flaming Anus :-/), but it's such a handsome, underused name that I'd definitely advocate it.
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I really, really like Amos but I try to ignore it as much as possible (I cannot use it for personal reasons and I want to avoid falling to much in love with the name). Amos Luke is nice as well. I wouldn't worry about the polling (where are you doing it, if I may ask?); often, the people responding to your poll are the same ones demanding to know whether others like the name Jezenny.
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I don't mind the name, though it would be in the mn spot for me. I had a steel band teacher called Mr Amos at our school who really creeped me out so I guess he put a bit of a slur on the name for me. It is nice to see someone on the boards saying 'Hey, I really like this name no matter what, and I just wanted to tell everybody.' Cool.
I feel that way about Aristodemos (and have been plugging it subtly for some time now :])
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Sorry, it sounds too similar to anus. And it also makes me think of Famous Amos.
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Amos just reminds me of the bumbling hisband from Chicago, so I wouldn't use it myself. I think it'd be awesome one someone else's kid, though.
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Amos isn't a favourite of mine, but I'd like to see it used. It's handsome, short and to the point, recognisable but unusual. Definite plus points. Amos Luke is a great combo.
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I love Amos! I personally would not use it(I also knew a dog by this name, and was addicted to Famous Amos cookies), but would love to meet a real life little Amos.
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I think it's wonderful. It was my #1 name when I first started here at BtN. Really, Amos is my absolute favorite male name. I won't use it, however, because of the "anus" teasing. Every name can be teased, but this is a little too mean for my tastes.It's funny. For a long time I considered the impact of the Famous Amos brand name and the sad racial stereotypes of Amos and Andy, but the similarity to anus went right over my head. I wish it wasn't immediately obvious to everyone else--every man I know, every kid over the age of 8 or so, even my mother. I was crushed to speak on another site to the aunt of a 10-year-old Amos who has been so harassed over his name that his parents are helping him legally changing his it as a birthday present. Bottom line, it's strictly mn material for me now, but I'd love to see it on someone else's kid as a fn.
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I really don't care about the anus possibility. I don't really care much about teasing either. I got teased plenty and I think it taught me not to care.
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I'm not willing to take that attitude, since I can't predict how my own child would react. Like I said, all names are teaseworthy, but some teasing is easier and uglier than others.More power to you, though.
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Sad StoryFor me it has family significance as well. It's actually a heartbreaking story. My great-great-grandmother (Alice Augusta Robey--I've mentioned her) had twelve brothers and sisters (lovely names but that's beside the point). The youngest of the twelve sisters, Mira (also the most beautiful) had gotten married to a man named Amos Lowry (love that name beyond comprehension). Unfortunately though she had gotten pregnant long before the wedding and in the 1890's it was simply out of the question in Burtonsville, Maryland to give birth less than nine months after a wedding. So, she tried to induce miscarriage and died in the process, leaving behind her new husband, Amos. Heartbreaking, isn't it? Mira's portrait still hangs over the center of my grandmother's mantle. Actually if I ever had boy-girl twins, Amos and Mira would be a consideration.

This message was edited 3/18/2008, 8:28 PM

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Robey FamilyOh, I can't resist typing their names.mother: Marian Washington (née Burton; daughter of Isaac and Keturah Brown Duvall)
father: Berry Robey (son of John Nelson Robey and Rachel Ann Higgens)1. John Nelson
2. Alice Augusta
3. Thomas
4. Robert
5. Annie Keturah
6. Margaret Ellen "Aunt Mag"
7. Edward Haslup
8. Julia Ann
9. Adolphus
10. Sallie Louise
12. Marian Elmira "Mira"This is really frustrating but I forgot one of the names. I need to check those family records at my grandmother's house. Sigh.
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I love the sibset, though I think boy-girl twins named Amos and Mira would be a little creepy, given the history. ;0)One question: I see Mira is from Elmira. I used to live not far from Elmira, NY and I have a co-worker with the name, both pronounced el-MY-ra. Do you know if your relative pronounced Mira as MEER-ah or MY-ra? I do like the sound of Amos and MEER-ah together. Amos and MY-ra, not as much.
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el-MY-ra, MY-ra
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Gorgeous sibsetI like Marian nn Mira :)
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This is a day of pop culture references for me. All I can ask is: where's Andy?
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The only Amos reference I have is Amos Diggory, Cedric Diggory's father in Harry Potter. He was a rather nice man with good morals, and really cared about his son. So, the name has a good vibe for me, I just wouldn't use it, since it's not really my style. But, if you love it, go right ahead.
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My grandparents used to have a dog named Amos. I love it for a dog, but now I can't see it on a person. Everytime I hear that name I picture a big lovable chocolate lab.It's not a bad name though, very handsome.

This message was edited 3/18/2008, 2:56 PM

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I know an Amos. He gives the name a negative connotation for me, but it's not a bad name. I also tend to vote for the underdog, so why not?
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