[Games] Mar's adoption agency
Adoption form:
Family information
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation)
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation)
Existing children: (names, ages)
Languages spoken in the family:
Anything else you want to add:
Adoption information
Number of children: (1,2 or 3)
Ages: (0-16)
Preferred sex: (m/f/either)
Siblings: (yes/no)
Multiples: (yes/no)
Teen mom/dad: (yes/no)
Pregnant teen: (yes/no)
Other preferences:
I will reply to you with the child(ren) we found for your family, I expect and update on how everyone is adjusting to the new situation. Feel free write as much as you want and add pics if you like.
Family information
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation)
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation)
Existing children: (names, ages)
Languages spoken in the family:
Anything else you want to add:
Adoption information
Number of children: (1,2 or 3)
Ages: (0-16)
Preferred sex: (m/f/either)
Siblings: (yes/no)
Multiples: (yes/no)
Teen mom/dad: (yes/no)
Pregnant teen: (yes/no)
Other preferences:
I will reply to you with the child(ren) we found for your family, I expect and update on how everyone is adjusting to the new situation. Feel free write as much as you want and add pics if you like.
Adoption form:
Family information
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Ryan Mitchell, 29, sales
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Stephanie Mitchell, 28, teacher
Existing children: (names, ages) Joanna Elizabeth "Joie", 2
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English
Anything else you want to add: We live in a large farmhouse with plenty of room
Adoption information
Number of children: (1,2 or 3) 3, at least
Ages: (0-16) any, but at least one baby
Preferred sex: (m/f/either) either
Siblings: (yes/no) acceptible
Multiples: (yes/no) acceptible
Teen mom/dad: (yes/no) acceptible
Pregnant teen: (yes/no) acceptible
Other preferences:
Family information
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Ryan Mitchell, 29, sales
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Stephanie Mitchell, 28, teacher
Existing children: (names, ages) Joanna Elizabeth "Joie", 2
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English
Anything else you want to add: We live in a large farmhouse with plenty of room
Adoption information
Number of children: (1,2 or 3) 3, at least
Ages: (0-16) any, but at least one baby
Preferred sex: (m/f/either) either
Siblings: (yes/no) acceptible
Multiples: (yes/no) acceptible
Teen mom/dad: (yes/no) acceptible
Pregnant teen: (yes/no) acceptible
Other preferences:
Family information
LN: Cortez
DH: Miguel Jose Cortez (Aged 36, occupation: Graphic Designer)
DW: Helen Elise Cortez (Aged 29, occupation: Chiropractor)
Existing children: DD: Sofia Marisol (Aged 7, daughter from Miguel's previous marriage)
Country: United States
Languages spoken in the family: English and Spanish
Anything else you want to add: Helen still isn't completely fluent in Spanish yet but knows enough to understand it quite well and carry on conversations.
Adoption information
Number of children: 1-2
Ages: 0-4
Preferred sex: Male
Siblings: Open to to siblings but no more than two.
Multiples: See above.
Teen mom/dad: No.
Pregnant teen: No.
Other preferences: Preferring a child from a Spanish speaking country.
LN: Cortez
DH: Miguel Jose Cortez (Aged 36, occupation: Graphic Designer)
DW: Helen Elise Cortez (Aged 29, occupation: Chiropractor)
Existing children: DD: Sofia Marisol (Aged 7, daughter from Miguel's previous marriage)
Country: United States
Languages spoken in the family: English and Spanish
Anything else you want to add: Helen still isn't completely fluent in Spanish yet but knows enough to understand it quite well and carry on conversations.
Adoption information
Number of children: 1-2
Ages: 0-4
Preferred sex: Male
Siblings: Open to to siblings but no more than two.
Multiples: See above.
Teen mom/dad: No.
Pregnant teen: No.
Other preferences: Preferring a child from a Spanish speaking country.
We have found you a sweet two year old boy from Mexico to come and live with you. He's called Lorenzo and he speaks only Spanish. He was abandoned by his mother, who left him in a church when he was about one year old. He understands that he's going to live with a new family and seems to be excited about it. He's a pretty smart and independant little boy. He loves playing outside a lot.
Little Lorenzo:

Little Lorenzo:

Lorenzo is adjusting so much better than we could have anticipated. It hasn't been all easy, I can tell he's still confused when we speak English around him but we plan on him growing up billingual.
Sofia is completely in love with her little brother. She tries to carry him everywhere, unfortunately she hasn't quite figured out that carrying a two year old for her isn't that easy for long periods of time so we have to watch her so she doesn't drop him.
Our family feels complete with Lorenzo.
Sofia is completely in love with her little brother. She tries to carry him everywhere, unfortunately she hasn't quite figured out that carrying a two year old for her isn't that easy for long periods of time so we have to watch her so she doesn't drop him.
Our family feels complete with Lorenzo.
Family information
DH: Walter Adrian Browers (33) -- teacher at high school
DW: Anne Elisabeth MacAndrew-Browers (27) -- editor at local TV-station
Existing children:
Benjamin Adrian "Ben" Browers (7)
Laura Elisabeth Johanna Browers (4)
Demi Anna Maria Browers (3)
Aron Henry Browers (nb)
Country: the Netherlands
Languages spoken in the family: Dutch, English, German, French
Anything else you want to add: /
Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: 4-16
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: no
Multiples: yes (no more than twins)
Teen mom/dad: y
Pregnant teen: y
Other preferences: /
DH: Walter Adrian Browers (33) -- teacher at high school
DW: Anne Elisabeth MacAndrew-Browers (27) -- editor at local TV-station
Existing children:
Benjamin Adrian "Ben" Browers (7)
Laura Elisabeth Johanna Browers (4)
Demi Anna Maria Browers (3)
Aron Henry Browers (nb)
Country: the Netherlands
Languages spoken in the family: Dutch, English, German, French
Anything else you want to add: /
Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: 4-16
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: no
Multiples: yes (no more than twins)
Teen mom/dad: y
Pregnant teen: y
Other preferences: /
We've found you three children. One of them is a 15 year old girl from Belgium. She's called Helena Sofie, but she prefers to be called Lennie. She speak Dutch, French and English. She'sexpecting a boy. He will be due in about two weeks after she joins your family. She'll need a lot of support when she'll become a mom.
Here's Lennie with her very big belly:

The other two kids are twin boys. They're 9 years old and are called Mark Jason and David James. They're from Canada and speak both French and English. They used ot be very energetic, happy and active boys, but since their parents died they hardly ever smile anymore. They do like playing sports and computer games.
Mark is in the front and David is in the back:

Here's Lennie with her very big belly:

The other two kids are twin boys. They're 9 years old and are called Mark Jason and David James. They're from Canada and speak both French and English. They used ot be very energetic, happy and active boys, but since their parents died they hardly ever smile anymore. They do like playing sports and computer games.
Mark is in the front and David is in the back:

Mark and David are doing great, we had some trouble in the beginning. But with help of Walter, the boys now have a father figure, which they needed. Ben loves having big brothers and they love to go play outside and play soccer.
Lennie gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. She named him Jesse Cristian. We are helping her a lot with the nursing and parenting. She even goes to school now. She's learning hard to become a vet.
Laura loves helping around the house and being a big sister to Aron and Jesse.
Demi is just a little rascal and a tomboy. She loves to play soccer along with her three big brothers.
We want to thank you.. If you have any children left who also need a safe and loving home, please let us know, we have still room left for two more children. Thanks
ps. We updated the pictures of Lennie, Mark and David..
This is our family now:
DH: Walter Adrian Browers (35)
DW: Anne Elisabeth MacAndrew-Browers (29)
DD: Helena Sofie "Lennie" Coolen-Browers (16)
-----DS: Jesse Cristian Coolen-Browers (1)
DS/DS: Mark Jason LaChance-Browers and David James LaChance-Browers (10)
DS: Benjamin Adrian "Ben" Browers (9)
DD: Laura Elisabeth Johanna Browers (6)
Thank you for updating on how everyone is doing. You said you had room for more children in need of a home and we have found two kids that would fit your family perfectly. They're one year ols twins Arnold Casper and Tessa Shannon. They were the youngest of a family of seven, and their older sibling and parents died in a plane crash while they were at their grandmother's place. Their grandmother wasn't up for the task of taking care of them and wanted them to be placed in a home with a lot of children, just like what they were used to. They are Dutch and speak only Dutch.
Here's a picture of them, Arnold is on the left and Tessa is on the right:

Here's a picture of them, Arnold is on the left and Tessa is on the right:

Here is our updated family:
DH: Walter Adrian Browers (37)
DW: Anne Elisabeth MacAndrew-Browers (31)
DD: Helena Sofie "Lennie" Coolen-Browers (18)
-----DS: Jesse Cristian Coolen Browers (3)
DS/DS: Mark Jason LaChance Browers and David James LaChance Browers (12)
DS: Benjamin Adrian "Ben" Browers (11)
DD: Laura Elisabeth Johanna Browers (8)
DD: Demi Anna Maria Browers (7)
DS: Aron Henry Browers (4)
DS/DD: Arnold Casper "Casper" Donkers Browers and Tessa Shannon Donker Browers (2)
Lennie (18) at college:
Mark, on the left and David (12):
Ben (11):
Laura (8):
Demi (7):
Aron (4):
Jesse (3):
Casper, on the right and Tessa (2):
DH: Walter Adrian Browers (37)
DW: Anne Elisabeth MacAndrew-Browers (31)
DD: Helena Sofie "Lennie" Coolen-Browers (18)
-----DS: Jesse Cristian Coolen Browers (3)
DS/DS: Mark Jason LaChance Browers and David James LaChance Browers (12)
DS: Benjamin Adrian "Ben" Browers (11)
DD: Laura Elisabeth Johanna Browers (8)
DD: Demi Anna Maria Browers (7)
DS: Aron Henry Browers (4)
DS/DD: Arnold Casper "Casper" Donkers Browers and Tessa Shannon Donker Browers (2)
Lennie (18) at college:

Mark, on the left and David (12):

Ben (11):

Laura (8):

Demi (7):

Aron (4):

Jesse (3):

Casper, on the right and Tessa (2):

