[Games] Keepskuh's Congrats Game Round 2
Welcome to Round 2!
Please read the rules carefully.
--Name your baby/child with name from the namebanks below. (Some adopted children may have different naming rules)
--Nicknames are welcome!
--You may include a picture of your child(ren), so I can put up a contest round. (But it is optional!)
--You may write a story about your family.
--It helps if you bold your new family member(s).
--Don't forget to pick a number (1-40) for next round's event.
Congratulations to Summer (cutest baby), GloriaRose (cutest child) and AnnaMarie (cutest pet)! They all got one wish..
DD: Alexis, Anna, Ashley, Elizabeth, Emily, Ethel, Florence, Hannah, Helen, Jessica, Lillian, Maddison, Margaret, Marie, Mary, Ruth, Samantha, Sarah, Taylor
DS: Andrew, Charles, Christopher, Daniel, Edward, Frank, George, Henry, Jacob, James, John, Joseph, Joshua, Matthew, Michael, Nicholas, Robert, Tyler, William
Don't forget:
Pick a number for next round! (1-40)
Include a picture of all your child(ren). (Optional)
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" and Ava Sophia (2)
DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Kamryn gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DDog: Margot
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Beau’s younger sister died in a car crash. Do you adopt her five-year old son?
--Eloise finds out that she’s having octuplets. What do you do? Do you under go selective reduction? If you don’t, do all children survive?
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia (4)
DS/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Bernadette gave birth to boy/girl twins!
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail (11)
ADD: Isabella Florence (8)
DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Rebecca gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' (4)
Number: (1-40)
Jen find out that she’s having sextuplets. What do you do? Do you under go selective reduction? If you don’t, do all children survive?
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Lilith finds a baby boy on your doorstep. Do you adopt him?
--You decided to adopt two brothers from Catalonia. They are five and three years old. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/cat_m.php)
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
Number: (1-40)
Edward brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named?
LN: Wilder
DH: Aaron Vincent
DW: Asha Vijaya
ADS: Jacob Henry (10)
DS/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Asha gave birth to boy/girl twins!
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: (15)
ADD: Lily Adesina (6)
ADS/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a teenage mother (15) with a three months old twin (boy/girl).
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh (5)
ADD: (4)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old girl from Croatia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ser_f.php)
LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: (4)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" & Joshua Michael "Josh" (2)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from China. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/chi_m.php)
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Ava Emily (4)
DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Leah gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" (2)
DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Karina gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander (5)
ADD: (4)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old girl from Armenia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/arm_f.php)
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADS: (nb)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
Number: (1-40)
Araceli finds a baby boy on your doorstep. Do you adopt him?
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
Number: (1-40)
Adriana finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (2)
DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Clementine gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth / Sophia Olivia / James Daniel / John William / Isabella Ruth / Andrew Henry (2)
DS/DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Lilo gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua and Sophia Maddison (2)
ADS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Elissa finds a baby boy on your doorstep. Do you adopt him?
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
Number: (1-40)
Claire gave birth to a baby boy!
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Stephanie gave birth to a baby girl!
--Stephanie brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Rayna Juliet (3)
DS/DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Molly gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
DD/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Leah gave birth to twin girls!
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Stephanie gave birth to a baby boy!
--You decided to adopt a seven-year old girl from the Netherlands. The child must have at least one name from that country.
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADS: (5)
ADS: (3)
DS: Ethan Jacob (2)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt two brothers from the Czech Republic. They are five and three years old. The children must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/cze_m.php)
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: (7)
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" (2)
Number (1-40)
You decided to adopt a seven-year old girl from Somalia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/afr-e_f.php)
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: (15)
DD: Emma Marie (2)
ADS/ADD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a teenage mother (15) with a three months old twin (boy/girl).
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" (2)
DS: (4)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from Tunesia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ara_m.php)
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella (11)
ADD: Sophia Ruth (8)
ADD: (2)
Number: (1-40)
Christopher’s younger brother died in a car crash. Do you adopt his two-year old daughter?
Please read the rules carefully.
--Name your baby/child with name from the namebanks below. (Some adopted children may have different naming rules)
--Nicknames are welcome!
--You may include a picture of your child(ren), so I can put up a contest round. (But it is optional!)
--You may write a story about your family.
--It helps if you bold your new family member(s).
--Don't forget to pick a number (1-40) for next round's event.
Congratulations to Summer (cutest baby), GloriaRose (cutest child) and AnnaMarie (cutest pet)! They all got one wish..
DD: Alexis, Anna, Ashley, Elizabeth, Emily, Ethel, Florence, Hannah, Helen, Jessica, Lillian, Maddison, Margaret, Marie, Mary, Ruth, Samantha, Sarah, Taylor
DS: Andrew, Charles, Christopher, Daniel, Edward, Frank, George, Henry, Jacob, James, John, Joseph, Joshua, Matthew, Michael, Nicholas, Robert, Tyler, William
