[Games] Keepskuh's Congrats (Round 6)
Welcome to Round 6!
Please read the rules carefully.
--Name your baby/child with name from the namebanks below. (Some adopted children may have different naming rules)
--Nicknames are welcome!
--You may include a picture.. read the new rule carefully
--You may write a story about your family.
--It helps if you bold your new family member(s).
--Don't forget to pick a number (1-40) for next round's event.
Congratulations to:
Tessy (handsomest baby),
GloriaRose (prettiest pre-schooler),
Tiff107 (sweetest child, cutest couple and prettiest house),
Hola123 (handsomest teen (part 1)),
Snuffles (handsomest teen (part 2)),
Zerogirl (sweetest siblings),
Keepskuh (cutest couple) and
LadyBug (cutest pet)
DD/DW: Abigail, Adanna, Adannaya, Addison, Amanda, Amy, Angela, Barbara, Batel, Betty, Candace, Carol, Cleopatra, Deirbhile, Demeter, Dorothy, Emese, Heather, Hine, Isabel, Jennifer, Jessica, Joan, Kimberley, Lisa, Margaret, Mary, Melissa, Michelle, Moa, Nancy, Nontle, Parvati, Patricia, Shailaya, Shirley, Tammy, Tracy, Winona, Yewande, Zaramama
DS/DH: Abidan, Abishai, Absalom, Addison, Babak, Benjamin, Brian, Charles, Christopher, Cody, David, Donald, Dyson, Edward, Emerson, George, Hachirou, Ichirou, James, Jamison, Joab, John, Joseph, Kurou, Lawson, Mack, Mark, Metrophanes, Michael, Moab, Nelson, Partha, Reuben, Richard, Robert, Ronald, Saburou, Tama, Thomas, William, Wilson, Yoshirou
LN: your choice
Don't forget:
Pick a number for next round! (1-40)
New DH/DW must have a last name.
1. If your oldest child gets married this round:
--Include a picture of the newly wed couple
--Include a picture of their new house
2. If your oldest child got married last round:
--Include a picture of your new baby
--Include a picture of his/her nursery
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (27)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (16)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (12)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (10)
DD: Margaret Nicole "Meg" (8)
Number: (1-40)
Kamryn gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (21)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (20)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (17)
ADD: Nicole Elizabeth "Nicky" Labelle (15)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: (1-40) + (1-40)
Lexi ánd Lily are getting married!
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia Cohen (20)
ADS: Mikheil David "Michael" Cohen (17)
DS/DD: George Andrew Cohen and Hannah Lillian Cohen (16)
ADS: Nikoloz Grigol "Nick" Cohen (15)
DS/DD: (10)
Number: (1-40)
Marie is getting married!
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (25)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (22)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (16)
ADD: Amalia Beatrice Fordham (12)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (10)
Number: (1-40)
Sophia is getting married!
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (21)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (17)
DD: Rebecca Mary (15)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (13)
DAnimal: Max
Number: (1-40)
Livie is getting married!
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James Cabot (21)
-----DW: Jessica Nicole Reid-Cabot (19)
-----DS/DS: (nb)
ADS: Xavier Jordan Cabot (19)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah Cabot (16)
DS: William Samuel Cabot (14)
DS/DS: Justin Matthew Cabot and Andrew Charles Cabot (12)
Number: (1-40)
Jessica gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (25)
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (22)
DCat: Viola
DDog: Poppy
Number: (1-40)
Casper is getting married!
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (22)
-----DH: Elijah Finley Lennox "Eli" (25)
-----DD: (1)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (13)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (10)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (7)
DD: Katherine True "Kit" (5)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from Indonesia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ins_f.php)
You have 5 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (22)
-----DW: Melissa Nicole Williams-Dawson (19)
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (21)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (17)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (15)
Number: (1-40)
Melissa gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (22)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (21)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (20)
DDog: Curry
Number: (1-40)
Chris is getting married!
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene Gardner (20)
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (19)
DS: Andrew William Gardner (15)
ADS: Jason David Gardner (12)
DS: James Matthew Gardner (9)
DCat: Lulu
Number: (1-40)
Klara is getting married!
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper-Bennett (22)
-----DH: Richard Thomas Bennett (27)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (21)
DS: Henry James Harper (20)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada and Laura Brooklyn (16)
DDog: Merel
Number: (1-40)
Liz gave birth to twin girls!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (20)
-----DGF: Amy Stephanie Rohan (20)
-----DS: (nb)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (19)