DW: Noemi Truth DeLuca (35), author/photographer
DH: Asher Benjamin DeLuca (37), circus teacher/musician
Existing children:
-AGS: Richard "Ricky" Jacob (1)
-AS: Luca Jay (1)
-AD: Kylie Celeste (2)
-AS: Jeremy Sparrow (4)
-AGD/AGS/AGD/AGS: Audra Svajone/Aras Mykolas/Dalia Julija/Darius Azuolas (5)
-AGS: Petras Juozapas (5)
-AGD/AGS: Soleil "Edie" Adélaїde/Nicholas "Nick" Sébastien (5)
-AGD: Emma Harriet (5)
-AGD: Anelie Wynona (6)
-AD: Yu-Sing (6)
-AD: Niamh "Nia" Siobhan (6)
-AS: Simon Yann (7)
-AD/AS/AD: Abha Kalyani/Basu Manish/Nisha Purnima (7)
-AS: Benjamen Craig (7)
-AD: Cecelia "Cece" Maevyn (8)
-AS: Simon Yann (8)
-AD/AD/AD/AS/AS: Adelina "Addie" Celeste/Adriana "Ana" Cecilia/Alessa "Lessa" Caterina/Adamo "Thelo" Celso/Abele "Miro" Casimiro (8)
-AD: Ashanti "Ash" Halia (8)
-AS/AD: William "Will" Kert/Angilena Christy (9)
-AS: Nathaniel "Nate" Theodore (9)
-AS: Enzo Julien (9)
-AS: Logan Benjamin (10)
-AD/AD: Axelle "Elle" Maeve/Chloé Emeline (10)
-AS/AD: Duncan "Finn" Finley/Ian Kerr (10)
-AD: Zoe Wren (10)
-AD: Abigail "Fio" Fiona (11)
-AD/AD: Axelle Maeve/Chloé Emeline (12)
-AD/AD: Astrid "Lyr" Lyra/Luna "Lulu" Arista (12)
-AS/AS: Alberto "Bertie" Aldan/Calixto "Alix" Caridad (12)
-AD/AD: Chandra Gita/Amita Lila (13
-AS: Christoffer "Chris" Aksel (13)
-AD: Brianne "Brie" Wynona (13)
-AS: Daisuke "Day" Saburo (14)
-AS: David Julian (15)
-AD: Cole Landon (15)
-AS: Reagan Emanuel (16)
-AS/AD/AD/AS/AD/AD: Terence "Eli" Elijah/Jailee "Ienne" Vivienne/Winifred "Iso" Isobel/Jason Taylor/Allison "Jule" Juliet/Liza Wren (16)
-AD: Lacy Marie (17)
-AD: Xanthe Finch (17)
-AS: Cameron "Cam" Miles (17)
-AD: Martina "Mia" Maria (17)
-AD: Anita Macey (17)
-AS: Elias Matthew (18)
-AD: Prudence "Andie" Miranda (18)
-AD: Eileen "Luna" Rosella (19)
-AD: Lucas "Luke" Jason (19)
-AS: Amir Habib (19)
-AD/AD: Sariah Coralie/Siobhan Cordelia (19)
-AD/AD/AD/AD: Cherry Amelia/Angel Charlotte/Irina Skye/Tasha Elise (20)
-AS: Esmail Akeemis (19)
-AD: Opal Spring (20)
-AS: Peter "Pete" Jonah (20)
DH: Asher Benjamin DeLuca (37), circus teacher/musician
Existing children:
-AGS: Richard "Ricky" Jacob (1)
-AS: Luca Jay (1)
-AD: Kylie Celeste (2)
-AS: Jeremy Sparrow (4)
-AGD/AGS/AGD/AGS: Audra Svajone/Aras Mykolas/Dalia Julija/Darius Azuolas (5)
-AGS: Petras Juozapas (5)
-AGD/AGS: Soleil "Edie" Adélaїde/Nicholas "Nick" Sébastien (5)
-AGD: Emma Harriet (5)
-AGD: Anelie Wynona (6)
-AD: Yu-Sing (6)
-AD: Niamh "Nia" Siobhan (6)
-AS: Simon Yann (7)
-AD/AS/AD: Abha Kalyani/Basu Manish/Nisha Purnima (7)
-AS: Benjamen Craig (7)
-AD: Cecelia "Cece" Maevyn (8)
-AS: Simon Yann (8)
-AD/AD/AD/AS/AS: Adelina "Addie" Celeste/Adriana "Ana" Cecilia/Alessa "Lessa" Caterina/Adamo "Thelo" Celso/Abele "Miro" Casimiro (8)
-AD: Ashanti "Ash" Halia (8)
-AS/AD: William "Will" Kert/Angilena Christy (9)
-AS: Nathaniel "Nate" Theodore (9)
-AS: Enzo Julien (9)
-AS: Logan Benjamin (10)
-AD/AD: Axelle "Elle" Maeve/Chloé Emeline (10)
-AS/AD: Duncan "Finn" Finley/Ian Kerr (10)
-AD: Zoe Wren (10)
-AD: Abigail "Fio" Fiona (11)
-AD/AD: Axelle Maeve/Chloé Emeline (12)
-AD/AD: Astrid "Lyr" Lyra/Luna "Lulu" Arista (12)
-AS/AS: Alberto "Bertie" Aldan/Calixto "Alix" Caridad (12)
-AD/AD: Chandra Gita/Amita Lila (13
-AS: Christoffer "Chris" Aksel (13)
-AD: Brianne "Brie" Wynona (13)
-AS: Daisuke "Day" Saburo (14)
-AS: David Julian (15)
-AD: Cole Landon (15)
-AS: Reagan Emanuel (16)
-AS/AD/AD/AS/AD/AD: Terence "Eli" Elijah/Jailee "Ienne" Vivienne/Winifred "Iso" Isobel/Jason Taylor/Allison "Jule" Juliet/Liza Wren (16)
-AD: Lacy Marie (17)
-AD: Xanthe Finch (17)
-AS: Cameron "Cam" Miles (17)
-AD: Martina "Mia" Maria (17)
-AD: Anita Macey (17)
-AS: Elias Matthew (18)
-AD: Prudence "Andie" Miranda (18)
-AD: Eileen "Luna" Rosella (19)
-AD: Lucas "Luke" Jason (19)
-AS: Amir Habib (19)
-AD/AD: Sariah Coralie/Siobhan Cordelia (19)
-AD/AD/AD/AD: Cherry Amelia/Angel Charlotte/Irina Skye/Tasha Elise (20)
-AS: Esmail Akeemis (19)
-AD: Opal Spring (20)
-AS: Peter "Pete" Jonah (20)
We have foudn three boys to come and live with you. They're triplets from Brazil. They speak Portuguese, but they're also pretty good at French, since their grandmother was French. They're 6 years old and all of them are very outgoing and full of life. They're called Bras, Rui and Cruz (no MNs). Bras (on the photo he's the one holding the melon) is definately the most mischievous one. He usually uses his charms to get him out of the trouble he gets in. Rui (on the phot he has the white shirt) is the most creative of the bunch, he loves drawing (on everything!) and he jokes a lot as well. Cruz (the middle one) is very impatient and the most active one of the three, he's also the one who has the tendency to get angry really quickly.
Here they are (from left to right: Bras, Cruz and Rui)

Here they are (from left to right: Bras, Cruz and Rui)