Don't forget:
Pick a number for next round! (1-40)
Include a picture of all your child(ren). (Optional)
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" and Ava Sophia (2)
DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Kamryn gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DDog: Margot
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Beau’s younger sister died in a car crash. Do you adopt her five-year old son?
--Eloise finds out that she’s having octuplets. What do you do? Do you under go selective reduction? If you don’t, do all children survive?
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia (4)
DS/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Bernadette gave birth to boy/girl twins!
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail (11)
ADD: Isabella Florence (8)
DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Rebecca gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' (4)
Number: (1-40)
Jen find out that she’s having sextuplets. What do you do? Do you under go selective reduction? If you don’t, do all children survive?
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Lilith finds a baby boy on your doorstep. Do you adopt him?
--You decided to adopt two brothers from Catalonia. They are five and three years old. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/cat_m.php)
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
Number: (1-40)
Edward brings home a hurt animal. Do you keep it? What kind of animal is it? What’s it named?
LN: Wilder
DH: Aaron Vincent
DW: Asha Vijaya
ADS: Jacob Henry (10)
DS/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Asha gave birth to boy/girl twins!
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: (15)
ADD: Lily Adesina (6)
ADS/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a teenage mother (15) with a three months old twin (boy/girl).
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh (5)
ADD: (4)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old girl from Croatia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ser_f.php)
LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: (4)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" & Joshua Michael "Josh" (2)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from China. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/chi_m.php)
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Ava Emily (4)
DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Leah gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" (2)
DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Karina gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander (5)
ADD: (4)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old girl from Armenia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/arm_f.php)
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADS: (nb)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
Number: (1-40)
Araceli finds a baby boy on your doorstep. Do you adopt him?
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
Number: (1-40)
Adriana finds a baby girl on your doorstep. Do you adopt her?
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (2)
DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Clementine gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth / Sophia Olivia / James Daniel / John William / Isabella Ruth / Andrew Henry (2)
DS/DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Lilo gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua and Sophia Maddison (2)
ADS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Elissa finds a baby boy on your doorstep. Do you adopt him?
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
Number: (1-40)
Claire gave birth to a baby boy!
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Stephanie gave birth to a baby girl!
--Stephanie brings home a stray dog. Do you keep it? What’s the dogs name?
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Rayna Juliet (3)
DS/DS: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Molly gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
DD/DD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
Leah gave birth to twin girls!
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
Number: (1-40)
You may choose from these two events:
--Stephanie gave birth to a baby boy!
--You decided to adopt a seven-year old girl from the Netherlands. The child must have at least one name from that country.
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADS: (5)
ADS: (3)
DS: Ethan Jacob (2)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt two brothers from the Czech Republic. They are five and three years old. The children must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/cze_m.php)
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: (7)
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" (2)
Number (1-40)
You decided to adopt a seven-year old girl from Somalia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/afr-e_f.php)
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: (15)
DD: Emma Marie (2)
ADS/ADD: (nb)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a teenage mother (15) with a three months old twin (boy/girl).
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" (2)
DS: (4)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from Tunesia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ara_m.php)
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella (11)
ADD: Sophia Ruth (8)
ADD: (2)
Number: (1-40)
Christopher’s younger brother died in a car crash. Do you adopt his two-year old daughter?
This message was edited 5/1/2008, 2:38 PM
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley
Number: 3
Sorry I don't know how to bold things!
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley
Number: 3
Sorry I don't know how to bold things!
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DS: James Christopher
Number: 17
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
DS: James Christopher
Number: 17
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" (2)
DaS: Faris Munir (4)
Number: 36
I saw you already did the photo contest and I don't have much time right now, so I'll do the pic next round. I hope it's okay...
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" (2)
DaS: Faris Munir (4)
Number: 36
I saw you already did the photo contest and I don't have much time right now, so I'll do the pic next round. I hope it's okay...
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James (5)
ADS: Xavier Jordan (3)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah (nb)
Number: 29
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James (5)
ADS: Xavier Jordan (3)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah (nb)
Number: 29
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William
Number: (1-40) 23
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William
Number: (1-40) 23
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth / Sophia Olivia / James Daniel / John William / Isabella Ruth / Andrew Henry (2)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler / Nicholas Joseph (nb)
Number: 22