ADD: Jessica Ruth Hurley (4)
Number: (1-40)
Amy gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (21)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (18)
ADS: Daniel William (16)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (14)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
DDog: George
Number: (1-40)
Sarah is getting married!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
DD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie" (7)
ADS: (5)
DS: (nb)
DDog: Jasper
DDog: Louie
Number: Maggie is getting married next round.. How many years have passed?
Adriana’s younger sister died in a car crash. Do you adopt her five-year old son?
Adriana gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari "Antonius Block" McKay (20)
-----DH: (23)
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (17)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (15)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Octavianus" McKay (11)
DD/DD: Stephanie Patricia Mary “La duchessa” McKay and Melissa Barbara Michelle “La contessa” McKay (9)
Number: (1-40)
Antonius Block is getting married!
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice Merseau (23)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (20)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (18)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (16)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (12)
AS: Sebastian Anton Merseau (11) from Germany
Number: (1-40)
Anna is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (27)
-(E)-DW: Sarah Nancy Smith (23)
-----DD: (7)
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (13)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (11)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a seven-year old girl from Ireland. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/iri_f.php)
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
ADD: Katariina Tallinn "Kitty" McLeod (21)
DS: James Christopher McLeod (16)
DD/DD: (10)
Number: (1-40)
Kitty is getting married!
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (20)
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (18)
DDog: Monet
DAnimal: Matisse
Number: (1-40)
Taylor is getting married!
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren Moore (21)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (15)
DS/DS: Jacob William Moore and Nicholas Joseph Moore (12)
DS: Thomas Edward Moore (8)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael Moore and Ashley Samantha Moore (6)
ADD: Minali Jane Moore (5)
Number: (1-40)
Samantha is getting married!
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
ADD: Anna Frances Martin (32)
ADD: Mary Margaret Martin (30)
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth Martin and Sarah Lillian Martin (28)
DS: Robert Joseph (26)
ADS: Jónas Harold Martin (26)
Number: (1-40)
Anna is getting married!
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (24)
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (22)
ADS: Andrew Cibran Mitchell (21)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (20)
Number: (1-40)
Jacob is getting married!
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (13)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (11)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (10)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (9)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (8)
DDog: Copper
DCat: Calypso
Number: (1-40)
Martha is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce (21) from Somalia
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (16)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (14)
DS: George Henry Pierce (12)
DD: Dorothy Barbara "Dotty" Pierce (8)
Number: (1-40)
Emily is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: Anna Elizabeth (24)
-----DH: Andrew William (30)
-----DD/DD: (nb)
DD: Emma Marie (11)
ADS/ADD: Tyler William Boswell and Alexis Maddison Boswell (9)
DS/DS: Edward James Boswell and Joseph William Boswell (7)
DDog: Princess
Number: (1-40)
Anna gave birth to twin girls!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
ADS: Faris Munir (20) from Tunesia
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" Mori (18)
ADD: Virginia Helen Mori (15)
DD: Susannah Jane "Suzie" (14)
DS: (10)
Number: (1-40)
Faris is getting married!
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella Thorne (30)
ADD: Sophia Ruth Thorne (27)
ADD: Lillian Florence Thorne (21)
DS/DS/DS: Samuel Edward "Sam" Thorne, Thomas Joseph "Tom" Thorne and William Paul "Will" Thorne (17)
DD/DD: Sarah Lauren Thorne and Elizabeth Frances Thorne (15)
ADD: Marina Joan Thorne (14)
Number: (1-40)
Anna is getting married!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
Please read the rules carefully.
--Name your baby/child with name from the namebanks below. (Some adopted children may have different naming rules)
--Nicknames are welcome!
--You may include a picture.. read the new rule carefully
--You may write a story about your family.
--It helps if you bold your new family member(s).
--Don't forget to pick a number (1-40) for next round's event.
Congratulations to:
Tessy (handsomest baby),
GloriaRose (prettiest pre-schooler),
Tiff107 (sweetest child, cutest couple and prettiest house),
Hola123 (handsomest teen (part 1)),
Snuffles (handsomest teen (part 2)),
Zerogirl (sweetest siblings),
Keepskuh (cutest couple) and
LadyBug (cutest pet)