Bras, Cruz, and Rui are doing great! they get a long very well with our family, especially the other 6-year-olds. Rui is taking art classes from a friend of ours who speaks Portuguese, Bras has discovered he loves cooking, so me and him do a lot of that. Cruz loves dancing around to music, and generally being by himself. They are the perfect edition to our family.
Noemi, Asher, and the kids.
Noemi, Asher, and the kids.
Adoption form:
Family information:
LN: Vincent
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Christopher Jacob (32, Surgen)
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Summer Jeanna (29, Professor)
Existing children: (names, ages) Damian Connor (9) and Anika Faith (7)
Country: England
Languages spoken in the family: English and Summer speaks Sign
Anything else you want to add: We have two dogs: Gandolf and Onyx
Adoption information
Number of children: (1,2 or 3) 3
Ages: (0-16) 2 that are 0-6 and 1 that is 10-13
Preferred sex: (m/f/either) mix
Siblings: (yes/no) yes
Multiples: (yes/no) yes
Teen mom/dad: (yes/no) no
Pregnant teen: (yes/no) no
Other preferences: Must come from either England or a country that has been sticken by poverty or tragic events to cause a large number of orphans. We are apt to handle children with up to severe emotional problems and mild-to-moderate other problems.
Family information:
LN: Vincent
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Christopher Jacob (32, Surgen)
DH/DW: (name, age, occupation) Summer Jeanna (29, Professor)
Existing children: (names, ages) Damian Connor (9) and Anika Faith (7)
Country: England
Languages spoken in the family: English and Summer speaks Sign
Anything else you want to add: We have two dogs: Gandolf and Onyx
Adoption information
Number of children: (1,2 or 3) 3
Ages: (0-16) 2 that are 0-6 and 1 that is 10-13
Preferred sex: (m/f/either) mix
Siblings: (yes/no) yes
Multiples: (yes/no) yes
Teen mom/dad: (yes/no) no
Pregnant teen: (yes/no) no
Other preferences: Must come from either England or a country that has been sticken by poverty or tragic events to cause a large number of orphans. We are apt to handle children with up to severe emotional problems and mild-to-moderate other problems.
We have found you three children that need a home. They're all siblings, two boys and a girl. The boys are 4 year old twins and their sister is 10. The boys are called Heath Lucan and Leif Herod. Leif is a bit quiet and shy, Heath is more outgoing, but they're very much alike besides that. Their sister, Juliet Anemone, is extremely shy and doesn't speak at all. She stopped speaking when her parents died. If she really needs something, she'll write it down rather than say it. She loves animals and was excited to hear that you have two dogs. They're from London originally, but lived with their grandmother in Birmingham, since their parents died 2 years ago. Now their grandmother is getting to old to look after them, and they're in need of a new home.
This is

Leif is on the left and Heath is the one on the right:

This is

Leif is on the left and Heath is the one on the right:

LN: Vincent
DH: Christopher Jacob - 34
DW: Summer Jeanna - 31
DD: Juliet Anemone "Julie" - 12
DS: Damian Connor - 11
DD: Anika Faith - 9
DS/DS: Lucas Heath / Leif Herod - 6
It has been two years since we were fortunate to be able to bring home a sibset of three children- Juliet, Heath, and Leif.
Julie, as we have nicknamed Juliet, has made great improvements over the last two years. At first, it was very hard for us to have her here and for her to not talk to us- for the first few months she wouldnt even write to us to tell her what she was feeling or what she needed. We think the best thing for her has been our dogs. Although, I believe Christopher helped her a lot too by sitting with her for long lengths of time just sitting- when finally she opened up and talked to him. Julie loves the dogs and Gandolf especially. Gandolf has taken to sleeping with Julie at night and loves to follow her around. Julie has done quite well in school- especially now that she is talking. She doesn't have many friends, but because she and Damian are in the same class at school, he has helped her become quite popular! (He's always been a sociable boy!) Damian and her have gotten along quite well too. And Anika adores having a big sister to follow and play with.
DH: Christopher Jacob - 34
DW: Summer Jeanna - 31
DD: Juliet Anemone "Julie" - 12
DS: Damian Connor - 11
DD: Anika Faith - 9
DS/DS: Lucas Heath / Leif Herod - 6
It has been two years since we were fortunate to be able to bring home a sibset of three children- Juliet, Heath, and Leif.
Julie, as we have nicknamed Juliet, has made great improvements over the last two years. At first, it was very hard for us to have her here and for her to not talk to us- for the first few months she wouldnt even write to us to tell her what she was feeling or what she needed. We think the best thing for her has been our dogs. Although, I believe Christopher helped her a lot too by sitting with her for long lengths of time just sitting- when finally she opened up and talked to him. Julie loves the dogs and Gandolf especially. Gandolf has taken to sleeping with Julie at night and loves to follow her around. Julie has done quite well in school- especially now that she is talking. She doesn't have many friends, but because she and Damian are in the same class at school, he has helped her become quite popular! (He's always been a sociable boy!) Damian and her have gotten along quite well too. And Anika adores having a big sister to follow and play with.
Adoption form:
Family information
DH/DW: Danielle Destiny-33 stay at home mom
DH/DW: Andrew David-33 model
Existing children: Samantha Lynnette-15
Caleb Ryan-13
Austin Mark-13
Daniel Alexzander-13
Katherine Marie-13
Abigail Lariana-13
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English, French
Anything else you want to add:
Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: at least one under 2,any age for the others
Preferred sex: either but at least one girl
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences:
Family information
DH/DW: Danielle Destiny-33 stay at home mom
DH/DW: Andrew David-33 model
Existing children: Samantha Lynnette-15
Caleb Ryan-13
Austin Mark-13
Daniel Alexzander-13
Katherine Marie-13
Abigail Lariana-13
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English, French
Anything else you want to add:
Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: at least one under 2,any age for the others
Preferred sex: either but at least one girl
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences:
We have found 3 children who will come to live with you. Two are brother and sister. Nona Josephine, the girl, is 6 and Jochem Christophe is almost 2. They are from Belgium and understand both Dutch and French. They were abondoned by their parents last year. No one has heard from them since then. Nona is a lively girl and very sweet. Jochem can be a bit mischievous, and is almost always happy. nona is very excited about getting older brothers and sisters.
Here are Nona and Jochem:

We also found another child that needed a home. He's almost 1 and from China. He's called Tai-Kun. He is very quiet and calm. He doesn't laugh much, but doesn't cry much either. He has been in an Orphanage since he was born, because his mom died while giving birth to him.