James, John and Andrew

Ava, Sophia and Isabella

Joshua and Nicholas
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth / Sophia Olivia / James Daniel / John William / Isabella Ruth / Andrew Henry (2)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler / Nicholas Joseph (nb)
Number: 22

James, John and Andrew

Ava, Sophia and Isabella

Joshua and Nicholas
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander (5)
ADD: Kohar Taline (4)
Number: 3
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander (5)
ADD: Kohar Taline (4)
Number: 3
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' (4)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah / Jacob William / Lillian Emily 'Lilli' / Samantha Taylor / Nicholas James 'Nick' / Joseph Michael 'Joe' (nb)
Number: 38
Jen find out that she’s having sextuplets. What do you do? Do you under go selective reduction? If you don’t, do all children survive?
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' (4)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah / Jacob William / Lillian Emily 'Lilli' / Samantha Taylor / Nicholas James 'Nick' / Joseph Michael 'Joe' (nb)
Number: 38
Jen find out that she’s having sextuplets. What do you do? Do you under go selective reduction? If you don’t, do all children survive?
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth / Sarah Lillian (nb)
Number: 27
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth / Sarah Lillian (nb)
Number: 27
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia (4)
DS/DD: George Andrew/Hannah Lillian (nb)
Number: 15
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia (4)
DS/DD: George Andrew/Hannah Lillian (nb)
Number: 15
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DDog: Margot
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles
Number: (5)
Eloise and Beau were having trouble conceiving and eventually turned to fertility drugs to help. They were thrilled when a few short months later Eloise became pregnant! Their first scan gave them a big shock however when 8 separate little heartbeats were heard. That's right, the Labelle's were expecting Octuplets!
They were swiftly sent to a multiple birth specialist who told them that, given Eloise's petite body type, the chances of the babies surviving weren't great and she'd have to be on strict bed rest for the entire pregnancy, and, even then, the chances of the babies living were very small. He went on to recommend selective reduction, thus giving the other babies a higher chance of survival. It was a difficult choice for Beau and Eloise, after all, what right did they have to play god? But eventually, they decided to give the go ahead for selective reduction, as long as they only lost the very minimal amount of the embryoes. After long discussions with their doctor it was agreed that they would abort two of the fetouses, as he beleived that six would be the very most the Eloise would be able to carry safely.
The procedure went to plan and Eloise was still placed on bed rest to give the remaining six babies the very best chance. Eloise went into labour at 31 weeks, earlier than the doctors would have liked. She was given a c-section and the Labelle's welcomed their 4 daughers, Alexis Maddison "Lexi", Lillian Elizabeth "Lily", Samantha Florence "Sammy" and Emily Hannah, and their 2 sons, Henry William and Daniel Charles. All of the babies were very small and were rushed off to the NICU moments after they were born. After resting for an hour or so, Eloise and Beau visited their babies for the first time. They were all so tiny and were hooked up to all kinds of machines to help them grow and live.
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DDog: Margot
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles
Number: (5)
Eloise and Beau were having trouble conceiving and eventually turned to fertility drugs to help. They were thrilled when a few short months later Eloise became pregnant! Their first scan gave them a big shock however when 8 separate little heartbeats were heard. That's right, the Labelle's were expecting Octuplets!
They were swiftly sent to a multiple birth specialist who told them that, given Eloise's petite body type, the chances of the babies surviving weren't great and she'd have to be on strict bed rest for the entire pregnancy, and, even then, the chances of the babies living were very small. He went on to recommend selective reduction, thus giving the other babies a higher chance of survival. It was a difficult choice for Beau and Eloise, after all, what right did they have to play god? But eventually, they decided to give the go ahead for selective reduction, as long as they only lost the very minimal amount of the embryoes. After long discussions with their doctor it was agreed that they would abort two of the fetouses, as he beleived that six would be the very most the Eloise would be able to carry safely.
The procedure went to plan and Eloise was still placed on bed rest to give the remaining six babies the very best chance. Eloise went into labour at 31 weeks, earlier than the doctors would have liked. She was given a c-section and the Labelle's welcomed their 4 daughers, Alexis Maddison "Lexi", Lillian Elizabeth "Lily", Samantha Florence "Sammy" and Emily Hannah, and their 2 sons, Henry William and Daniel Charles. All of the babies were very small and were rushed off to the NICU moments after they were born. After resting for an hour or so, Eloise and Beau visited their babies for the first time. They were all so tiny and were hooked up to all kinds of machines to help them grow and live.
This message was edited 5/1/2008, 9:08 PM
LN: Wilder
DH: Aaron Vincent
DW: Asha Vijaya
ADS: Jacob Henry (10)
DS/DD: Edward Nicholas "Ned"/ Margaret Ruth "Maisie"(nb)
Number: 16
Two years after adopting Jacob Asha gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. They are thrilled to be expanding their family, and Jacob is so excited to be a brother. He is a great help to his parents!

Ned and Maisie

Jacob (left) with a buddy outside their school.
LN: Wilder
DH: Aaron Vincent
DW: Asha Vijaya
ADS: Jacob Henry (10)
DS/DD: Edward Nicholas "Ned"/ Margaret Ruth "Maisie"(nb)
Number: 16
Two years after adopting Jacob Asha gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. They are thrilled to be expanding their family, and Jacob is so excited to be a brother. He is a great help to his parents!