DD/DW: Abigail, Adanna, Adannaya, Addison, Amanda, Amy, Angela, Barbara, Batel, Betty, Candace, Carol, Cleopatra, Deirbhile, Demeter, Dorothy, Emese, Heather, Hine, Isabel, Jennifer, Jessica, Joan, Kimberley, Lisa, Margaret, Mary, Melissa, Michelle, Moa, Nancy, Nontle, Parvati, Patricia, Shailaya, Shirley, Tammy, Tracy, Winona, Yewande, Zaramama
DS/DH: Abidan, Abishai, Absalom, Addison, Babak, Benjamin, Brian, Charles, Christopher, Cody, David, Donald, Dyson, Edward, Emerson, George, Hachirou, Ichirou, James, Jamison, Joab, John, Joseph, Kurou, Lawson, Mack, Mark, Metrophanes, Michael, Moab, Nelson, Partha, Reuben, Richard, Robert, Ronald, Saburou, Tama, Thomas, William, Wilson, Yoshirou
LN: your choice
Don't forget:
Pick a number for next round! (1-40)
New DH/DW must have a last name.
1. If your oldest child gets married this round:
--Include a picture of the newly wed couple
--Include a picture of their new house
2. If your oldest child got married last round:
--Include a picture of your new baby
--Include a picture of his/her nursery
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (27)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (16)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (12)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (10)
DD: Margaret Nicole "Meg" (8)
Number: (1-40)
Kamryn gave birth to a baby girl!
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (21)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (20)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (17)
ADD: Nicole Elizabeth "Nicky" Labelle (15)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: (1-40) + (1-40)
Lexi ánd Lily are getting married!
LN: Cohen
DH: George Walter
DW: Bernadette Lucille
ADD: Marie Olivia Cohen (20)
ADS: Mikheil David "Michael" Cohen (17)
DS/DD: George Andrew Cohen and Hannah Lillian Cohen (16)
ADS: Nikoloz Grigol "Nick" Cohen (15)
DS/DD: (10)
Number: (1-40)
Marie is getting married!
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (25)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (22)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (16)
ADD: Amalia Beatrice Fordham (12)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (10)
Number: (1-40)
Sophia is getting married!
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (21)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (17)
DD: Rebecca Mary (15)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (13)
DAnimal: Max
Number: (1-40)
Livie is getting married!
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James Cabot (21)
-----DW: Jessica Nicole Reid-Cabot (19)
-----DS/DS: (nb)
ADS: Xavier Jordan Cabot (19)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah Cabot (16)
DS: William Samuel Cabot (14)
DS/DS: Justin Matthew Cabot and Andrew Charles Cabot (12)
Number: (1-40)
Jessica gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (25)
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (22)
DCat: Viola
DDog: Poppy
Number: (1-40)
Casper is getting married!
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (22)
-----DH: Elijah Finley Lennox "Eli" (25)
-----DD: (1)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (13)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (10)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (7)
DD: Katherine True "Kit" (5)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a one-year old girl from Indonesia. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/ins_f.php)
You have 5 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (22)
-----DW: Melissa Nicole Williams-Dawson (19)
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (21)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (17)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (15)
Number: (1-40)
Melissa gave birth to twin boys!
LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (22)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (21)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (20)
DDog: Curry
Number: (1-40)
Chris is getting married!
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene Gardner (20)
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (19)
DS: Andrew William Gardner (15)
ADS: Jason David Gardner (12)
DS: James Matthew Gardner (9)
DCat: Lulu
Number: (1-40)
Klara is getting married!
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper-Bennett (22)
-----DH: Richard Thomas Bennett (27)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (21)
DS: Henry James Harper (20)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada and Laura Brooklyn (16)
DDog: Merel
Number: (1-40)
Liz gave birth to twin girls!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (20)
-----DGF: Amy Stephanie Rohan (20)
-----DS: (nb)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (19)
ADD: Jessica Ruth Hurley (4)
Number: (1-40)
Amy gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (21)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (18)
ADS: Daniel William (16)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (14)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
DDog: George
Number: (1-40)
Sarah is getting married!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pasternak
DH: Nikoloz Tipene
DW: Adriana Gisele
DD: Magdalene Clarissa "Maggie" (7)
ADS: (5)
DS: (nb)
DDog: Jasper
DDog: Louie
Number: Maggie is getting married next round.. How many years have passed?
Adriana’s younger sister died in a car crash. Do you adopt her five-year old son?