Here are Nona and Jochem:

We also found another child that needed a home. He's almost 1 and from China. He's called Tai-Kun. He is very quiet and calm. He doesn't laugh much, but doesn't cry much either. He has been in an Orphanage since he was born, because his mom died while giving birth to him.

These children are both wonderful and adorable!! Thank you so much for giving them to us. It has been 1 year since we have received them.
Nona is enjoying every bit of being both an older and younger sister. All the kids get along great. Although when we first got them we talked to the children in French we started talking to them in English also. Nona is learning fast and is almost fluent now.
We have decided to call Jochem Chris instead because it was alot easier on everybody including him. He is adjusting well to everything. Though he is not as fluent as Nona, he can talk in some English. He is as mischievious as you said and is always getting into trouble. He also enjoys his new older brothers and sisters.
We have also enjoyed having Tai-Kun with us. Though he was very quiet when we first got him, he laughs and cries as much as any child his age now. The kids also enjoy having him around. He is learning how to talk and Nona enjoys teaching him with some help from Chris.
Thank you again for these amazing children.
Nona is enjoying every bit of being both an older and younger sister. All the kids get along great. Although when we first got them we talked to the children in French we started talking to them in English also. Nona is learning fast and is almost fluent now.
We have decided to call Jochem Chris instead because it was alot easier on everybody including him. He is adjusting well to everything. Though he is not as fluent as Nona, he can talk in some English. He is as mischievious as you said and is always getting into trouble. He also enjoys his new older brothers and sisters.
We have also enjoyed having Tai-Kun with us. Though he was very quiet when we first got him, he laughs and cries as much as any child his age now. The kids also enjoy having him around. He is learning how to talk and Nona enjoys teaching him with some help from Chris.
Thank you again for these amazing children.
Adoption form:
Family information
DH: Kyle Geraldson, 29, high school English teacher
DW: Catherine Geraldson, 28, high school math teacher
Existing children: none
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English and Spanish
Anything else you want to add: n/a
Adoption information
Number of children: one or two
Ages: 1-4
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: no
Multiples: no
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences: n/a
I will reply to you with the child(ren) we found for your family, I expect and update on how everyone is adjusting to the new situation. Feel free write as much as you want and add pics if you like.
Family information
DH: Kyle Geraldson, 29, high school English teacher
DW: Catherine Geraldson, 28, high school math teacher
Existing children: none
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English and Spanish
Anything else you want to add: n/a
Adoption information
Number of children: one or two
Ages: 1-4
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: no
Multiples: no
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences: n/a
I will reply to you with the child(ren) we found for your family, I expect and update on how everyone is adjusting to the new situation. Feel free write as much as you want and add pics if you like.
We found you a boy to come and live with you. He's 1 year old and he's from Spain. His name is Santiago. His mother gave him up for adoption, because she couldn't take care of him anymore. She's very ill and there's no hope she'll get better at all. Santiago understands Spanish, but not English. He's a very bright kid and very quiet as well.
Here's a picture of little Santiago:

Here's a picture of little Santiago:

Thank you for blessing us with Santiago. We took one week off work to get to know him, and now that we're back to work, we leave him with Cat's mom. On Tuesdays and Thursdays when Cat's mom has bingo, Cat is able to take him with her to work. He is a very well-behaved child, and nobody minds having him around. The other teachers watch him while Cat has classes, so it's as if Santiago is being raised by the entire math department, the poor child! He is settling in very nicely after missing his mommy for a few weeks. He still misses her, but he's very young and bounces back fast.
Adoption form:
Family information
DH/DW: Lorraine Joy-28-Animal Trainer
DH/DW: Kyle Jay-28-Football Player
Existing children: Shawn Matthew-4-Slight Studder- Kaleigh May-3-
Languages spoken in the family:English and a little frech.
Anything else you want to add:
Adoption information
Number of children:3
Ages: 0-16
Preferred sex:either/we would like one male though
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences: We would like to adopt a teen father if at all possible. We would also like atleast one child from Ukraine.
I will reply to you with the child(ren) we found for your family, I expect and update on how everyone is adjusting to the new situation. Feel free write as much as you want and add pics if you like.
Family information
DH/DW: Lorraine Joy-28-Animal Trainer
DH/DW: Kyle Jay-28-Football Player
Existing children: Shawn Matthew-4-Slight Studder- Kaleigh May-3-
Languages spoken in the family:English and a little frech.
Anything else you want to add:
Adoption information
Number of children:3
Ages: 0-16
Preferred sex:either/we would like one male though
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences: We would like to adopt a teen father if at all possible. We would also like atleast one child from Ukraine.
I will reply to you with the child(ren) we found for your family, I expect and update on how everyone is adjusting to the new situation. Feel free write as much as you want and add pics if you like.
This message was edited 4/27/2008, 10:46 AM
We've found you three children to come and live with you. One teen father and his baby, they're from Chicago, and a 10 year old girl from Ukraine.
The teen father is called Irish Jaxen, he's 16 and only just became a father. The baby's mother didn't want to have anything to do with the baby, so Irish is has sole custody of him. The little boy is called Phoenix Jaxen, he'll be exactly one month old when he comes to live with you. Irish comes from a very problematic home situation. Both his parents were alcoholics and when he was 13, Irish decided to leave home and he lived on the streets for a while. His parents have passed away not too long ago, and he's looking forward to having 'real parents' as he calls it.
Irish and Phoenix:

Vira comes from Ukraine and lived in an orphanage there for 3 years. She's quite a happy person usually, but she can get very angry as well, then she's scream and slam doors. She was thrilled to find out she could be adopted and getting a little brother and sister. She speaks a bit of English, but not quite enough yet to be able to have a full conversation.