Ned and Maisie

Jacob (left) with a buddy outside their school.
This message was edited 5/1/2008, 7:41 PM
Can't see Jacobs picture
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen (15)
ADD: Lily Adesina (6)
ADS/DD: James Daniel "Jamie" / Marie Florence (nb)
Number: 36


Jamie and Marie:

Can I save my wish or not? If I can't, please let me know and I'll use it (I haven't yet).
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen (15)
ADD: Lily Adesina (6)
ADS/DD: James Daniel "Jamie" / Marie Florence (nb)
Number: 36


Jamie and Marie:

Can I save my wish or not? If I can't, please let me know and I'll use it (I haven't yet).
You can save your wish..
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella (11)
ADD: Sophia Ruth (8)
ADD: Lillian Florence (2)
Number: 15



LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella (11)
ADD: Sophia Ruth (8)
ADD: Lillian Florence (2)
Number: 15



This message was edited 5/1/2008, 7:41 PM
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADS: Daniel William (nb)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
Number: (1-40) 21
It was quite a surprise to us when Araceli founds a baby boy on our doorstep one evening. We took him into the house immediately and contacted the authorities. We volunteered to keep him overnight for them and Araceli really enjoyed playing "mommy" and we both became quite attached. The next day he was taken to the nearest orphanage where Araceli and I visited him over the next couple weeks. We discussed adopting at length and decided to adopt him.
We named him Daniel after Araceli's father and William after mine. We love our son and are so happy to be parents.
Here's Daniel after his bath time:
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADS: Daniel William (nb)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
Number: (1-40) 21
It was quite a surprise to us when Araceli founds a baby boy on our doorstep one evening. We took him into the house immediately and contacted the authorities. We volunteered to keep him overnight for them and Araceli really enjoyed playing "mommy" and we both became quite attached. The next day he was taken to the nearest orphanage where Araceli and I visited him over the next couple weeks. We discussed adopting at length and decided to adopt him.
We named him Daniel after Araceli's father and William after mine. We love our son and are so happy to be parents.
Here's Daniel after his bath time:

LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" (4)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" & Joshua Michael "Josh" (2)
Number: 24 (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from China.

Drew and Josh

LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" (4)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" & Joshua Michael "Josh" (2)
Number: 24 (1-40)
You decided to adopt a four-year old boy from China.

Drew and Josh

This message was edited 5/1/2008, 5:14 PM
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADS: Simon Alexander (5)
ADS: Tadeas Martin (3)
DS: Ethan Jacob (2)
Number: 22
I'll save my wish for later!



LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADS: Simon Alexander (5)
ADS: Tadeas Martin (3)
DS: Ethan Jacob (2)
Number: 22
I'll save my wish for later!



LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD:Anna Elizabeth (15)
DD: Emma Marie (2)
ADS/ADD:Alexis Maddison/Tyler William (nb)
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD:Anna Elizabeth (15)
DD: Emma Marie (2)
ADS/ADD:Alexis Maddison/Tyler William (nb)
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani (7)
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" (2)
Number 29



LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani (7)
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" (2)
Number 29



LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
Tuxedo Cat: Viola
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
Tuxedo Cat: Viola
Number (1-40) please?
sorry 35
You may include a picture of all your previous children too. (Not only the child(ren) from this Round).
Have Fun!
You may include a picture of all your previous children too. (Not only the child(ren) from this Round).
Have Fun!
Do you also have a picture of Ava?
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
AD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie"
Number: 4
Maggie with Nikoloz:

LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
AD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie"
Number: 4
Maggie with Nikoloz:

LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Rayna Juliet (3)
DS/DS: Jacob William / Nicholas Joseph (nb)
Number: 25 (1-40)
Molly gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Rayna Juliet (3)
DS/DS: Jacob William / Nicholas Joseph (nb)
Number: 25 (1-40)
Molly gave birth to twin boys!
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder"
Number: 17
Three years after the birth of Edward, Stephen and Clementine have their second baby girl named Margaret Emily Elizabeth. At birth she weighed 6 pounds and 2 ounces (2.8 kg).
At her first birthday

Edward age 4

LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder"
Number: 17
Three years after the birth of Edward, Stephen and Clementine have their second baby girl named Margaret Emily Elizabeth. At birth she weighed 6 pounds and 2 ounces (2.8 kg).
At her first birthday

Edward age 4

This message was edited 5/2/2008, 3:20 AM
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh (5)
ADD: Katarina Ivy (4)
Number: 23
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh (5)
ADD: Katarina Ivy (4)
Number: 23
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" (2)
DS: Henry James (nb)
Number: 33
Karina gave birth to a baby boy!


LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" (2)
DS: Henry James (nb)
Number: 33
Karina gave birth to a baby boy!


This message was edited 5/1/2008, 2:42 PM