Adriana gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari "Antonius Block" McKay (20)
-----DH: (23)
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (17)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (15)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Octavianus" McKay (11)
DD/DD: Stephanie Patricia Mary “La duchessa” McKay and Melissa Barbara Michelle “La contessa” McKay (9)
Number: (1-40)
Antonius Block is getting married!
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice Merseau (23)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (20)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (18)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (16)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (12)
AS: Sebastian Anton Merseau (11) from Germany
Number: (1-40)
Anna is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (27)
-(E)-DW: Sarah Nancy Smith (23)
-----DD: (7)
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (13)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (11)
Number: (1-40)
You decided to adopt a seven-year old girl from Ireland. The child must have at least one name from that country. (http://www.behindthename.com/nmc/iri_f.php)
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
ADD: Katariina Tallinn "Kitty" McLeod (21)
DS: James Christopher McLeod (16)
DD/DD: (10)
Number: (1-40)
Kitty is getting married!
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (20)
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (18)
DDog: Monet
DAnimal: Matisse
Number: (1-40)
Taylor is getting married!
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren Moore (21)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (15)
DS/DS: Jacob William Moore and Nicholas Joseph Moore (12)
DS: Thomas Edward Moore (8)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael Moore and Ashley Samantha Moore (6)
ADD: Minali Jane Moore (5)
Number: (1-40)
Samantha is getting married!
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
ADD: Anna Frances Martin (32)
ADD: Mary Margaret Martin (30)
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth Martin and Sarah Lillian Martin (28)
DS: Robert Joseph (26)
ADS: Jónas Harold Martin (26)
Number: (1-40)
Anna is getting married!
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (24)
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (22)
ADS: Andrew Cibran Mitchell (21)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (20)
Number: (1-40)
Jacob is getting married!
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (13)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (11)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (10)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (9)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (8)
DDog: Copper
DCat: Calypso
Number: (1-40)
Martha is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce (21) from Somalia
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (16)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (14)
DS: George Henry Pierce (12)
DD: Dorothy Barbara "Dotty" Pierce (8)
Number: (1-40)
Emily is getting married!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: Anna Elizabeth (24)
-----DH: Andrew William (30)
-----DD/DD: (nb)
DD: Emma Marie (11)
ADS/ADD: Tyler William Boswell and Alexis Maddison Boswell (9)
DS/DS: Edward James Boswell and Joseph William Boswell (7)
DDog: Princess
Number: (1-40)
Anna gave birth to twin girls!
You have 3 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
ADS: Faris Munir (20) from Tunesia
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" Mori (18)
ADD: Virginia Helen Mori (15)
DD: Susannah Jane "Suzie" (14)
DS: (10)
Number: (1-40)
Faris is getting married!
LN: Thorne
DH: Christopher Wyatt
DW: Valerie Margaret
ADD: Anna Isabella Thorne (30)
ADD: Sophia Ruth Thorne (27)
ADD: Lillian Florence Thorne (21)
DS/DS/DS: Samuel Edward "Sam" Thorne, Thomas Joseph "Tom" Thorne and William Paul "Will" Thorne (17)
DD/DD: Sarah Lauren Thorne and Elizabeth Frances Thorne (15)
ADD: Marina Joan Thorne (14)
Number: (1-40)
Anna is getting married!
You have 2 wishes:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
This message was edited 5/12/2008, 3:31 AM
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (20)
-----DGF: Amy Stephanie Rohan (20)
-----DS: Cody Abidan (nb)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (19)
ADD: Jessica Ruth Hurley (4)
Number: (1-40)
Amy gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Hurley
DH: Trevor Daniel
DW: Paulina Deirdre
ADS: Afrim Aleksander Hurley (20)
-----DGF: Amy Stephanie Rohan (20)
-----DS: Cody Abidan (nb)
ADD: Kohar Taline Hurley (19)
ADD: Jessica Ruth Hurley (4)
Number: (1-40)
Amy gave birth to a baby boy!
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (25)
-----DW: Holly Madison
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (22)
DCat: Viola
DDog: Poppy
Number: 7(1-40)
LN: Jennings
DH: Edward Alfred
DW: Rose Clara
ADS: Casper Gerhard Jennings (25)
-----DW: Holly Madison
DS/DD: Lachlan Andrew Jennings and Kirsten Anne-Marie Jennings (22)
DCat: Viola
DDog: Poppy
Number: 7(1-40)
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce-Owen (21) from Somalia
-----DH: James Nelson Owen (22)
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (16)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (14)
DS: George Henry Pierce (12)
DD: Dorothy Barbara "Dotty" Pierce (8)
Number: (1-40)
Emily is getting married!