The teen father is called Irish Jaxen, he's 16 and only just became a father. The baby's mother didn't want to have anything to do with the baby, so Irish is has sole custody of him. The little boy is called Phoenix Jaxen, he'll be exactly one month old when he comes to live with you. Irish comes from a very problematic home situation. Both his parents were alcoholics and when he was 13, Irish decided to leave home and he lived on the streets for a while. His parents have passed away not too long ago, and he's looking forward to having 'real parents' as he calls it.
Irish and Phoenix:

Vira comes from Ukraine and lived in an orphanage there for 3 years. She's quite a happy person usually, but she can get very angry as well, then she's scream and slam doors. She was thrilled to find out she could be adopted and getting a little brother and sister. She speaks a bit of English, but not quite enough yet to be able to have a full conversation.

Dear Mar,
I can't believe it's been a year already.
The children you sent us are perfect, we adore them every bit as much we do Shawn and Kaleigh.
Irish came to us more openly then we could've imagined, and little Phoenix is the most beautiful boy out there. Irish is a wonderful father/brother and Shawn idolizes him. It's not unusual for me to come down stairs and Irish already has everyone ready for school and pre-school sitting at the table eating. Everyday he, Kyle, Shawn, and anyone else that wants to goes to a field near our house and play's football,soccer,baseball,you name it. He also plans to attend the Univerity of Alabama when he finnishes the Christian accademy he's in.
He has a steady relationship with a girl named Annissa. They truly love each other and plan to get married when they turn 20 in 2 years.
Vira has been a complete joy. So much in fact that we gave her the middle name Joy. Although as you said she can have a temper she also one of the sweetest girls we know. She taken to being a big sister better than we could have hoped and everyday she comes and try's to teach Shawn,Kaleigh,and Sometimes even Phoenix what she learned in school. She is taking a class to help her english but with help from everyone at the house she's almost fluent.She looks up to Irish as well and says that when she get's older and has a baby she's going to name it after him(Kaleigh says the same thing so sometimes there are fights over it)
Thank so much again. We love these children and can't wait to watch them grow.
Lorraine and Kyle
I can't believe it's been a year already.
The children you sent us are perfect, we adore them every bit as much we do Shawn and Kaleigh.
Irish came to us more openly then we could've imagined, and little Phoenix is the most beautiful boy out there. Irish is a wonderful father/brother and Shawn idolizes him. It's not unusual for me to come down stairs and Irish already has everyone ready for school and pre-school sitting at the table eating. Everyday he, Kyle, Shawn, and anyone else that wants to goes to a field near our house and play's football,soccer,baseball,you name it. He also plans to attend the Univerity of Alabama when he finnishes the Christian accademy he's in.
He has a steady relationship with a girl named Annissa. They truly love each other and plan to get married when they turn 20 in 2 years.
Vira has been a complete joy. So much in fact that we gave her the middle name Joy. Although as you said she can have a temper she also one of the sweetest girls we know. She taken to being a big sister better than we could have hoped and everyday she comes and try's to teach Shawn,Kaleigh,and Sometimes even Phoenix what she learned in school. She is taking a class to help her english but with help from everyone at the house she's almost fluent.She looks up to Irish as well and says that when she get's older and has a baby she's going to name it after him(Kaleigh says the same thing so sometimes there are fights over it)
Thank so much again. We love these children and can't wait to watch them grow.
Lorraine and Kyle
This message was edited 4/29/2008, 2:23 PM
DH: Nicholas Lawrence Jovinni (47) (lawyer)
DW: Laura Michelle Jovinni (45)
Existing children: Blithe Georgiana (17), Luna Alexandria (16), and Elijah Joshua (14)
Country: England
Languages spoken in the family: English and Greek
Anything else you want to add: Everyone was born in Greece, but moved to England when Elijah was seven.
Adoption information
Number of children: 2
Ages: 3-16
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences:
DW: Laura Michelle Jovinni (45)
Existing children: Blithe Georgiana (17), Luna Alexandria (16), and Elijah Joshua (14)
Country: England
Languages spoken in the family: English and Greek
Anything else you want to add: Everyone was born in Greece, but moved to England when Elijah was seven.
Adoption information
Number of children: 2
Ages: 3-16
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences:
We have found you two children. They are two brothers and come from Australia, so they btoh speak English. They're called Alexander "Lex" and Sebastian "Seb". Lex is 8 and Seb is 4. They're both really happy that they can come and live with you, and are very exited about going all the way to England. They have been living at an orphanage for two years now, Seb does't remember his parents, but Lex does and still misses them.
This is Lex:

And little Seb: (don't worry, he won't be bringing the snake)

This is Lex:

And little Seb: (don't worry, he won't be bringing the snake)

