[Opinions] Beatrice
What do you think of the name Beatrice?
I never used to like this name because I thought it was way too posh and stuffy sounding. I really like it now! It's amazing how you can completely change your mind about names. I also love Beatrix. I go between both of those, for which I prefer!
I think it looks a lot better written out than it sounds. I almost liked this name a lot until I said it out loud to myself one day. Visually it pleases me but I think its verbal sound is hideous.


I've never cared for any Beat- names.
Beautiful, old-fashioned and shakespearian
I love such names!
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I love such names!
"You sought a flower and found a fruit. You sought a spring and found a sea. You sought a woman and found a soul. You are disappointed."
"It does not become me to make myself smaller than I am." (Edith Södergran 1891-1923)
I liek it but I can't imagine on an old lady. On a well-to-do little girl and on a teenager, but not on a woman.
Its old ladyish.
Nikki :)

Proud Mama! See My Profile!
Nikki :)
Proud Mama! See My Profile!
I like it, and I LOVE Beatrix.
They are both so classical and not overly common in any time period.
I love the nn Bea.
They are both so classical and not overly common in any time period.
I love the nn Bea.
1 word eurgh!

It's very nice!!
I love it! its my grandmothers name
pretty name
I LLLLLOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEE that name! I think it is lovely!
I love it but I also realize that most people will think of it as an old lady name...I kind of have mixed feelings about it
Its a beautiful classic traditional name and I like ita lot
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