Emily and James Owen

Their house
LN: Pierce
DH: Kameron Troy
DW: Marisol Letitia
ADD: Emily Imani Pierce-Owen (21) from Somalia
-----DH: James Nelson Owen (22)
DS: Christopher Andrew "Chris" Pierce (16)
ADD: Frances Yung Pierce (14)
DS: George Henry Pierce (12)
DD: Dorothy Barbara "Dotty" Pierce (8)
Number: (1-40)
Emily is getting married!

Emily and James Owen

Their house
Gloria Rose
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (22)
-----DH: Elijah Finley Lennox "Eli" (25)
-----DD: Cordelia Scarlet Lennox "Cody" (1)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (13)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (10)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (7)
DD: Katherine True "Kit" (5)
Number: 2
I'll use a wish for no naming rules.
LN: Foster
DH: Kane Ezekiel
DW: Odessa Lynn
ADD: Taylor Helen Foster (22)
-----DH: Elijah Finley Lennox "Eli" (25)
-----DD: Cordelia Scarlet Lennox "Cody" (1)
ADD: Lily Adesina Foster (13)
ADD: Abigail Rose Foster (10)
ADS/ADD: James Daniel "Jamie" Foster and Marie Florence Foster (7)
DD: Katherine True "Kit" (5)
Number: 2
I'll use a wish for no naming rules.
LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (21)
-(Lexi)-DH: Wilson Charles Montgomery "Wil" (23)
-(Lily)-DH: Thomas Edward Chatfield "Tom" (24)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (20)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (17)
ADD: Nicole Elizabeth "Nicky" Labelle (15)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: (33) + (22)
Lexi and Wil Montgomery:

Lily and Tom Chatfield:

Lexi and Wil's house:

Lily and Tom's house:

LN: Labelle
DH: Beau Andre
DW: Eloise Helene
DD/DD/DS/DD/DS: Alexis Maddison "Lexi"/ Lillian Elizabeth "Lily"/ Henry William/ Samantha Florence "Sammy"/ Daniel Charles (21)
-(Lexi)-DH: Wilson Charles Montgomery "Wil" (23)
-(Lily)-DH: Thomas Edward Chatfield "Tom" (24)
ADS: Alexander Jaxon "Alex" Labelle (20)
DD: Dorothy Lauren "Dot" Labelle (17)
ADD: Nicole Elizabeth "Nicky" Labelle (15)
DDog: Margot
DDog: Dora
Number: (33) + (22)
Lexi and Wil Montgomery:

Lily and Tom Chatfield:

Lexi and Wil's house:

Lily and Tom's house:

LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (25)
-----DH: Reuben Addison Wilk (28)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (22)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (16)
ADD: Amalia Beatrice Fordham (12)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (10)
Number: 4
LN: Fordham
DH: Samson Orion
DW: Rebecca Simone
ADD: Sophia Abigail Fordham (25)
-----DH: Reuben Addison Wilk (28)
ADD: Isabella Florence Fordham (22)
ADD: Arabella Elene Fordham (16)
ADD: Amalia Beatrice Fordham (12)
DS/DS/DS: Edward Joseph / George Richard/ Charles William (10)
Number: 4
This message was edited 5/12/2008, 5:11 PM
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (21)
-----DH: Benjamin James Thomas 'Ben' (24)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (17)
DD: Rebecca Mary (15)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (13)
DAnimal: Max
Number: (1-40)
Livie is getting married!
LN: Ward
DH: John Spencer
DW: Jennifer Nicole 'Jen'
ADD: Olivia Marie 'Livie' Ward (21)
-----DH: Benjamin James Thomas 'Ben' (24)
DD/DS/DD/DD/DS/DS: Elizabeth Hannah, Jacob William, Lillian Emily 'Lilli', Samantha Taylor, Nicholas James 'Nick' and Joseph Michael 'Joe' (17)
DD: Rebecca Mary (15)
DS/DD/DD: Joshua Andrew 'Josh', Lauren Stephanie and Sarah Margaret (13)
DAnimal: Max
Number: (1-40)
Livie is getting married!
I wish for no naming rules for Sarah's husband.
LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (21)
-----DH: Nicolas Hector Velasco "Nico" (23)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (18)
ADS: Daniel William (16)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (14)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
DDog: George
Number: (1-40) 27
Sarah Ruth & Nico on their wedding day:

Their house:

LN: Titten
DH: Gwillym Ellis "Gwill"
DW: Araceli Luz Cabello
ADD: Sarah Ruth Elizabeth "Sarah Ruth" Titten (21)
-----DH: Nicolas Hector Velasco "Nico" (23)
ADD: Anna Margaret Lauren "Anna Maggie" Titten (18)
ADS: Daniel William (16)
DS/DS: Tristan Eliseo and Gareth Mateo (14)
DCat: Samantha "Sammy"
DDog: George
Number: (1-40) 27
Sarah Ruth & Nico on their wedding day:

Their house:

LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (22)
-----DW: Lisa Abigail (Chen) Allen (22)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (21)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (20)
DDog: Curry
Number: 33 (1-40)
Chris and Lisa

LN: Allen
DH: George Roger
DW: Lynda Sue
ADS: Christopher Huang "Chris" Allen (22)
-----DW: Lisa Abigail (Chen) Allen (22)
ADD: Juliette Manon Allen (21)
DS/DS: Andrew Charles "Drew" Allen & Joshua Michael "Josh" Allen (20)
DDog: Curry
Number: 33 (1-40)
Chris and Lisa

LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene Gardner (20)
-----DH: Eliott Isaiah Rigby
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (19)
DS: Andrew William Gardner (15)
ADS: Jason David Gardner (12)
DS: James Matthew Gardner (9)
DCat: Lulu
Number: 30
Here is Eliott and Klara.
Here is their new home
I wish for no naming rules this round.
LN: Gardner
DH: Ryan Edward
DW: Leah Rose
ADD: Klara Magdalene Gardner (20)
-----DH: Eliott Isaiah Rigby
ADD: Ava Emily Gardner (19)
DS: Andrew William Gardner (15)
ADS: Jason David Gardner (12)
DS: James Matthew Gardner (9)
DCat: Lulu
Number: 30
Here is Eliott and Klara.
Here is their new home
I wish for no naming rules this round.
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
ADD: Anna Frances Martin-Kobayashi (32)
-----DH: Ichirou Kobayashi (Japanese usually don't have middle names, so I'm not giving this person one)
ADD: Mary Margaret Martin (30)
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth Martin and Sarah Lillian Martin (28)
DS: Robert Joseph (26)
ADS: Jónas Harold Martin (26)
Number: (1-40) 31
I may write a story later, but I'd rather not take part in the picture part of this game. If you'd rather I drop because of that, this is fine. I had fun regardless. :)
LN: Martin
DH: Derek Jason
DW: Leah Simone
ADD: Anna Frances Martin-Kobayashi (32)
-----DH: Ichirou Kobayashi (Japanese usually don't have middle names, so I'm not giving this person one)
ADD: Mary Margaret Martin (30)
DD/DD: Helen Elizabeth Martin and Sarah Lillian Martin (28)
DS: Robert Joseph (26)
ADS: Jónas Harold Martin (26)
Number: (1-40) 31
I may write a story later, but I'd rather not take part in the picture part of this game. If you'd rather I drop because of that, this is fine. I had fun regardless. :)
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren (Moore) Engle (21)
-----DH: Cody Edward Engle (22)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (15)
DS/DS: Jacob William Moore and Nicholas Joseph Moore (12)
DS: Thomas Edward Moore (8)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael Moore and Ashley Samantha Moore (6)
ADD: Minali Jane Moore (5)
Number: 26 (1-40)
Samantha is getting married!
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
**Saving my wish**

Samantha with Cody

The house Samantha and Cody bought

Ashley (left) and Christopher with their friend Emma in their backyard.
Samantha moved out after getting married to a nice man named Cody Engle. The house they bought is only a few blocks from Molly and William's house, so they can visit if they have problems or questions. Christopher and Ashley moved in with them, and are enjoying it very much.
LN: Moore
DH: William Bradley
DW: Molly Hope
ADD: Samantha Lauren (Moore) Engle (21)
-----DH: Cody Edward Engle (22)
ADD: Rayna Juliet Moore (15)
DS/DS: Jacob William Moore and Nicholas Joseph Moore (12)
DS: Thomas Edward Moore (8)
ADS/ADD: Christopher Michael Moore and Ashley Samantha Moore (6)
ADD: Minali Jane Moore (5)
Number: 26 (1-40)
Samantha is getting married!
You have 1 wish:
You can choose from:
--No naming rules this round
--Change gender of your given child(ren)
--Get a pet
**Saving my wish**