Lex and Seb are doing great with us. They love to play outside with the other children in the neighborhood. Our children do like having younger siblings. Everything is going well.
Lex and Seb are doing great with us. They love to play outside with the other children in the neighborhood. Our children do like having younger siblings. Everything is going well.
Family information
DH/DW: Hamilton Reid, 37, private detective
DH/DW: Cecilia Rose, 36, SAHM
Existing children:
DD: Eden Sabella, 16
AD: Keara Adelia, 16
AD: Clarisa Maite, 14
DD: Meredith Eve, 12
DD: Pearl Corinna, 7
AD: Agnessa Oksana Esfir Zhannochka "Nessie", 5
AGD: Savannah Eve "Vannah", 3 months (mother Keara)
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: All speak English; Hal, Cecilia, Eden, Meredith, and Pearl all speak French; Cecilia speaks Latin; Cecilia and Nessie speak Russian; Clarisa speaks Spanish and Portuguese
Anything else you want to add: We have a female American Eskimo (dog) named Adi; Eden has mild bipolar disorder and takes medication; Cecilia was adopted when she was 3; Clarisa has insomnia, was abused as a child, and currently sees a therapist; custom built on family-owned land, very large; 9 bedrooms, 5 full baths, 2 bedroom 1 bath guest house, room to build, 27 acres
Adoption information
Number of children: 2
Ages: 15, 13, 6, 4 or younger
Preferred sex: Female
Siblings: Yes
Multiples: Sure
Teen mom/dad: Sure
Pregnant teen: Yeah
Other preferences: We can accomadate any emotional disabilities and mild physical disabilities; therapy can be provided; all English speaking school age kids will be enrolled in a private school, others will be homeschooled until appropriate; we will accept any nationality, languages, and religions
DH/DW: Hamilton Reid, 37, private detective
DH/DW: Cecilia Rose, 36, SAHM
Existing children:
DD: Eden Sabella, 16
AD: Keara Adelia, 16
AD: Clarisa Maite, 14
DD: Meredith Eve, 12
DD: Pearl Corinna, 7
AD: Agnessa Oksana Esfir Zhannochka "Nessie", 5
AGD: Savannah Eve "Vannah", 3 months (mother Keara)
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: All speak English; Hal, Cecilia, Eden, Meredith, and Pearl all speak French; Cecilia speaks Latin; Cecilia and Nessie speak Russian; Clarisa speaks Spanish and Portuguese
Anything else you want to add: We have a female American Eskimo (dog) named Adi; Eden has mild bipolar disorder and takes medication; Cecilia was adopted when she was 3; Clarisa has insomnia, was abused as a child, and currently sees a therapist; custom built on family-owned land, very large; 9 bedrooms, 5 full baths, 2 bedroom 1 bath guest house, room to build, 27 acres
Adoption information
Number of children: 2
Ages: 15, 13, 6, 4 or younger
Preferred sex: Female
Siblings: Yes
Multiples: Sure
Teen mom/dad: Sure
Pregnant teen: Yeah
Other preferences: We can accomadate any emotional disabilities and mild physical disabilities; therapy can be provided; all English speaking school age kids will be enrolled in a private school, others will be homeschooled until appropriate; we will accept any nationality, languages, and religions
We have found you two girl to come and live with you. Giuliana Rosalia is 15 and she's pregnant. She was abused by her stepfather, who eventually got her pregnant. She'll need help with dealing the events in her past, as well as help raising her baby. She's from Italy and speaks Italian, but she's also fluent in Spanish and speaks a bit of French.
This is Giuliana:

The other girl is Delphine Rolande. She's French and speaks only French. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 3 (she's now 4). She is very shy. She both excited and afraid to come live in a house with so many people. She did say to us that she had always wanted a big sister, so at least she got that wish :)
Here's little Delphine:

This is Giuliana:

The other girl is Delphine Rolande. She's French and speaks only French. Her parents died in a car accident when she was 3 (she's now 4). She is very shy. She both excited and afraid to come live in a house with so many people. She did say to us that she had always wanted a big sister, so at least she got that wish :)
Here's little Delphine:

-Liana (Guiliana) is adjusting superbly. She is in therapy biweekly (every other week, twice a month) and is adjusting with great speed. I have been homeschooling her and will continue to do so until she can speak adequate enough English to enroll in the local private school. She has recently given birth to boy-girl twins whom she named Filippo Tancredi and Allegra Viola, and they are very healthy.
-Delphine is quite a joyful child. She was shy at first, but she has plenty of other girls to keep her company. She and Nessie, our 5 year old, have bonded a lot and they requested to share a room. Delphine seems to take an interest in dancing, so we enrolled her in ballet and gymnastics. She likes it so far and is having a blast meeting other kids and can't wait to attend a birthday sleepover for one of ehr dance buddies. She has said she enjoys being in a larger family and she could stand for a few more siblings!
Thanks for blessing our family with Liana, Filippo, Allegra, and Delphine!
-Delphine is quite a joyful child. She was shy at first, but she has plenty of other girls to keep her company. She and Nessie, our 5 year old, have bonded a lot and they requested to share a room. Delphine seems to take an interest in dancing, so we enrolled her in ballet and gymnastics. She likes it so far and is having a blast meeting other kids and can't wait to attend a birthday sleepover for one of ehr dance buddies. She has said she enjoys being in a larger family and she could stand for a few more siblings!
Thanks for blessing our family with Liana, Filippo, Allegra, and Delphine!
Adoption form:
Family information
DH/DW: (McKay Stephen Geoffrey, 36, the chairman and chief executive officer of McKay Enterprises)
DH/DW: (Leijonhufvud Clementine Sigrid Messalina Magnolia Charlotte, 33, Forensic psychologist)
Existing children: (William Franz Charles 4 years old& Ingmar Alistair Oscar 2.5 years old.)
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Languages spoken in the family: English French Swedish Scottish
Anything else you want to add: Stephen is albino,McKay Enterprises is the biggest company in UK and Family McKay is at n.3 at The Forbes 100 for 2007 with $59.0 billion
Adoption information
Number of children: (1)
Ages: (0-1)
Preferred sex: (f)
Siblings: (no)
Multiples: (no)
Teen mom/dad: (no preferences)
Pregnant teen: (no preferences)
Other preferences:We don't care about health problems, therapy can be provided,private education,any nationality, languages, and religions
Adoption form:
Family information
DH/DW: (McKay Stephen Geoffrey, 36, the chairman and chief executive officer of McKay Enterprises)
DH/DW: (Leijonhufvud Clementine Sigrid Messalina Magnolia Charlotte, 33, Forensic psychologist)
Existing children: (William Franz Charles 4 years old& Ingmar Alistair Oscar 2.5 years old.)
Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Languages spoken in the family: English French Swedish Scottish
Anything else you want to add: Stephen is albino,McKay Enterprises is the biggest company in UK and Family McKay is at n.3 at The Forbes 100 for 2007 with $59.0 billion
Adoption information
Number of children: (1)
Ages: (0-1)
Preferred sex: (f)
Siblings: (no)
Multiples: (no)
Teen mom/dad: (no preferences)
Pregnant teen: (no preferences)
Other preferences:We don't care about health problems, therapy can be provided,private education,any nationality, languages, and religions
This message was edited 4/27/2008, 8:45 AM
Dear Mar's adoption agency
Your decision is the excellent decision for our family. A family where every child have his own position. Our little Angel Dagmar Blanchefleur Naenia (this is the name that we will give her) is going to be our most precious divine angel in our Eden.
Thank you!
Stephen, Clementine, William &Ingmar McKay
Your decision is the excellent decision for our family. A family where every child have his own position. Our little Angel Dagmar Blanchefleur Naenia (this is the name that we will give her) is going to be our most precious divine angel in our Eden.
Thank you!
Stephen, Clementine, William &Ingmar McKay
Adoption form:
Family information
DH: James Richard "Rick", 25, Dentist
DH/DW: Ada Kathlyn, 25, 2nd grade teacher
Existing children: none
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English
Anything else you want to add: nope.
Adoption information
Number of children: 1-2
Ages: 0-7
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences: nope
Family information
DH: James Richard "Rick", 25, Dentist
DH/DW: Ada Kathlyn, 25, 2nd grade teacher
Existing children: none
Country: USA
Languages spoken in the family: English
Anything else you want to add: nope.
Adoption information
Number of children: 1-2
Ages: 0-7
Preferred sex: either
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: no
Pregnant teen: no
Other preferences: nope
We have found you who little girls from Japan. They're 3 years old and speak Japanese and English. They had a Japanese mother and an Australian father. They're called Sayuri Mai and Manami Cho. Sayuri is very lively and loud. Manami is a bit more layed back and shy.
Here is a picture of them (left: Sayuri, right: Manami)

