[Opinions] Lux
WDYTO Lux? Is it too unusual to use or would it be alright? It has really been growing on me recently. I think it's really strong, really simple but I normally prefer short nick names for long full names (Eva for Evangeline). I was thinking about nick names for Alexandria and I wondered if Lux could be used as a nickn name for it? Alex said with a Scottish accent is pronounced as a bit of a cross between 'alix' and 'alux'. WDYT???What else is there that Lux could be a nick name for?
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Even in the Virgin Suicides I found it VERY odd. It immediately makes me think of "lust."There are a lot of nicer names which mean "light."
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:D Then it was perfect for the character, wasn't it?
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It reminds me of two things: Soap, especially washing flakes (it's a soap brand here in NZ, and this is my primary association), and vacuum cleaners (it's a brand of vacuum cleaner and in NZ many people 'do the luxing' once a week). I really can't think of it as a people name at all, sorry!
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I think it's cute, but a little close to "loose" and I find it a bit insubstantial. I think it's terrific as a nickname for Lucia, Lucy, or any of the other Luc_____ names.
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I really, really like Lux, particularly for a girl. I also hadn't thought about using it as a nickname for Alexandria (I prefer Alexandra), but I think it's great. It's a GP for me, but Lux has such a great sound - I think it's a great name.I can't think of any other names it could work as a nickname for. I like it on it's own, actually.
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I love it, but for a boy as a nn for Lucian or Luciano. Because it is esentially thr base for most luc- names I like it for a girl as a nn for Luciana, Lucia, etc.
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*Heart* LuxI love it. I'd use it just on its own, but I guess I can see how it could be a nn for Alexandria. Except most people might think Lex instead. But it's cool!I also like Luz, but that deffo wouldn't work for what you're tlaking about.
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Lux is so cool! It's strong and simple like you said, but since it's unusual it seems satisfactorily interesting, compared to other one-syllable names. Alexandra to Lux isn't too much of a stretch- I like Lux better than Ally, Alex, and so on any day.Other possibilities where Lux could be a nn:
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Isn't Lux a brand of shower gel? :S
I don't see that attraction of it myself.I like Andria for Alexandria. Although I like Adria (ADD-ria) more but I don't think anyone would pronounce it right.
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I really started liking Lux after I read the Virgin Suicides [this is the only one of the 5 names (Cecilia, Lux, Bonnie, Mary, Therese) that managed to grow on me. But she was the most interesting character.]I'd probably use it as a middle name, but I don't think it'd be too much for a first name (though I can see some inappropriate jokes in the middle school and high school age. "Sux" would be the milder of the two jokes I can think of).And I don't think it's too much of a stretch for Alexandria "Lux".
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