Samantha with Cody

The house Samantha and Cody bought

Ashley (left) and Christopher with their friend Emma in their backyard.
Samantha moved out after getting married to a nice man named Cody Engle. The house they bought is only a few blocks from Molly and William's house, so they can visit if they have problems or questions. Christopher and Ashley moved in with them, and are enjoying it very much.
Skye Morgan
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (20)
-----DH: Jamison Cody Parks
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (18)
DDog: Monet
DAnimal: Matisse
Number: 6
LN: Callaway
DH: William James
DW: Stephanie Morgan
DD: Taylor Ashley Callaway (20)
-----DH: Jamison Cody Parks
DS/DS: James William Callaway and Samuel Charles Callaway (18)
DDog: Monet
DAnimal: Matisse
Number: 6
LN: Cabot
DH: Sagan Constantine
DW: Lilith Vittoria
ADS: Feliu James Cabot (21)
-----DW: Jessica Nicole Reid-Cabot (19)
-----DS/DS: James William / Robert Christopher (nb)
ADS: Xavier Jordan Cabot (19)
ADS: Landen Jeremiah Cabot (16)
DS: William Samuel Cabot (14)
DS/DS: Justin Matthew Cabot and Andrew Charles Cabot (12)
Number: 29
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (27)
-(E)-DW: Sarah Nancy Smith (23)
-----DD: Liadan Cliona (7)
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (13)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (11)
Number: 22 (1-40)
LN: Smith
DH: Brandon Matthew
DW: Elissa Matilda
DS/DD: Ethan Joshua Smith and Sophia Maddison Smith (27)
-(E)-DW: Sarah Nancy Smith (23)
-----DD: Liadan Cliona (7)
ADD: Alice Mildred Smith (13)
DD: Jessica Brittany "Jessie" Smith (11)
Number: 22 (1-40)
X Mar
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
ADS: Faris Munir Mori(20) from Tunesia
-----DW: Demeter Joan Mori-Paulsen
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" Mori (18)
ADD: Virginia Helen Mori (15)
DD: Susannah Jane "Suzie" Mori (14)
DS: Saburou David "Sab" Mori(10)
Number: 33
LN: Mori
DH: Saburo Ryuu
DW: Mio Rei
ADS: Faris Munir Mori(20) from Tunesia
-----DW: Demeter Joan Mori-Paulsen
DS: Joshua James "Jay-Jay" Mori (18)
ADD: Virginia Helen Mori (15)
DD: Susannah Jane "Suzie" Mori (14)
DS: Saburou David "Sab" Mori(10)
Number: 33
LN: Boswell
DH: Kyle John
DW: Sophie Joy
ADD: Anna Elizabeth (24)
-----DH: Andrew William Joyce(30)
-----DD/DS:Isabel Emese /Melissa Addison http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=ISP0677014/ http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=BLP0023653
DD: Emma Marie (11) http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=RBP9013397
ADS/ADD: Tyler William Boswell and Alexis Maddison Boswell (9)-http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=RBP9016688
DS/DS: Edward James Boswell and Joseph William Boswell (7)-http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=RBP9004880
DDog: Princess-
Ddog: Max -http://www.veer.com/products/detail.aspx?image=CYP0700975
Number: 27
I decided to adopt a dog.
I'm sorry I didn't realize Andrew neaded a last name.Flakiness on my part.
Do you have any idea of how many rounds or generations we are going? Just asking so I know when I'm going to spend my wishes =P
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice (Merseau) Cohen (23)
-----DH: Lawson David Reuben Cohen (26)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (20)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (18)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (16)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (12)
AS: Sebastian Anton Merseau (11) from Germany
Number: 24

Anna and Lawson

Their house
LN: Merseau
DH: Jack Maverick
DW: Lilo Victoria
ADD: Anna Alice (Merseau) Cohen (23)
-----DH: Lawson David Reuben Cohen (26)
ADD: Rebecca Jane Merseay (20)
DD/DD/DS/DS/DD/DS: Ava Elizabeth Merseau/ Sophia Olivia Merseau/ James Daniel Merseau/ John William Merseau/ Isabella Ruth Merseau/ Andrew Henry Merseau (18)
DS/DS: Joshua Tyler Merseau and Nicholas Joseph Merseau (16)
DD: Amanda Ashley Merseau (12)
AS: Sebastian Anton Merseau (11) from Germany
Number: 24

Anna and Lawson

Their house
This message was edited 5/12/2008, 6:56 AM
I don't know the number of rounds to come..
But the plan is to get each child a family of their own (so getting married with couple of kids)
But the plan is to get each child a family of their own (so getting married with couple of kids)
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (27)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (16)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (12)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (10)
DD: Margaret Nicole "Meg" (8)
DD: Addison Isabel (0)
Number: 21
LN: Hearst
DH: Eli Jacob
DW: Kamryn Rose
ADD: Susannah Jane "Susie" Hearst (27)
DS/DD: John Henry "Jack" Hearst and Ava Sophia Hearst (16)
ADS/ADD: Charles William "Charlie" Hearst and Lillian Anna "Lilli" Hearst (12)
DS/DS: James Andrew Hearst and Michael Robert Hearst (10)
DD: Margaret Nicole "Meg" (8)
DD: Addison Isabel (0)
Number: 21
LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (24)
-----DH: Edward William Conor (25)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (22)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (21)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (20)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (19)
DDog: Copper
DCat: Calypso
Number: (1-40) 37
Martha and Edward:

Their House:


LN: Sato
DH: Takashi Jacob "TK"
DW: Kyoko Emi
ADD: Martha Rebecca Sato (24)
-----DH: Edward William Conor (25)
ADS: Simon Alexander Sato (22)
ADD: Anna Elizabeth "Annie" Sato (21)
ADS: Tadeas Martin Sato (20)
DS: Ethan Jacob Sato (19)
DDog: Copper
DCat: Calypso
Number: (1-40) 37
Martha and Edward:

Their House:


LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (24)
-----DW: Isabel Joan Avery
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (22)
ADS: Andrew Cibran Mitchell (21)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (20)
Number: 12
LN: Mitchell
DH: Ryan Joseph
DW: Stephanie Lynn
DS: Jacob William Mitchell (24)
-----DW: Isabel Joan Avery
DD: Nora Caroline Mithell (22)
ADS: Andrew Cibran Mitchell (21)
DS/DD: Benjamin Charles Mitchell and Lena Frances Mitchell (20)
Number: 12
LN: McLeod
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
ADD: Katariina Tallinn "Kitty" Huggett (21)
-----DH: Reuben Abishai Huggett
DS: James Christopher McLeod (16)
DD/DD: Heather Jessica / Jennifer Helen (10)
Number: 23
DH: David John
DW: Claire Elizabeth
ADD: Katariina Tallinn "Kitty" Huggett (21)
-----DH: Reuben Abishai Huggett
DS: James Christopher McLeod (16)
DD/DD: Heather Jessica / Jennifer Helen (10)
Number: 23
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper-Bennett (22)
-----DH: Richard Thomas Bennett (27)
-----DD/DD: Amy Shailaya Bennett and Winona Patricia Bennett (nb)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (21)
DS: Henry James Harper (20)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada Harper and Laura Brooklyn Harper (16)
DDog: Merel
Number: 7
Liz gave birth to twin girls!

Amy and Winona Bennett

Amy and Winona's nursery
LN: Harper
DH: Charles David "Charlie"
DW: Karina Gabriella
DD: Elizabeth Abigail "Liz" Harper-Bennett (22)
-----DH: Richard Thomas Bennett (27)
-----DD/DD: Amy Shailaya Bennett and Winona Patricia Bennett (nb)
ADD: Margaret Funanya "Maggie" Harper (21)
DS: Henry James Harper (20)
DD/DD: Ivy Nevada Harper and Laura Brooklyn Harper (16)
DDog: Merel
Number: 7
Liz gave birth to twin girls!

Amy and Winona Bennett

Amy and Winona's nursery
This message was edited 5/12/2008, 3:21 AM
LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari "Antonius Block" McKay (20)
-----DH: Ichirou Yoshirou Akechi
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (17)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (15)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Octavianus" McKay (11)
DD/DD: Stephanie Patricia Mary “La duchessa” McKay and Melissa Barbara Michelle “La contessa” McKay (9)
Number: (27)
Aiko& Ichirou


Their new house



Margaret &Edward


Stefanie & Edward and their cousin William

Melissa & Margaret

LN: McKay
DH: Stephen
DW: Clementine
ADD: Aiko Naomi Hikari "Antonius Block" McKay (20)
-----DH: Ichirou Yoshirou Akechi
DS: Edward Christopher James "Caesar" McKay (17)
DD: Margaret Emily Elizabeth "Nordseelieder" McKay (15)
DS: Ingmar Sigmund Lucius "Octavianus" McKay (11)
DD/DD: Stephanie Patricia Mary “La duchessa” McKay and Melissa Barbara Michelle “La contessa” McKay (9)
Number: (27)
Aiko& Ichirou


Their new house



Margaret &Edward


Stefanie & Edward and their cousin William

Melissa & Margaret

LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (22)
-----DW: Melissa Nicole Williams-Dawson (19)
-----DS/DS: Benjamin Charles II Dawson / George Thomas Dawson
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (21)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (17)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (15)
Number: 32
LN: Dawson
DH: Benjamin Charles
DW: Angelina Margot
ADS: Julian Lanh Dawson (22)
-----DW: Melissa Nicole Williams-Dawson (19)
-----DS/DS: Benjamin Charles II Dawson / George Thomas Dawson
ADD: Katarina Ivy Dawson (21)
ADD: Emilia Cecily Dawson (17)
DD: Susannah Jane Dawson (15)
Number: 32