Here is a picture of them (left: Sayuri, right: Manami)

Adoption form:
Family information
DH: Robin Isaac Cohen "Robbie" (36) novelist
DW: Georgia Clarie Cohen (32) novelist
Existing children: William Lucas Cohen "Will" (5) and Soleil Rose Cohen "Sunny" (2)
Country: Scotland
Languages spoken in the family: we're bilingual English and French
Anything else you want to add: we're willing to teach English to non-speakers and to learn any language to speak to our adopted children
Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: over 6
Preferred sex: either (preferably at least one of each)
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences: we'd be delighted to welcome a young family or teenagers but younger children would be equally loved
Family information
DH: Robin Isaac Cohen "Robbie" (36) novelist
DW: Georgia Clarie Cohen (32) novelist
Existing children: William Lucas Cohen "Will" (5) and Soleil Rose Cohen "Sunny" (2)
Country: Scotland
Languages spoken in the family: we're bilingual English and French
Anything else you want to add: we're willing to teach English to non-speakers and to learn any language to speak to our adopted children
Adoption information
Number of children: 3
Ages: over 6
Preferred sex: either (preferably at least one of each)
Siblings: yes
Multiples: yes
Teen mom/dad: yes
Pregnant teen: yes
Other preferences: we'd be delighted to welcome a young family or teenagers but younger children would be equally loved
We have found you 3 children. They are Jillian Ashley (15) and Scott (17), a couple. They are expecting their first child. She's due in three weeks. Jillian is an orphan and Scott's parents kicked him out of their house.

Also because of problems at home Scott's little brother will join them. His parents gave up custody of him and Scott. He's very upset by the whole situation, but is looking forward to having a little brother and sister. He's not really looking forward to becoming an uncle, because he thinks that Scott won't pay attention to him anymore. His name is Ken (and hates to be called Kenny) and he's 7.

This message was edited 4/27/2008, 8:40 AM
DH: Robin Isaac Cohen "Robbie" (36)
DW: Georgia Claire Cohen (32)
AD: Jillian Ashley Cohen "Lia" (15)
AS: Scott Ezekiel MacIntosh-Cohen (17)
--DD: Marissa Imogen MacIntosh-Cohen (nb)
AS: Kenneth Christopher MacIntosh-Cohen "Ken" (7)
DS: William Lucas Cohen "Will" (5)
DD: Soleil Rose Cohen (2)
Dear Mar,
On behalf of our family, I would like to most sincerely thank you for bringing these wonderful people to us. Our lives have changed so much over the past month and we have never been happier or more complete.
Lia (as Jillian prefers to be called nowadays) has been such a brave young woman, it is hard to believe that she is only fifteen years old. Having the support of Scott has really helped her. He's been so wonderful and so in love with both Lia and their beautiful daugther. Baby Marissa Imogen was born two weeks ago, a week early after an easy birth. The doctors were all thrilled with her and said that she was a very healthy, very strong little girl. We're all immensely pleased and she's already charmed us all. Sunny hasn't stopped talking to everyone who will listen (including the dog) about her "widdle lista". That translates as "little sister" to you and I. She's quite enamoured with Lia as well, her new "fat lista".
DW: Georgia Claire Cohen (32)
AD: Jillian Ashley Cohen "Lia" (15)
AS: Scott Ezekiel MacIntosh-Cohen (17)
--DD: Marissa Imogen MacIntosh-Cohen (nb)
AS: Kenneth Christopher MacIntosh-Cohen "Ken" (7)
DS: William Lucas Cohen "Will" (5)
DD: Soleil Rose Cohen (2)
Dear Mar,
On behalf of our family, I would like to most sincerely thank you for bringing these wonderful people to us. Our lives have changed so much over the past month and we have never been happier or more complete.
Lia (as Jillian prefers to be called nowadays) has been such a brave young woman, it is hard to believe that she is only fifteen years old. Having the support of Scott has really helped her. He's been so wonderful and so in love with both Lia and their beautiful daugther. Baby Marissa Imogen was born two weeks ago, a week early after an easy birth. The doctors were all thrilled with her and said that she was a very healthy, very strong little girl. We're all immensely pleased and she's already charmed us all. Sunny hasn't stopped talking to everyone who will listen (including the dog) about her "widdle lista". That translates as "little sister" to you and I. She's quite enamoured with Lia as well, her new "fat lista".